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Emerging Technologies in My Future Classroom

Michelle Sanchez
College of Southern Nevada



This paper explores the three pieces of emerging technologies I would most want for my future
fourth grade classroom. In combination with the textbook, my own opinions and thoughts, and
other resources, Ive researched how each of the selected technologies work, the impact on the
teaching process, the impact on the learning process, how it can be integrated at different grade
levels, and the benefits for classroom use. Ive selected the electronic white board, a video
conferencing system, and a classroom response system (clicker) to be used in my future
classroom. An Electronic Whiteboard is a peripheral type of digital technology. It is a surface
that can display, save, print, and offers interaction with digital projections. A Video Conferencing
System is a stand-alone type of digital technology. This system provides audio and video digital
system that supports real-time remote classroom interaction. A classroom response system
(clicker) gathers instant feedback from student responses. This paper examines these
technologies more in depth.
Keywords: emerging technologies, education, technology, electronic whiteboard, video
conferencing system, clicker

Emerging Technologies in My Future Classroom



As defined by George Veletsianos, emerging technologies describe new tools with

promising potential. (Veletsianos, 2010) We live in a world where the majority of what we use
is technology. This technology that we use is always changing, improving, and becoming even
much more prevalent in our lives. There are so many kinds of technologies that affect our
everyday lives.
After considering the various types of digital technologies: peripheral, stand-alone, and
mobile - the three pieces of emerging technologies I would most want for my future fourth grade
classroom are an electronic white board, a video conferencing system, and a classroom response
system (clicker). An Electronic Whiteboard is a peripheral type of digital technology. It is a
surface that can display, save, print, and offers interaction with digital projections. A Video
Conferencing System is a stand-alone type of digital technology. This system provides audio and
video digital system that supports real-time remote classroom interaction. A classroom response
system (clicker) gathers instant feedback from student responses.
Electronic Whiteboard
While working on Project 3 Emerging Technologies, as well as reading through the texts I was
able to learn the basics of how an electronic whiteboard works, the impact in the teaching and
learning process, the benefits for classroom use, and how it can be integrated for different grade
levels. An Electronic Whiteboard is a peripheral type of digital technology. It is a surface that can
display, save, print, and offers interaction with digital projections. Electronic Whiteboards can
also be connected to the Internet. An example, the SMART Board is an Electronic Whiteboard. I
would love to have this in my future classroom, I saw it used in the classroom I observed and it
was such an interactive classroom tool! An Electronic Whiteboard is so versatile and multi-


functional. It is used as a whiteboard, a projector, and a computer. When teaching ANY subject,
it is quite useful.
How it works
As defined in the textbooks glossary, an electronic whiteboard is a combination of
computer technology with a whiteboard display. It offers a variety of capabilities. Many not only
display information but also capture the information written on them as a computer file. A digital
projector can project the image on the computer screen onto the board, where it can become a
large touch screen to which the computer will respond. (Lever-Duffy, & McDonald, 2015)
The Impact on the Teaching Process
The electronic whiteboard impacts the teaching process. Before, you would write on a
chalk board or a white board and not be able to save what lessons were taught in chalk or
erasable markers. Whereas now, an electronic white board allows the teacher to save, print, edit,
review, share, display, and use the information in other documents or files. This also allows the
teacher to bring in distant guest speakers or help a student who missed a class receive the lesson
that was missed.
The Impact on the Learning Process
The electronic whiteboard impacts the learning process. If the student missed a class, the
teacher has the option of providing them with the information saved. It can also be extremely
beneficial to students with special needs and students with varied learning styles. The student
also has the opportunity to physically interact with the information displayed. It can engage the


learners by showing them the choices and outcomes of the interactivity. (Lever-Duffy, &
McDonald, 2015)
Integrated at Different Grade Levels
The electronic whiteboard can be integrated in the classroom for different grade levels. In
elementary school, the teacher can create interactive lessons for the students to come to the board
to be physically engaged in the lesson. In middle school, the teacher can create assignments
where the student will be able to utilize the board first hand. In high school, the teacher can
create interactive lessons and assignments for the students to present on the board.
Benefits for Classroom Use
The electronic whiteboard has many benefits for classroom use. It is pretty much an
enormous tablet that is easy for teachers and students to use. It is helpful during lesson planning
in saving whatever information displayed for a later use. Another benefit is that it engages
students in active and interactive learning, by utilizing the board. A teacher also said, It is
interactive. Users can be contributing directly by input both at the computer and at the board.
The combination I liked best was for the teacher to be stationed at the computer, with students at
the board and in the class offering suggestions and physically contributing ideas and actions. The
interaction that transpires between the person at the computer, the users at the board, and the
computer itself is a unique and very adaptable arrangement. (Dr. Bell, 2002)

Video Conferencing System


While working on Project 3 Emerging Technologies, as well as reading through the

texts I was able to learn the basics of how a video conferencing system works, the impact in the
teaching and learning process, the benefits for classroom use, and how it can be integrated for
different grade levels. A Video Conferencing System is a stand-alone type of digital technology.
This system provides audio and video digital system that supports real-time remote classroom
interaction. In my future classroom I would use the video conferencing system to connect with
my students who may have been absent, sick, and/or need more assistance at home. I would
utilize this system as a sort of "Homework Hotline" for my classroom and I would make the
video conferencing available only during a set time so children with permission and access can
receive that additional help.
How it works
As defined in the textbooks glossary, a video conferencing system is hardware that
enables users at either end of the connection to both see and hear each other, can range from lowtech webcams to high-definition studio-quality cameras and support equipment. (Lever-Duffy, &
McDonald, 2015) According to a Turkish study by Karal, The e-learning model (referring to
video conferencing) is implemented using two different methods, synchronous and
asynchronous. The synchronous model enables a teacher and student to communicate in real
time, though different spaces. The asynchronous model is defined as an e-learning model in
which the student and teacher do not have to communicate in real time, and provides an
opportunity for the learner to complete his/her education at his/her own learning speed and time
(Horton, 2000; Rosenberg, 2001). (Karal, 2011)


The Impact on the Teaching Process

A video conferencing system impacts the teaching process. A teacher can bring live, fully
interactive instruction from the school or their home to the childs home. If a student is homebound, the teacher can reach that student through video conferencing; you are globally
The Impact on the Learning Process
A video conferencing system impacts the teaching process. A student is able to be on the
receiving end of the video conference. If a child is sick, home bound, needs extra assistance, etc.
they can still get the education they would have missed without this technology.
Integrated at Different Grade Levels
A video conferencing system can be integrated into the classroom at different grade
levels. In elementary school through high school and into higher education it can be used for
small group, long distance, and homebound learning and teaching.
Benefits for Classroom Use
A video conferencing system has many benefits for classroom use. Bill Ferriter said, the
work being done with video conferencing in education is as diverse as the teachers who have
embraced synchronous learning opportunities as a way to break down the walls of their schools.
Here are three examples of school-based video conferencing worth exploring: connecting
students to build cultural understanding, introducing students to recognized experts, and reaching
homebound students. (Ferriter, date unknown) These are some of the benefits that can be
brought into the classroom.


Classroom Response System (Clicker)

A classroom response system (clicker) gathers instant feedback from student responses.
During a lesson student can use the clickers to respond to questions and their understanding of
the material will be collected, analyzed, and maybe used to extend instruction on the material.
The clicker can be used and conjunction with the electronic whiteboard during lesson. This
serves as an anonymous "thumbs up if you get it" or a "thumbs down if you need this repeated."
How it works
As defined in the text, classroom response systems, also called clickers, are wireless
mobile devices that can be used to obtain instantaneous feedback from students who use a
remote feedback device thats is connected via infrared, radio-frequency, or WiFi technology to
the teachers workstation. (Lever-Duffy, 2015)
The Impact on the Teaching Process
A clicker has an impact on the teaching process. During a lesson each student will have a
clicker. During the lesson, the teacher can ask for responses from the students and the responses
are automatically received. With the feedback, the teacher can extend, modify, and add to a
The Impact on the Learning Process
A clicker has an impact on the learning process. During a lesson, the student will have the
ability to respond to a question during the lesson without fear of being wrong, or judged by his


Integrated at Different Grade Levels

A clicker can be integrated into the classroom at different grade levels. It can be used
similarly from elementary school through high school, into college. For an elementary school
classroom, they can use it as a thumbs up/down response. In middle school and high school, it
can be used in forms such as trivia games!
Benefits for Classroom Use
A clicker can have many benefits in the classroom. As Bruff said, Clickers promote
active participation, engagement, and discussion among all students, even those who might not
participate in typical class-wide discussions. Clickers can also be assessment tools, providing
students with useful and motivational feedback on their own learning, and providing instructors
with information about student learning that helps them respond to immediate student learning
The three pieces of emerging technologies I would most want for my future fourth grade
classroom are an electronic white board, a video conferencing system, and a classroom response
system (clicker). Who knows what emerging technologies will be available when Im a teacher,
but these are great pieces of technology that, I feel, will still have a significant role in the
classrooms. John Palfrey said, Television didnt transform education. Neither will the internet.
But it will be another tool for teachers to use in their effort to reach students in the classroom. It
will also be a means by which students learn outside the classroom. With all this technology, we
must not get lazy as educators, but be inspired and be much more creative with our teaching
styles by using technology to adapt to our 21st century learners and those after.



Bell, D. A. (2002, January). Teacher Feature... Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard? A Bakers
Dozen Reasons! Teachers.Net Gazette. Retrieved March 25, 2016, from
Bruff, D. (n.d.). Clickers and Classroom Dynamics. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from
Ferriter, B. (n.d.). Using Video Conferencing to Connect Your Class to the World. Retrieved
March 26, 2016, from
Karal, H., ebi, A., & Yigit, E. T. U. R. G. U. T. (2011). Perceptions of students who take
synchronous courses through video conferencing about distance education.TOJET : The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4) Retrieved from
Lever-Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. B. (2015). Technology in the Classroom. In Teaching and
Learning with Technology (5th ed., pp. 119-143). Multiple Cities: Pearson.
Palfrey, J. G., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital
Natives. New York: Basic Books.
Veletsianos, G (2010) A definition of emerging technologies for education. In: Veletsianos, G
(ed.) Emerging Technologies in Education. Edmonton, CA: Athabasca University Press, pp.322.

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