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Leadership Survey

January/February 2016
For each of the questions below, please rate your current feelings by circling one number
in each category. A 5 shows that you strongly agree, a 3 shows that you somewhat
agree, and a 1 shows that you strongly disagree. Please be as honest as possible.

1. I have greatly enjoyed being part of

student leadership.

2. I feel I have positively contributed to

my school environment.

3. I feel that others see me as a leader

both in my class and around campus.

4. I feel that I have learned important

leadership skills that will help me in the future.

5. I feel that my opinions are valued and

listened to by other students and teachers
in the leadership group.

6. I feel that there is more I can do as a

student leader.

Please answer the following two questions in complete sentences.

What do you plan on doing with the skills youve learned from your leadership
experience in the future?
What else do you hope to accomplish this year in leadership?


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