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Catherine Fournier

Mr. Schurtz
English 12 AP Period 1
4 May 2010

Homelessness: A Presentation of
the Truth Behind the Stigma
“having no home
or permanent
place of residence”
-- Merriam-Webster
Filling in the holes…
On her own for 14

Healthy marriage for

5 years

2 jobs

3 kids

Middle-class background

Religious and faithful

671,859 People
671,859 People

686,531 People
(difference of 14,654)
671,859 People

686,531 People
(difference of 14,654)

Almost 700,000 Homeless

17,571 Homeless
76.5% vs 23.5%
% homeless children

39% Under 18

42% Under 5
¼ of

Demographical Information

4% 2%

20% African American

42% Caucasian
Native American

Some Truth to the Stigma:

Mental Illness 26%

Addiction Issue 30%

Dually Addicted: 18%

“Don’t like to be judged”

“Outcast” “Hopeless”



“Need for privacy” “Lonely”

“To be a wonderful
“Decent job with
mother to my a living wage”
children” “To start life over”

“A stable home”
“To have people not look
down on the ‘homeless’” “That others would
understand what
homelessness really is”


“Soda in cans”

“Individually wrapped cookies”

“Plastic Wrap”


“Mac’n cheese mix”

“Clorox Wipes”

“Gift Cards”

Less than $25.00

($12,000 per year) x (20%)

$240,000 per year

My Application…

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5

Please Help. Homeless & Broke. All my belongings have been stolen…Clothes, Blankets &
Personal Affects, My Bible as well. I need help for phone calls, Flyers, Newspapers etc. to find
work. All Help Very Appreciated & put to good use.
Works Cited

McIntyre, Monique. "Monique." Indian Valley Inter-Faith Hospitality Network.

"National Alliance to End Homelessness." State by State Data. 2008. 02 Mar 2010. <
"National Coalition for the Homeless." Who is Homeless? Jul 2009. National Coalition for the Homeless. 02 Mar 2010.
The United States Confrence of Mayors. "Hunger and Homelessness Survey." A
Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness in American Cities, December 2006.
PDF file.
Montgomery County Housing Continuum of Care: Community Linkages Sub-Committee. "Responses From Shelter
(Homeless) Guests." Mar-Apr 2000.
St. Mary's Franciscan Shelter for Homeless Families. Newsletter: Needs List. Mar-Dec 2009.
Kranichfeld, Christine A., Sr. Personal interview. 2 Jan. 2010.
United States Department of Labor. "May 2008 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates." Bureau of labor
Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 29 May 2009. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. <
Works Cited: Pictures

Canhotagem. “Homeless Man.” 27 Jan 2008. <>.

Changizi, Mark. “Dictionary.” 28 Sep 2009. <
Shooting Chris. “Classwarfare.” 17 Oct 2005. <>.
Royalmond. “Business Woman.” 2009. <>.
D.C.Atty. “I Have No Excuse.” 08 Sep2009. <>.
Hawk, Thomas. “American Flag Detail.” 04 July 2005. <>.
Taille. “Amish Horse Drawn Buggy, Pennsylvania.” 2009. <>.
Allen, Brandon. “Fred.” 2008. <>.
Allen, Brandon. “Woman Selling Candles.” 2008. <>.
Salzer, Jeff. “Homeless Teen, 4.” Nov 2008. <
Ruller, Dave. “Brothers.” 2006. <>.
Wordsmith. “Beggar.” 19 Nov 2008. <>.
Boskizzi. “Ameba.” 20 Feb 2005. <>.
OUCHcharly. “I’ve Got Nothing.” 04 Mar 2009. <>.
Wetsun. “Safe and Ignorant.” 21 Jun 2006. <>.
Colors in B&W. “Money.” 08 Aug 2009. <>.
Indicium Technology. “Telephone Systems.” <>.

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