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ISBN 978-1-84626-xxx-x

Proceedings of 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Science
(CCHS 2011)
Cairo, Egypt, October, 2011, pp. xxx-xxx

A Study on the Islamic Tourism:

An Experience of Malaysian View
Siti Anis Laderlah 1, Suhaimi Ab Rahman 2 and Khairil Awang 3

Masters student, Halal Product Research Institute, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,

Core Faculty Members, Graduate School of Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,

Abstract. Malaysia as an Islamic country is not underestimating to promote tourism in the universe. There
are numerous strategies provided by the government to promote Malaysia tourism including religious
tourism and cultural tourism. Malaysia is a multicultural country consisting a variety of races and religions
living together in a peaceful and harmony country such as Moslem, Christian, Hindus and Buddhist. While
there are a lot of tourism studies focus on religions, but Islam has been ignored. This happens because the
research on Islamic studies is not inclines to the industrial practices such as tourism industry. Even though it
was happen, many Moslem travelers prefer to visit Malaysia because the needs of Moslem are catered. It was
reported that in 2009, a total of Arab tourists was 284, 890 visited Malaysia for different reasons such as
shopping, studying and experiencing the multicultural fiesta. As such, this study is an effort to characterize
the concept of Islamic Tourism that focused on Malaysia environment. Using a qualitative approach, the data
was collected from books, journals, magazines and documents to gain the information. This will contribute
towards a better understanding about Islamic tourism to travelers as whole especially Moslem travelers either
inbound or outbound.
Keywords: Islamic country, religious tourism, cultural tourism, Moslem travelers, Arab tourists, Malaysia,
Islamic tourism, inbound and outbound.

1. Introduction

Tourism is the second highest foreign exchange earner in Malaysia. Tourism also is a major market
in the Islamic countries (Hanie, 2010) even though most of them are third-world countries. Malaysians
population of Moslem 60% which is the highest population compared to other religions. By side, United
Malays National Organization (UMNO) was claimed Malaysia as an Islamic country even though this
proclamation is not agreed upon non-Moslems and most Moslem scholars. Moreover, Malaysia does not put
into Islamic laws practices in the legislation.
In fact, there are several characteristics of Islamic country in Malaysia. Firstly, the country is
controlled by Moslem leader and most of the habitants are Moslem and they leave in peace and harmony.
The range of Moslem population of the country is between 55% to almost 100%. Fascinatingly, Islam was
chose as an official religion in Malaysia and the constitution of the country is based on Islamic teaching.
Likewise, Malaysia is a member of Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) which has 57 country
members. Like Malaysia, there are varieties of tourism products supported by the government to attract
tourist both inbound and outbound. The trend after the tragedy of September 11 th 2001, many tourists prefer
to travel to Islamic countries rather than non-Islamic countries. In 2004, there are four well-known tourists
destinations at Islamic countries which are Morocco, Egypt, Malaysia and Turkey which have attracted
particularly 17.5 million Westerners (Al-Hamarneh and Steiner, 2004 cited by Noor Hazarina, H. __).
Moreover, the numbers of Islamic countries participated in tourism were increase in 2006 when 10 Islamic

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countries were chose among 38 countries over the world as worlds top emerging tourism destination by
World Tourism Organization.

2. Malaysia
Malaysia is situated in Southeast Asia. The pattern of Malaysias government is federal constitutional
monarchy. Malaysia consists of thirteen states and it is separated by the South China Sea into two regions,
Peninsular Malaysia (Johor, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Kedah, Pulau Pinang,
Kelantan and Terengganu) and Malaysian Borneo (Sabah, and Sarawak). Malaysia land borders are shared with
Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Philippines. The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur,
while Putrajaya is the seat of the federal government. The Malaysia population is over 27.5 million. The majority
population is Moslem (60.4%) compared to other religions such as Hindus (6.3%), Christian (9.1%) and Buddhist
(19.2%) (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs). Since independence on 1957, Malaysia has had one of the best
economic records in Asia, with GDP growing an average 6.5% for almost 50 years. The economy has traditionally been
fuelled by its natural resources, but is now expanding in the sectors of tourism, science and commerce. The head of state
is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, who is a Moslem leader and he will be changed every five years by rotation. The head
of government is the Prime Minister. The uniqueness of Malaysia is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. So, it
influences the culture of Malaysian and play a large role in politics. Now, Malaysia is a member of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and a member of
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Commonwealth of Nations, and also the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM).

Most of Islamic countries in the world are under development or third-world country. These
countries have ample of natural sources such as oil and gas, mountains, islands and beaches. However, most
of them are unattractive to be visited by tourists because of many factors. Moreover, the critical problems of
the Moslem society and economy such as poverty, destitution and lack of facilities are making them
uninviting tourists to visit their countries. Consequently, the breed beggars and criminals increase. Other than
that, most of Islamic countries are involve in war and riot such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen, which
the places are unsafe and unsecured towards society and also visitors. The other factor is a lack of promotion
on tourism to visit Islamic countries. Malaysia is one of the Islamic countries which the government is very
concern on the tourism industry. Tourism is now the second largest foreign earner for Malaysia, contributing
RM56.4 billion in revenue last year with 24.6 million tourist arrivals (Bernama, 2011). The Minister of
tourism industry, Dr Ng Yen Yen said that Islamic tourism was a major product in Malaysia. The
Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) has been appointed to promote this type of
tourism in order to increase the growth of countrys economic. In addition, Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) had
been set up by the Ministry of tourism to promote tourism in Islamic countries in the world (Bernama, 2009).
Malaysia government was appointing Tabung Haji Travel to operate and manage pilgrimage activity
among Malaysian Moslem. Saudi government was quote 1% pilgrims of the countrys population every year.
Tabung Haji is under controlled by Prime Ministers Department (JPM), the Department of Waqaf, Zakat and
Haji (JAWHAR) to ensure that the administration of waqf property, charity and pilgrimage more structured,
systematic and effective.

3. Concept of Islamic Tourism

Islam is a way of line, and it is not simply as religions are. Islam was beginning since the Prophet Adam A.S
was thrown into earth from heaven. Then, the golden time of Islam was starting at the last prophet in the world, the
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Hence, Islam will be splitting in the humankind when Moslem population will increase
into 30% in 2025 of worlds population. In Islam, knowledge is very wide, and the Creator (Allah) is the Most
knowledgeable and Omniscient, Quran [2:255]. So, human as caliphs in this world should know, study and

explore all the creations that have been created bu Allah. Thus, the journey in this world will release mind
when gain more knowledge and information. With that, they must tell the world about the magnificence that
have been explored and studied sincerely. In fact, this is a new way of ibadah and dawah. Ibadah refer to
any The Ibadah is a noun (word) that includes everything that Allah (S.W.T.) loves and accepts from
saying and the physical acts; the hidden (acts by heart) and openly (acts by limbs). The acts by limbs
include the prayer, Zakah, fasting, hajj, truthfulness, loyalty, kindness with parents, having good accord with
relatives, keeping promises, ordering what is good and forbidding from what is evil, fighting against the
kuffar and the hypocrites, kindness with the neighbor, with the orphan, with the poor, with the wayfarer, with
the animals, supplication, remembering Allah, reciting Quran, and all things of this nature are from Ibadah.
Dawah means to invite. Essentially, da'wah has two dimensions which is external and internal. External
da'wah is to invite non-Muslims to Islam and teach them about Islamic beliefs and practices. However,

internal da'wah means to teach Muslims about aspects of Islam such as the necessity of patience, obedience
to Allah, love for the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), understand the virtues of the
Companions (Sahaba), examine the history of Islam and learn what is required from one by Islamic Law. It is
clear to see that tourism is a branch of knowledge in Islam, which gives benefits to human. However, this
type of knowledge and practices nowadays is based on Westerners concept and not parallel to Islamic
teaching at all. Despite that it comes from Islamic history, which should relate to Ibadah and Dawah.
The Islamic concept of tourism is merely with the concept of business because in Islamic tourism,
the sacred goals and the main purpose are for submission to Allahs way. Moreover, the purpose of traveling
is necessary rather than activities and destinations. Thus, Din (1989) categorized Islamic tourism as
purposeful tourism because the tourists are motivated to get pleasure and blessing from Allah. In the same
way with the main purpose of business, this is mainly for having a blessing from Allah. Therefore, Moslem
should follow the command from Allah, avoid His prohibition (Amr maruf nahi mungkar) and practice the
sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in daily life.
From Islamic point of view, tourism activity is flexible, because it depends on several factors. The
most important factors in Islamic tourism are the purpose or intention of traveling, the destinations, the
activities and the time frame. Firstly, Islamic tourism does not limit the intention of travelers who want to go
to travel as long as not contradict to Islamic teaching. If the purpose of traveling is exceeding the Islamic
guideline, it become waste or considers Haram, which does not gain any rewards. This situation shows the
power of intention (niyyah) is remarkable in any action which is stressed by Prophet Muhammad, such
narrated by Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, says: "Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each
man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his
migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain,
or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated." (Hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari &
Muslim). In Islam, the awful intention will be counted when it followed by the actions. In the other hand, the
righteousness objective, will be rewarded even though it does not followed by the action. Secondly, Islam
encourages Moslems to visit spaces or to leave their hometown to gain more knowledge and experience.
There are multiple aims of the journey such as working, relaxing, enjoying and studying. There are a lot of
benefits when going to travel, like it may increase the faith (iman) level of Moslem by appreciate and
grateful of Gods creation. Human also can observe the uniqueness and beautifulness of the creations flora
and fauna in the planet. Other than that, travel also may help to strengthen the relationship among relatives
and friends (Din, 1989).
Actually, travel in Islam is not a short-term journey or temporary journey, but it is a long-term
journey in life. Live in the world is momentary. The everlasting life of human is in the hereafter. Moslem
should behave as a good Moslem to have a better life in the henceforward. Westerner describes tourism, as
the sum of the phenomena and relationship between travel and stay of non-resident, and not leads to
permanent and also not related to any earning activities (Bukart and Medlik, 1992). Then, traveling for
working purpose is not included in tourism definition. However, in Islamic point of view, working is
included in tourism definition because business is a type of work and the aim of business is to earn profits.
Islam encourages Moslem to do business accordance to Islamic teaching. Furthermore, the obligatory
Moslem duties during traveling are same as usual, but there is some lightness (rukhsah) for tourists in order
to perform their duties such as shorten and combine prayers (Jama and Qasar), tayammum, and break
fasting in Ramadhan. In addition, travelers have a right to get the donations.
Abdel-Sahib Al-Shakry, a publisher of the magazines Islamic Tourism explicate about the Islamic
definition in the tourism context. He described Islamic Tourism into nine points and Ala Hamarneh was
compressed into three main points. First, the revival of Islamic cultures and the spread of Islamic values;
second, economic benefit for Islamic societies; and third, the strengthening of Islamic self-confidence,
identify and beliefs in the face of negative stereotyping in comparison to other cultures and lifestyle.
Nevertheless, the purpose of Islamic tourism is not to change the existing tourism practices today.
Islamic tourism is actually creates more opportunities for economic growth of the country (Ala Hamarneh &
Steiner 2004) and it is very flexible. It means that, the Islamic tourism practice is not only for Islamic
country simply and for Moslem, but it also can be practiced by other non-Islamic country and non-Moslem.
Islamic tourism practices may conform and suite to the culture and taboos of the society and community as a
whole. However, this practice will be differed to one another places because of different environment and
cultures. Din (1989) proposed 3 general directions in the Moslem destination which are; discouraged country
such as Libya; Laissez faire attitude such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia and
Indonesia; accomoditionist control country such as Saudi Arabia and Maldives. In short, Islamic tourism in

Malaysia is unique from other Islamic countries because it relay on religious tourism, cultural tourism and
also spiritual tourism. Therefore, religion, culture and spiritual are the most important components in Islamic
tourism development in Malaysia.
2.1 Religious Tourism
Tourism is always affected by religions including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism,
Judaism and other religions (ibid; Shani, Rivera and Severt, 2007). Religious tourism is the oldest type of
tourism because religion was emerged since human was created in the world. Moreover, religious tourism is
developed based on tourists motivation. Religious tourism is motivated by religious reason or faith (Amir
Shani, et. al, 2007) There are other type of tourists motivation such as holiday tourism, cultural tourism,
religious tourism, social tourism, economic tourism and politics tourism. Islamic tourism is a form of
religious tourism because Moslems are motivated to visit religious ceremonies, conference and functions
local, regional and international level at religious centre. Even though Islamic tourism is a component of this
type of tourism, it also may attach to other type of tourism such as holiday tourism and social tourism (Olsen
and Timothy, 2006). However, the combination of these types of tourism should be in the line of Islamic law
and Islam is dominant than other activities. It does not mean that Islam limits the activities during travelling.
However, Islam is the way to complete and make the journey perfect and wonderful based on Islamic
teaching, which is not neglect the responsibilities as human and caliph in the temporary life. In Islamic
perspective, going to travel is encouraged since the time of Prophet because it generates positive impact
towards human individually as well as society.
In modern generation, religious tourism also may influence on the social and cultural life of human.
In Malaysia situation, communities are able to choose religions when they were 18 th years old. However, the
usual Malaysian community follows their familys belief since childhood. There are 5300 mosques registered
with Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri (JAIN) and Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) and 12257
Islamic schools (madrasah) and prayer room (musolla). There are five mosques categories in Malaysia,
which are national mosque, state mosque, districts mosque, university mosque and village mosque (Masjid
Wadah Kepimpinan Negara, 2004).
2.2 Spiritual Tourism

Spiritual tourism refers to someone who visits a specific place out his/her usual environment, with
the intention of spiritual meaning and/or growth, without overt religious compulsion, which could be
religious, sacred, or experiential in nature, but within a divine context, regardless of the main reason for
travelling (Haq and Jackson, 2009 cited by Haq, F. and Wong Ho Yin, 2010). The feel of spiritual is cannot
see by eyes directly, but it can feel from the inner soul of human. Thus, the action taken by human usually
affected from the spirit and faith of belief. Spiritual or (Ruhaniyyah- Arabic word) is one of the factors in
giving solution for personal and social problems. There are other factors besides spirituality in human
development, which are emotional, physical, intellectual and social. On the other hand, spirituality is
significant towards sociological and business approach (Haq and Wong Ho Yin, 2010). Human should have a
good spirit in order to gain a peaceful and harmony. As Moslem, the good spirit may be achieved when the
heart is purified from impurities such as jealousy, treachery and revenge. In other way, human can relax their
mind and body with going to peaceful places, such as camping in the forest, picnic on the beach or waterfall
and fishing on the river. These activities may estrange human from any problems, stress and tension of any
activities and difficulties. In Islam, religion and spiritual are interrelated each other and many people are not
realize it.
Moreover, the spirituality of Moslem is very impressive because they prefer to identify themselves
as Moslem rather than nation like Malaysian or races such as Malay of their country. For this reason, it
shows that the relationship among Moslem in the world is comprehensive and strength than nations and
races. The Prophet Muhammad said: One believer is like a building to another believer a portion of which
strengthens another portion. From this hadis, the prophet promotes human to l ove for the believers what you
love for yourself and dislike for the believers what you dislike for yourself. In addition, all races and nations are
united when they are able to embrace Islam and believe in Allah.
Then, Haq and Wong Ho Yin (2010) categorized Islam as religious and spiritual tourism into three
sections which are hajj/umrah, rihla and ziyara (Bhardwaj, 1998).

2.3 Cultural Tourism

Malaysia prosperous with cultures infect of harmonization of multiple races in the country such as
Malays, Chinese and Indian. Malaysias population is conquered by Moslem and considered as Islamic
country. Now, Malaysia aims to be the world Halal- Hub and increase the Halal products to market in the
world. The attractive of Malaysia towards Moslems around the world are vast, for example the ability to get
halal food is very easy and the facilities provided towards them are not awkward or Muslims friendly. So, the
culture in Malaysia is flexible towards all travelers in the world. The feature of Malaysia is very gorgeous
because accordance to the feature of Islam, which is flexible. Now, tourism Malaysia has lead to the
strengthening of local culture and also in the international stage. In Islam, there is no obstruction for Moslem
to study and experience the other cultures in the world, as long as not against to Islamic principles. The
present Minister of Tourism Malaysia said, this year Malaysia aims to attract 25 million tourists.

4. Conclusion
This paper is describing the features of Islamic Tourism in Malaysia. Malaysia, the country with the
world's oldest rainforest and tallest mountain in South-East Asia is diversifying into adventure tourism. The
Malaysian Cultural Troupe entertained with music and dance. Malaysia is targeting that by the year 2020,
tourist arrivals will reach 36 million, bringing some RM168 billion in revenue for the country. Dr Ng said
participants were impressed with Malaysia's success in the tourism industry and now becoming a lead player.

5. Acknowledgements
The authors gratefully acknowledge a research grant (5523942) obtained under the Research University
Fundamental Research Grants Scheme of Universiti Putera Malaysia.

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