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Precautions are better

than Rehabilitation

Disaster management can be defined

as the effective organization, direction
and utilization of available counter-
disaster resources
What is disaster?
A disaster is the tragedy of a natural or
human-made hazard (a hazard is a situation
which poses a level of threat to life, health,
property, or environment) that negatively
affects society or environment.
Disaster risk management
It includes administrative decisions and
operational activities that involve:
• Prevention
• Mitigation
• Preparedness
• Response
• Recovery and
• Rehabilitation.
Disaster Risk Management Cycle
Types of Disaster
• Natural Disaster • Man-made Disaster
– Flood
– Drought
– Cyclone
– Earthquake
– Tsunami
– Land Slide
Natural Disaster
A natural disaster is the effect of a natural
hazard (e.g. flood, tornado, volcano
eruption, earthquake, or landslide) that
affects the environment, and leads to
financial, environmental and/or human
The undesired overflow of water, moving into
cities and villages is known as Flood.
Causes: Prevention:
-Improper drainage. -Planed drainage.
-High rainfall -Readiness
-Dams -Dams
The scarcity of water, because of very low or no
rainfall is known as Drought.
Causes: Prevention:
-Wastage of water. -Rain water
-Low rainfall. -Artificial rainfall
Cyclone, tropical cyclone, hurricane, and
typhoon are different names for the same
phenomenon a cyclonic storm system that
forms over the oceans.
Causes: Prevention:
-Different pressure belts. -Weather Monitoring
-High moisture. -Readiness
The movement of tectonic plates causing unrest on
the surface of earth is known as Earthquake.
Causes: Prevention:
-Movement of tectonic -Proper monitoring
-High intensity Explosion. -Efficient
Tsunami, are the high tides genrated as a
result of earth-quake.
-Earth Quake.
Land Slide

Land Slide is movement of pieces of land in form of

-High Rainfall.
-Human activities in Hilly Areas.
Man-made Disaster
Disasters caused by human action,
negligence, error, or involving the failure of
a system are called man-made disasters.
• Technological
• Sociological
• Technological disasters are the results of
failure of technology, such as engineering
failures, transport disasters, or
environmental disasters.
• Sociological disasters have a strong human
motive, such as criminal acts, stampedes,
riots and war.
Thank You
-Harsh Sultania

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