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Breanna Welch

UWRT 1102
April 12, 2016
Word Prompt #9:
My conversation was held in Moore Halls 6th floor common room with
Christine Johnsen. I started with a few simple questions. This conversation did help
me with my project. I got a little of what a persons point of view. This conversation
helps me shine a light on some of the students opinions and experiences with the
Carolina Panthers.
Breanna: Do you watch football on a regular basis?
Christine: Yes, I grew up watching football with my dad and my favorite
football game to watch
is the Army Navy game.
Breanna: Do you follow the Carolina Panthers?
Christine: Not really, I am more of a Chicago Bears fan. However, I did watch
the Panthers journey to the Super Bowl.
Breanna: Did you watch the Super Bowl 50?
Christine: I did watch it this year. I cheered on the Panthers because, I
wanted Peyton Manning to lose.
Breanna: Are you familiar with any of the Panthers players and their current
Christine: Not their statistics, but I am familiar with the players.
Breanna: Have you noticed an impact made by the Carolina Panthers on
campus, or Charlotte in general?
Christine: Once they were winning it seemed that people were hopping on
the bandwagon. On campus students were happy because of the deals with
Papa Johns and Krispy Kreme donuts. When the Panthers were winning it
brought everyone together. That was the positive impact. Once they lost the
Super Bowl, people were very sad. That was the negative impact.
What surprised me in this conversation was the fact that Christine knew more about
the Panthers than I originally expected. Nothing in this conversation really shocked
me. She knew a lot of what a college student at UNC Charlotte would know about
the Panthers. I learned more about how the Carolina Panthers actually impacted the
UNC Charlotte campus. I did not pay much attention to this before, but now that it
was brought up, I am looking into it some more. I will most likely add a slide about
the impact on the UNC Charlotte students because, I believe that it does matter
what the students think.

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