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VanderMolen Heroes Student Leadership

Team Personal Commitment Statement

Name: ____________________________ Grade:________ Teacher: _________________

Please take a moment to read the following:

Being on the VanderMolen Heroes Student Leadership Team (VSLT) will be a
lot of fun, but also a huge responsibility for both the student and the
parent(s). As a student leader, you will be responsible for attending meetings
and some school events. Parents should make sure their children have
reliable transportation to get to and from school on these days.
If your child misses more than three meetings/events within the year (during
on track times), they may be asked to step down from their position on the
leadership team. Students are encouraged to attend meetings while off
track if possible.
If you have read and understand the above clearly and are willing to accept
the challenge, which will be a fun and rewarding experience, then please
sign the bottom and welcome to the Student Leadership Team!
Ms. Myers, Ms. Hayashibara, and Mr. Sintek

Student Name _____________________________________________

Student Signature __________________________________________

Parent Name ______________________________________________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________

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