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Bilingual Education: Is It Worth It?

By: Emily Duke

As duel language speaking is ever increasing in our country, bilingual education is
becoming a hot topic is todays educational world. English learner numbers are increasingly
popular in classrooms today and these students need special instruction. As this student
population grows in popularity, bilingual education is becoming a very prominent part of
educational discussion. Bilingual education has it pros and cons, but is overall extremely
beneficial for those students who are English learners.
In todays society there is an ever increasing need for specified education for those
students who do speak multiple languages. Bilingual education is defined as having students
receiving educational instruction in two languages simultaneously. While this might seem like a
lot for the student, it actually is very beneficial for those who are learning English as a second
language. Having students learn concepts in their native language thoroughly, then incorporating aspects of English, ensures these students are learning the content.
Bilingual education is beneficial for students who are not native English speakers for
multiple reasons. To begin, students cannot learn the content if they do not understand the
language, therefore teaching to it to them in their native language is much more useful for them.
Also, concepts taught in their native language can be easily transferred to their second language
rather than vice-versa. When students are taught in their first speaking language then in English,
it will help them to develop both more knowledge and literacy skills. Bilingual education allows
for language development in both languages and eventually leads to the student becoming
fluent in each of them.
Overall, bilingual education is beneficial for most students who are learning English as a
second language. Although, this might not be ideal for all schools, when implemented the
effects are positive on English learners. As EL students are becoming more and more popular in
classrooms across the country, an attention to their needs is ever more increasing. Bilingual
education allows them the opportunity to learn and develop in their native language, then
transfer those skills that are acquired to learning English. Bilingualism in an educational
instructional setting is beneficial for English learners.

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