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Divine Word College of Calapan

Liberal Arts Department

Name (optional): ________________________ Age: ________

Course: _____________________ Year: _________ Gender: ______

Analysis of the Level of Satisfaction of Selected Calapenos

on the 10 Minute Service of the Registars Office of the
City Government of Calapan
Rate the level of your satisfaction to the following aspects
of the 10 Minute Service. Encircle the number that best
describes your answer.
5- Excellent

3- Satisfactory

4- Very satisfactory

2- Fair

1.Physical appearance of the


staff and contact personnel

2.Equipment and physical facilities
of the establishment where the
service is offered
3.Performance of the promised service
on time
4.Ability to provide correct and
error-free records and documents
5.Willingness of the staff to help
and provide prompt service

6.Ability of staff in handling and

recovering from mistakes

7.Trust worthiness, believability and
personality of the contact personnel
8.Physical safety and security system
of the establishment where the
service is offered
9.Location of service facility and
convenience of operation hours
10.Ability of the staff to adjust to
different customers and explain
properly the expenses and
requirements in availing the documents

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