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Performing Arts Department

Risk Assessment: additional elements

This form template allows you to consider and assess items/practices which are not covered by the Build a warm up and
cool down into the session plan of the day. Late arrivals to warm up before taking part in activity
Keep participants warm plan continuous activity to ensure body heat is kept at a comfortable level.
First Aid trained officers and kit on site.
Participants have been advised both in writing and verbally that due to the outdoor, uneven space and improvisation
nature of some of the activity they must be aware of their own physical limits and not to over exert. central department
Risk Assessments, or which need to be assessed in a different manner for your Practice. Additional guidance on how to
fill in a Risk Assessment form is available from the department page online; the technicians can also advise and help.
If you fill in this form, you must post it on the door of the space you are using for inspection.

Module Code & Name: PA6004 Developing Professional Practice

Date/Time/Location: Sunday 27th February 201 7:30 Alexanders
Bar Rufus Court
Names/IDs of participants: Ryan Nelson 1215829; Matthew Garside

Additional Risk Assessments


Risks Arising,
to Whom

Control Measures
in place

Further Action

Foreign bodies in

Students, Staff,

Inspection of the area to

remove any objects
i.e., glass, litter.
Inform performers about
objects possibly missed
and to report immediately
to company or venue staff
for removal.

Company and Venue staff.

space with specific
regard to mobility
Table and Chairs

Performers and
audience members.

Company and Venue Staff

Site Emergencies
outside of Two
Man Riots control

Performers and

Company carry out

rehearsals to check what
space is likely to be
required. All furniture
spaced to allow maximum
mobility and excess
furniture removed from
performance space.
Evacuation procedure
verbally communicated to
company by Venue Staff to
implement if necessary.
Students, Staff and
Observers to be removed
from site.

Cuts, bruising,
falling, infection/
bodies clashing

Company and Venue Staff

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