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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 13, 2016

Why should we give up the attitude of criticism completely? Bhagawan lovingly

reminds us today.

Embodiments of Love, God is present in everyone. He

resides in every heart. So do not confine God to a temple,
a mosque or a church. Where a human is, there God is.
God takes the form of a human (Daivam manusha
rupena). As you forget and do not realise this important
fact, you indulge in criticism of others. Whom are you
criticising? Whom do you adore? Enquire for yourself.
God is present in all. If you criticise others, you criticise
God. Whoever you salute, it reaches God(Sarva jeeva
namaskaram Keshavam prati gacchati) and whoever you
insult or ridicule, it also reaches God! (Sarva jeeva
thiraskaram Keshavam prati gacchati). Right from this
moment, embark on a new life giving up bad thoughts and
evil qualities. Purify your heart. Let your thoughts, words
and deeds be sacred. Only then will your life be blissful.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 13, 2002.

First weed out the evil thoughts and bad habits. Second, cultivate good habits. Baba

13 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,dUijAW dI nukqw-cInI krn dw Awpxw rvYeIAw,pUrI qrHW ikauN C`f
dyxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr:pRym srUpo[ Bgvwn,hr cIz iv`c ivrwjmwn hn[auh,hr iek dy idl
iv`c vws krdy hn[ies leI,ieh nw soco ik Bgvwn kyvl ,mMdRW,msjdW jW
crcW iv`c hI rihMdy hn[ij`Qy mnu`K hY,auQy Bgvwn hn[Bgvwn,mnu`K dw rUp
Dwrx krdy hn[ikauN jo qusIN,ies scweI nUM Bu`l jWdy ho,qusIN,dUijAW dI

nukqw-cInI krdy ho[qusIN,iks dI nukqw-cInI kr rhy ho?qusIN,iks dI pUjw

krdy ho?ies pRSn dw au`qr Awpxy koloN pu`Co[eISvr,hr iek iv`c ivrwjmwn
hn[jy qusIN,iksy dI nukqw-cInI krdy ho,qW smJo ik qusIN ,Bgvwn dI hI
nukqw-cInI krdy ho[qusIN,ijs nUM vI pRxwm kro,auh Bgvwn nUM hI pu`j jWdw hY
Aqy qusIN,ijs dI vI bdKoeI krdy ho jW byie`zqI krdy ho,auh vI Bgvwn nUM hI
pu`j jWdI hY[A`j qoN hI ,Awpxw nvW jIvn SurU kro Aqy bury ivcwrW Aqy mwVy
guxW dw iqAwg kr dau[Awpxy ihrdy nUM,piv`qr kro[ Awpxy mn,vcn Aqy
krmW nUM,piv`qr bxwau[ies qrHW krn nwl hI quhwfw jIvn,AwnMd BirAw ho
jwvy gw[(13 ApRYl,2002 dy idvX pRvcn)[
pihlW,Awpxy mwVy ivcwrW Aqy mwVIAW AwdqW nUM C`fo Aqy bwd iv`c,cMgIAW
AwdqW nUM Apnwau[(bwbw)[

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