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Inquiry (5E) Lesson Plan Template

Clarissa Jaucian
Common Core State Standards:



Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets
to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world
and mathematical problems. (6.G.A.4)
Speaking and Listening:
1) Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own
a) Come to discussions prepared having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under
b) Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as
c) Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that
contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
d) Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through
reflection and paraphrasing. (6.SL.1)
ISTE Standards for Teachers:
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and
Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual
understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
Objective (Explicit):

I can label nets that will become a cube and nets that do not.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response

Mastery will be achieved by finding at least 5 nets out of the 11 possible solutions.

6 11 = Exceeds
5 = Meets
4 = Approaches
3 1 = Falls Far Below

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (knowledge, skill, purpose):

How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
SWBAT define net.
SWBAT design a net to represent a cube.
SWBAT determine if a net will fold to make a cube.
SWBAT explain common characteristics of net solutions.
Key vocabulary:
Writing Utensil
Cube a three-dimensional shape that is made
up of squares.
Graphing Paper
Net a two-dimensional pattern that can be
Building a Box Worksheet*
folded into a three-dimensional shape.
Sticky Notes
Exit Ticket*
How will you activate prior knowledge?
How will you hook student attention?

What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?

Teacher Will: (10 minutes)

Students Will:
Say, Ok room 19, it is time for math. We will
Listen quietly while the learning and
be challenging our brains to see everyday
behavior expectations are defined.
shapes in new ways. But challenges are what
Listen as days standard, objective and
make our brains stronger, and I know that
agenda are covered.
everyone of you will be successful! To be
Raise their hand to share their explanation
successful you will need to be SLANTING,
with the class.
with your ears open and eyes on me.
Listen quietly as teacher defines net.
Review the standard, objective and lesson
Say, Last week we started to talk about 3dimensional shapes and their surfaces. Today
we are going even more in depth. But first, why
do you think we should care about 3dimensional shapes?
Wait for students to raise hands, call on students
to share.
Say, Our whole world is made up of 3dimensional geometric shapes. The chair you
are sitting on, the tv you watch netflix on, the
football your use at recessSomeone used
their imagination to design and build those 3dimensional objects. But first they had to
design a 2-dimensional pattern in which to
build the 3-dimensional shape, this pattern is
called a net.
Read definition from Slide 3, a twodimensional pattern that can be folded into a
three-dimensional shape.
Say, We just defined what a net is, now lets
explore how to actually design a net by looking
at our challenge.
How will you model your performance expectations? (remember you are not modeling what you
want students to discover but need to model expected behavior or required procedures).
How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them
answer the question posed in the Engage?
What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are exploring?
Teacher Will: (20 minutes)
Students Will:
Hand out Building A Box worksheet.
Listen as teacher explains performance
Say, While I am reading the challenge outloud,
Follow along as teacher reads, Building A
I want everyone to be following along. Either
read along using your own worksheet or the one
that is shown on the SmartBoard. This is not the
Raise hand to answer teacher question.
time to talk with your neighbor or make faces at
Say, Designing as many nets as possible.
the table next to you. Take responsibility for
Listen as teacher explains and models
your learning and make sure you are focusing
on the challenge I am giving you.
Give repeated responses to show attention
Read, Building a Box, from Slide 4 aloud.
and understanding.
Ask, What is the challenge we have been
Listen as teacher explains behavior

Wait for student response.
Work in groups to design and record net
Say, In your groups, you will be designing nets
that will form a cube. What are you doing?
Show a net design that has been drawn on the
grid paper.
Wait for students to say, Designing nets that
will form a cube.
Hold up grid paper and say, You will draw
your design first, then cut it out. Repeat that for
Wait for students to say, Draw your design and
then cut it out.
Say, Next, you will fold your net to determine
if it forms a cube. If it forms a cube you will
record your design on the graph paper. What do
I do if my design folds into a cube?
Wait for students to say, Record the design on
the graph paper.
Say, Lastly, the grid paper, the graph paper and
the scissors are tools to help your exploration.
As such I expect you to use them appropriately.
Which means, I do not want to see paper being
thrown around, drawings other than a net on
your grid or graph paper, or scissors being used
in a way other than what I described.
Give students time to come up with as many
solutions as possible.
Circulate and ask guiding questions.
Make sure all students are on task and
Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Teachers will use the One Teach/One Observe model. Student Teacher will lead instruction, with
Mentor Teacher observing.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
Angel at Table 5 has a hard time staying in his seat, he does not work with groups and works better
alone. Challenge him to draw the 3-dimensional shapes first. He will need additional scaffolding to
reach the lesson objective. Give him a worksheet that already has 3 designs drawn on it, his
worksheet will inform him that there are a total of 11 possibilities.
Robert at Table 6 will not participate with his group and will attempt to talk with students at Table 1.
He has a hard time keeping pace with the lesson and following directions. He will need to be given
directions in a 1-on-1 setting. Move him to the back table with a worksheet that has all of the
solutions on the page. Let him draw the designs that he wants to fold and manipulate.
Jessie at Table 3 is at a lower mathematical skill level than the rest of her table. If she is struggling to
participate with her group, give her a couple of design ideas. Circulate towards her group to make
sure that she has a chance to understand the content. If she needs additional support, give her a
worksheet with additional designs upon it. Let her give these as suggestions to her group.
Students needing a challenge will be asked to compare their designs, Are the designs truly different
or are they the same but mirrored or rotated?

How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives
by answering the question from the Engage before moving on?
Teacher Will: (10 minutes)
Students Will:
Say, You have just spent time designing nets
Listen quietly as teacher talks about the
and determining if they would fold into cubes.
next task.
Now we are going to share solutions and see
Quietly raise hands to share group
how many solutions your groups were able to
come up with.
Write a check mark next to solutions that
Pull up the solutions slide.
were found using the SmartBoard.
Say, While we are discussing solutions and the
Listen quietly and participate appropriately
characteristics we used to design nets, every
to class discussion.
student will be tracking the table that is
presenting. This means that your pencils are
down, your bodies and eyes are on the presenter
and your voices are off.
Call on tables to send a representative to the
Say, Put a check mark next to every solution
that your table was able to find. Then call on
another table to come up and add their
Give every table a chance to add their check
marks to the Smart Board.
Ask, Why do you think that some solutions
were discovered by a number of tables and
others were not?
Call on students to share their thoughts.
Ask, What are some of the common
characteristics of the nets you created?
Call on groups to share.
Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
One Teach/One Observe
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
Angel at Table 5 does not like group discussions, if he is working quietly he can continue to
manipulate the materials and create cubes.
Robert at Table 6 will not participate with his group and will attempt to talk with students at Table 1,
he will occasionally participate in group discussions. If he does want to participate, quietly remind
him of the discussion protocols. Preferably, aside from other students noticing, in a 1-on-1 setting. If
he does not want to participate and he is quietly working with the materials to create designs and
cubes, let him continue until it is time for the lesson reflection.
Jessie at Table 3 has a hard time asking for help in a whole class setting. Make sure to check in with
her to ensure that she is being successful. If she has questions or problems give her some 1-on-1 time;
help her to verbalize what she has found and what her group has discussed.
Students that need an additional challenge will be asked to find designs that will not form a cube. Ask
them to explain, Why?.

How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or
explore a particular aspect of this learning at a deep level?
How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to
pose a What If? Question)?
How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?
Teacher Will: (10 minutes)
Students Will:
Say, Today we have defined what a net is, we
Listen for lesson reflection.
came up with several different nets for a cube,
Write lesson objective reflection on sticky
and we learned how to determine if a net will
note, using at least 2 sentences.
make a cube. Now, lets look back at our
Keep sticky note to hand in with Exit
standard and objective. Did we meet our lesson
objective? I can label nets that will become a
cube and nets that do not.
Say, I want you to reflect upon todays lesson.
On the sticky note I am handing out I want you
to write at least 2 sentences about how you met
todays objective.
Remind students that this is an individual task,
they do not need to talk while completing the
sticky notes, and all sticky notes will be handed
in with the Exit Ticket.
Co-Teaching Strategy
What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Teachers will use the One Teach/One Observe model. Student Teacher will lead instruction, with
Mentor Teacher observing.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
Students who finish early will be given the Exit Ticket to complete.
Angel at Table 5 has a hard time staying focused and may have difficulties in writing his thoughts on
the sticky note. If he has not written anything by the time the Exit Tickets are being handed out, pull
him aside before he rotates and let him verbalize how he met the lesson objective.
Robert at Table 6 does not like to write and has difficulties expressing himself in writing. If he has
not written anything by the time the Exit Tickets are being handed out, pull him aside before he
rotates and let him verbalize how he met the lesson objective.
Jessie at Table 3 may struggle to complete sticky note, check on her during the assigned time. If she
has not written anything, find out what she is struggling with (i.e., writing problems, issues
converting thoughts into words, or competely lost). Adjust activity based upon how she is struggling.
How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the
elaborate content)?
How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the
Teacher Will: (10 minutes)
Students Will:
Say, Its time to show what you know, take a
Listen quietly as teacher hands out Exit
deep breath. You will all do great!
Hand out Exit Ticket to all students.
Show mastery through completing the Exit
Walk around and keep students on task.
Answer questions as necessary.
Work quietly and individually.
Turn in Exit Ticket to rotate.

Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
Students who have completed the Exit Ticket early can start working on the Extra Credit Packet.
Robert, Angel and Jessie may need additional time completing the Exit Ticket. If they have time to
stay a little longer, move them to the back table.
*Lesson idea (worksheets and quiz):
Illuminations -
Math Salamanders -
Numeracy Resources

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