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Employee Management System



Shahida Tarannum

in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

M. Sc. Tech Industrial Mathematics with Computer Application

to the

NEW DELHI-110025
July 2007

© Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-25, 2007




This is to certify that Ms Shahida Tarannum Student ID No. 9857,a student of M.Sc.
Tech Industrial Mathematics with Computer Applications from Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi has done her full-semester project training at Labour Information Systems
Division, NIC, New Delhi, from 01/03/07 to 10/07/07.

The project work entitled “Employee Management System” embodies the work
done by Ms Shahida Tarannum during her above full semester project training period.

PROJECT GUIDE/HOD Head, Training Division


First of all, let me thank the Almighty God and my Parents who are the most graceful
and merciful for their blessing that Contributed to the successful completion of my

I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude and
respect to all those who helped me throughout the duration of this project. The Jamia
Millia Islamia, in particular has been the source of inspiration for me. I acknowledge
the effort of those who have contributed significantly to my project. I express my
sincere gratitude and thankfulness towards Prof. Mohd. Rais Khan, Head, Department
of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia for his valuable time and guidance throughout
this course.

I feel privileged to offer my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to Mrs.
Rachna Shrivastava, Technical Director NIC, Mrs J.R.D Kailey, Senior Technical
Director NIC, Mr. Alok Roy, Scientist D, NIC, for expressing their confidence in me
by letting me work on a project of this magnitude and using the latest technologies
and providing their support, help & encouragement in implementing this Project.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards all my teachers, especially Dr.
Muhammad Abulaish for their skillful Teaching, precious suggestions and
encouragements. Last but not the least I would like to mention the name of Prof.
Sharfuddin Ahmed for his tremendous helping nature. I regret any inadvertent

Shahida Tarannum


A well planned, systematically executed industrial training helps a great deal in

inculcating a good work culture. It provides a linkage between students and the
industry in order to develop awareness of the industrial approach to problem solving
based on broad understanding of operations of the industrial organizations.

This project entitled “Employee Management System” has been designed towards
improving the Management of Employee Information in the field offices of DGLW. It
maintains Seniority, Leave Records, Transfer & Postings and other basic information
of Employee. Various MIS reports can be generated through it Viz. Leave Order,
Seniority List, Vacancy Position and CR Status etc. It is a web-based application; it
will be accessed simultaneously from many field offices of DGLW. Field offices are
supposed to enter information of Employee of their region. This information is
compiled and used at Headquarter Level for MIS purposes.

The project has been an enriching experience for me in the field of programming and
Enterprise Application development. The project has been developed to fulfill the
requirements of the Employees in Labour Ministry.

The tools and technologies used for developing the software are ASP for analysis and
design phases for developing the code for the application and SQL SERVER as the
back end tool on Microsoft windows 2000 platform.

Table of Contents
Certificate…………………………………………………………………… I
Acknowledgement………………………………………………………….. II
Abstract……………………………………………………………………... III
List of Tables and Figures………………………………………………….. IV

1. Introduction…………………………………………………. 1

1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Organization 1
1.3.1 National Informatics Center 2
1.3.2 Labour information System Division 4
1.4 Realization of the Problem 4
1.5 Broad outline of work 5

2. Problem Formulation………………………………………… 6

2.1 Detailed Description of the Project 6

2.1.1 Major Functions 7
2.2 Methodology used for Carrying out the Study 7
2.3 Business Process 8
2.4 Existing System 8
2.5 The Proposed System 8

3. System Analysis and Design………………………………….. 9

3.1 Defining a System 9

3.1.1 System Lifecycle
3.1.2 System Analysis
3.2 Analysis and Development of the Actual System 11
3.3 Project Overview 11
3.3.1 Product Prospective 11
3.3.2 User Interface 11
3.3.3 Hardware and Software Interface 12
3.3.4 Memory Constraints 12
3.3.5 Product Functions 12
3.4 Constraints 12
3.4.1 General Constraints 12
3.4.2 Hardware Constraints 13
3.4.3 Security Constraints 13
3.4.4 Assumptions and Dependencies 13
3.5 Feasibility Study 14
3.5.1 Technical Feasibility 14
3.5.2 Operational Feasibility 15

3.5.3 Economic Feasibility 15
3.5.4 Legal Feasibility 15
3.6 Information Gathering 15
3.6.1 Information about Project 15
3.6.2 Information Sources 16
3.7 DFD’s 17
3.8 Processing Logic 23
3.8.1 Reports Generated by the System 24
3.8.2 Data Structures 24
3.9 Application Architecture 25
3.10 Database Architecture 27
3.11 Input Output Specification 39
3.11.1 Screen Layout 39
3.11.2 Navigation (Menu description) 39
3.11.3 Help Facilities 39
3.11.4 Error Messages 39
3.12 Choices of Tools and Technologies 39
3.12.1 ASP 40
3.12.2 ASP Programming 42
3.12.3 Parsing ASP Code 43
3.12.4 Connecting to Database 44

4. Testing and Implementation……………………………….. 47

4.1 Objectives of Testing 47
4.2 Types of Testing 47
4.2.1 Black Box Testing 47
4.2.2 White Box Testing 48
4.2.3 Condition Testing 48
4.2.4 Data Life Cycle Testing 48
4.2.5 Unit Testing 49
4.2.6 Functional Testing 49
4.2.7 System Testing 49
4.3 Various Levels of Testing 50
4.3.1 Level 1 Testing (Alpha testing) 50
4.3.2 Level 2 Testing (Beta testing) 50
4.4 Quality Assurance 51
4.5 System Implementation 51
4.6 System Specification 51
4.6.1 Hardware Requirements 52
4.6.2 Software Requirements 52
4.7 Installation 52
4.8 Implementation 52

5. Result and Conclusion……………………………………… 53

5.1 Conclusions 53
5.2 Future Scope of Improvement 53


A. Sample Forms 54-91
B. Sample Reports 92-103
C. Sample code 104-126
D. List of Common Validations 127
E. Definition Glossary 128
F. Bibliography 129



This section presents the background and motivation of the system that has been
designed and prototyped in this project. The section also reviews the objective of the


In terms of background the Employee Management System for DGLW project

referred as Directorate General of Labour Welfare. Labour Information Systems
Division (LISD) of NIC is actively involved in development of the application for
Directorate General of Labour Welfare (DGLW). DGLW has its Headquarter in
Delhi and its field offices are spread across the country. System maintains the
information regarding Human Resources through field offices. So, that manpower can
be monitored at Headquarter.

The application software takes care of database and day to day operations. For the
ease of the user the web-based application is developed using ASP and SQL server in
the back .The different modules were added to the system as per DGLW Desk
requirement and are being integrated into this web-based application.

1.2 Motivation

Realizing a higher need of development efforts and the investment of time,

developing uniform, more user-friendly application software for implementation.
With keeping use in mind, supporting existing business process of DGLW appears
as a fruitful concept for adding more value through a web based application. There by
increasing quality of services offered.


1.3 This section lists the name of the organization for which we designed and
prototyped this project.

1.3.1 National Informatics center (NIC)

National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Department of Information Technology is

providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Government, State
Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government bodies. It offers a
wide range of ICT services including Nationwide Communication Network for
decentralized planning, improvement in Government services and wider transparency
of national and local Governments. NIC assists in implementing Information
Technology Projects, in close collaboration with Central and State Governments, in
the areas of (a) Centrally sponsored schemes and Central sector schemes, (b) State
sector and State sponsored projects, and (c) District Administration sponsored
projects. NIC endeavors to ensure that the latest technology in all areas of IT is
available to its users.

NIC Headquarters is based in New Delhi. At NIC Headquarters, a large number of

Application Divisions exist which provide total Informatics Support to the Ministries
and Departments of the Central Government. NIC computer cells are located in
almost all the Ministry Bhavans of the Central Government and Apex Offices
including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Rashtrapati Bhawan and the Parliament
House. Apart from this, NIC has various Resource Divisions at the Headquarters,
which specialize into different areas of IT and facilitate the Application Divisions as
well as other NIC Centers in providing state-of-the-art services to the Govt.

At the State level, NICs State/UTs Units provide informatics support to their
respective State Government and at the District level laid the NIC District Informatics

NIC has conceptualized, developed and implemented a very large number of projects
for various Central and State Government Ministries, Departments and Organizations.
Many of these projects are continuing projects being carried out by various divisions
of NIC at New Delhi Headquarters and State/District centres throughout the country.

Some of the most important note worthy projects, which offer a glimpse of the
multifaceted, diverse activities of NIC, touching upon all spheres of e-governance and
thereby influencing the lives of millions of citizens of India are given below:

• Agricultural Marketing Information Network (AGMARKNET)

• Central Passport System

• Community Information Centers (CICs)

• Computerized Rural Information Systems Project (CRISP)

• Court Information System (COURTIS)

• Department of Agriculture Network (DACNET)

• Examination Results Portal

• India Image

• Land Records Information System (LRIS)

• National Hazardous Waste Information System (NHWIS)

• Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (PGRAMS)

• Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

• Training

• Video Conferencing

Web Site of NIC

1.3.2 Labour Information System Division

LISD, a unit of NIC is assisting various organizations under the ministry of Labour in
identifying the computerization needs to improve efficiency and overcome difficulties
in manual system, preparing system specifications, developing software for identified
application system and organizing training for computerized operations and their
application system. The NIC-MOL computer center in ShramShakti Bhavan is
connected to countrywide NIC network (NICNET) through communication lines.
LISD has already initiated computerized in areas of Industrial Relations, Labour
welfare, Social Security, Labour Statistics and Employment and Manpower

NIC-MOL Computer center is connected to NICNET, India’s First satellite based

operational network, which has over 750 odes geographically distributed all over the
country connecting all districts, State/UT capitals and Central Govt. Ministries
/Departments for information exchange. The NIC-MOL computer center has also
been connected to the Internet and a separate Internet address has been given for
Labour Ministry.

1.4 Realization of the Problem

The Present system is manual and thus it is not user friendly. The proposed system
DGLW will be implemented as an Intranet application. The application software will
be hosted on the MOLDB (Ministry of Labour & Employment Database server) web
server located at NIC Computer Cell, Ministry of Labour, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi
Marg, New Delhi. The application software will be developed in ASP, JavaScript, VB
Script and HTML. The central database is based on MS SQL Server 2000. The system
can be accessed over the Intranet connecting all the Intranet of Ministry of Labour &
Employment nodes. Clients equipped with web-browsers can access the system from
any of the Intranet Nodes.

The function of the system will be managing Employees at various field offices from
the Head Quarter .It manages information about Employees of DGLW at various
Field offices. It manages information regarding Human Resources through field
offices. So, that manpower can be monitored at Head Quarter.

1.5 Broad outline of work

Chapter 1> This chapter has introduced the problem along with brief description of
the project.

Chapter 2> The second chapter describes the problem formulation. What is need of

Chapter 3> This chapter deals with analysis and design of the system, application of
new system, the hardware and software requirements for implementing the system
and stating the choice of the language used.

Chapter 4> This chapter discusses the implementation part of the system. The
hardware and software requirement for implementing the system have been discussed.
The operation manual and input requirement to the system have also taken up in this

Chapter 5> This chapter deals with result and discussion of the new system, stating
interpretation of the results, importance of the work.




Problem introduction or problem stating is the starting point of the software

development activity. The objective of this statement is to answer: Exactly what must
the system do? The software project is initiated by the client’s need. In the beginning,
these needs are on the minds of various people in the client’s organization. The
analyst has to identify the requirements by talking to the people and understanding to
their needs .it gores without saying that an accurate and through understanding of
Software requirements are essentials to the success of software development effort. all
further development like system analysis, System design and coding will depend on
how accurate and well understood the requirements are poorly analyzed and specified
software will disappoint the user and will bring brief to the developer. No matter how
well designed and well coded the software is. Software requirement appears to be a
relatively simple task, but appearances are often deceiving. Chances of
misinterpretation are very high, ambiguity is probable and communication gap
between customer and developer is bound to bring confusions. Requirement
understanding begins with a clear and concise heading stating in a sentence the task to
be performed. Then Requirements are described in a technical manner in precise


Labour Information Systems Division of NIC is actively involved in development of

the application for Directorate General of Labour Welfare. In all, application systems
were to be developed and implemented at CLC Division in Labour Ministry. System
maintains the information about the Employee records, it maintain the each and every
record about the employee regarding their posting, leave, vacancy position etc., it
maintains the details of all Employees located at various field offices. The application
software takes care of database and day-to-day operations. DGLW (Directorate

General of Labour Welfare) has its Headquarter in Delhi and its field offices are
spread across the country. This project will help in capturing information regarding
Human Resources through field offices. So, that manpower can be monitored at Head
Quarter. For the ease of the user and for the public the existing systems were migrated
to web-based applications.

2.1.1 Major Functions

1. Employee Management

The function of the system will be managing Employees at various field offices from
the Head Quarter .It manages information about Employees of DGLW at various
Field offices. It manages information regarding Human Resources through field
offices. So, that manpower can be monitored at Head Quarter.


• Studying the existing system. This will involve the

amount of information, the manpower equipment space
and other resources used for the information storage.

• After analysing the existing setup this study would

suggest a new management setup. The benefits and
disadvantages of existing and new system would be
critically revised.

• Cost Benefit Analysis study will done.

• The database structure and information storage retrieval

process will also be studied and a new system for faster
response using operation research techniques will be


2.4 Existing System

The existing system comprises of a system in which details are to be manually
handled. This is not user friendly.

2.5 The proposed system

It will be able to manage information about Employee in more user friendly way. This
system will manage Employees information at various field offices. User ID and
password has been given to all the field offices so that they can enter their employee’s
information into central database. Their access to the central database is restricted to
their information only. Various reports based on the data entered by employees at
field offices are generated at Head Quarter. These reports are helpful in Manpower
management decisions.



3.1Defining A System

Collections of components, which are interconnected, and work together to realize

some objective, form a system. There are three major components in every system,
namely input, processing and output.

Input Output


3.1.1 Systems Life Cycle

The sequencing of various activities required for developing and maintaining systems
in an ordered form is referred as Systems Life Cycle. It helps in establishing a system
project plan as it gives overall list of process and sub-processes required for
developing any system. Here, the systems life cycle will be discussed with reference
to the development of Employee Management System.

Broadly, following are the different activities to be considered while defining the
systems development cycle for the said project:

 Problem Definition

 Systems analysis

 Study of existing system

 Drawbacks of the existing system

 Proposed system

 Systems Requirement study

 Data flow analysis

 Feasibility study

 Systems design

 Input Design (Database & Forms)

 Updation

 Query /Report Design

 Administration

 Testing

 Implementation

 Maintenance

3.1.2 System Analysis

System analysis is a logical process; the objective of this phase is not actually to solve
the problem but to determine what must be done to solve the problem. The basic
objective of the analysis stage is to develop the logical model of the system using
tools such as the data flow diagram and elementary data description of the elementary
algorithm. The logical model is Subject to review by both the management and the
user who agree that the model does in fact reflect what should be done to solve the

System analysis is not a precise science. It is in fact more of an art, aided by scientific
approach to find definition and recording data, gathering traditional structures is only
one part of the system analysis, the next step is to examine the data, assess the
situation and looking at the alternatives.

3.2 Analysis and development of the actual solution

A complete understanding of the requirement for the new system is very important for
the successful development of a software product. Requirement Specification is the
foundation in the process of software development .All further developments like
system analysis; designing and coding will depend on how accurate and well
documented the Requirement Specification is.
Requirement specification appears to be a relatively simple task, but appearance is
often deceiving. There is always a chance of wrong specification because of
communication gap between the user and the Developer. Requirement Specification
begins with a clear statement of the problem and the task to be performed. Then the
requirement is described in a technical manner in precise statements. After the initial
specification reports are received, they are analyzed and redefined through customer

3.3 Project Overview

3.3.1 Product prospective

It will be able to manage information about Employee in more user friendly way. This
system will manage Employees information at various field offices. User ID and
password has been given to all the field offices so that they can enter their employee’s
information into central database. Their access to the central database is restricted to
their information only. Various reports based on the data entered by employees at
field offices are generated at Head Quarter. These reports are helpful in Manpower
management decisions.

3.3.2 User Interface

 The system will be having user privileges based menu.

 User will have to select the options form the given


 The system will be entering the information into the

database to generate reports.

 The forms will be designed to enter the data.

 Buttons will be used to insert, retrieve or modify the

 Links will be provided to shift from one form to


3.3.3 Hardware – Software Interface

An Internet Web Server, running IIS, in this case Windows 2000 advanced server is
used to host the application. The application software, Employee Management, is
developed in ASP, JavaScript, and HTML. The backend database is MS SQL Server
2000. The Client systems with internet facility equipped with web browser will be
able to access the system

3.3.4 Memory Constraints

No memory constraints are applicable. A normal memory configuration is more than


3.3.5 Product Function

It is advisable to have weekly data backups. The system administrator will do the data
recovery. Selection of panel is user-initiated operation, while indent handling is client

3.4 Constraints

3.4.1 General Constraints

1) This system will not take care of any virus problem,

which might occur either on the client or the server
system. Avoiding the use of pirated software and
ensuring that floppies and other removable media are
scanned for viruses before use could minimize the
possibility of viral infection.

2) Recovery of data after a system crash will be possible
only if backups are taken at regular intervals.

3) Manual interfaces cannot be fully avoided. Documented

proofs like dates etc. will have to be verified by the
concerned staff before entering it into the computerized

3.4.2 Hardware Constraints

Constraints of the Internet & Intranet will be applicable to the system. The
performance of the system will be dependent on the network conditions like network
congestion, bandwidth etc. The primary memory (RAM) and the secondary memory
(Hard Disk Space) requirement of the system at the client end will be the same as that
required by the web browser and the operating system. At the server end memory
requirements will be that of the server software (Operating system, Database
Software, etc) and the space required to store the data. The space required to store the
data would increase as more and more records are added to the system.

3.4.3 Security Constraints

User will be authenticated by the use of username and passwords. This does not
Provide complete security and the system could be hacked into. Use of secure Socket
Layer (SSL) is recommended. Use of SSL prevents any unauthorized access as all
communications are encrypted. Valid Digital Certificates are required for this at the
server end and the client web browser should have support for SSL.

3.4.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

1. It is assumed that the user is
familiar with the basic computer

2. Timely backup of data should be

taken to avoid data loss in case of
system crash.

3. The use of pirated software

should be avoided as it may lead
to data loss and system crashes
due to viral infections.

4. Floppies and other removable

media should be scanned for
viruses before use.

5. Proper configuration of the client,

database server and network is
necessary for the system to
function as intended.

6. It is assumed that the

maintenance of the database will
be assigned to the authorized
person only.

7. Only authorized persons will be

allowed inside the server room.

3.5 Feasibility Study

The main objective of the feasibility study is to treat the technical, Operational,
logical and economic feasibility of developing the computerized system. All systems
are feasible, given unlimited resources and infinite time. It is both necessary and
prudent to evaluate the feasibility of the project at System study phase itself. The
feasibility study to be conduced for this project Involves.

1. Technical Feasibility

2. Operational Feasibility

3. Economic Feasibility

4. Logical Feasibility

3.5.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility includes Risk Resources availability and technologies. The

management provides latest hardware and software facilities for the successful
completion of the projects. With these latest hardware and software support the
system will perform extremely well. The system is available through Internet.

3.5.2 Operational Feasibility

In the existing manual system it is very difficult to maintain and update huge amount
of information. The development of the system was started because of the
requirement put forward by the management of the concerned department. This
system, will handles the request in a better way and make the process easier thus, it is
sure that the system developed is operationally feasible.

3.5.3 Economic Feasibility

In the economic feasibility the development cost of the system is evaluated weighing
it against the ultimate benefit derived from the new system. It is found that the
benefit, from the new system would be more than the cost and time involved in its

3.5.4 Legal Feasibility

In the legal feasibility it is necessary to check that the software we are going to
develop is legally correct which means that the ideas which we have taken for the
proposed system will be legally implemented or not. So, it is also an important step in
feasibility study.

3.6 Information Gathering

We have taken an approach of gathering information with sensitivity and precautions.

3.6.1 Information about project:

During the analysis, we collected whole information from “Mr. Alok Roy”, Scientist
‘D’, NIC, and staff members of the DGLW, Labour ministry, New Delhi.

3.6.2 Information Sources:

We have collected the information about the current system from:

1. Reports

2. Personal staff

3. System Documentation

4. Trainees

5. Existing System

3.7 DFD

Login form

user usertable

sword Allocating
userlevel itemorder
user menutable

DFD of Leave

Emp_name,Emp_ID particular Updating
entry entry
Listing Type,fro Type, From, To,
Leave m,to,Re Reason
Details marks,D
ate Employee

Type, From, To,


Adding new

Type, From, To,



DFD of Transfer

Employee_ID Finding
particular Updating
entry entry
Select 1

Employee Posting

Adding new


Dfd of form Employee

Find particular
particular entry

n GnrlCode Employee


Adding new



DFD of Vacancyposition Designation

Finding Updating an entry

Station 1

Station VacancyPosition

Station 1

Adding new entry


,fillperm_A, fillperm_C ,filltemp_C,filltemp_A,Remarks

DFD of EmployeeCR

Region, D
Station, Update
Emp_name Find EmployeeCR
, particular entry
Emp_ID EmployeeC
R entry
Listing Emp_ID,Cry
Employee ear,Received,
s remarks

Emp_ID,E Employee
Add new
entry of


3.8 Processing Logic

The Employee Management System has been designed and developed for various
field offices of DGLW to capture the information about human resources. Various
details about the Employee is entered in the system with all details like Employee
name, Designation, Date of birth, Station, Region, seniority, etc. There are some
major activities which is taking care by the Employee Management System.

• Employee Management System

All of the Employee record such as his name, designation, Region of posting,
station of posting, his salary detail, seniority level, date of joining, qualification etc.,
is entered into the computerized system by the Employees at various Regional

DGLW Vacancy Position Information

This file contains the information regarding Vacancy Position at various regional
offices. Such as station, sanctioned strength, number of permanent filled posts,
number of temporary filled posts etc,

DGLW Employee detail

This file stores multiple information of Employee. Each employee has a separate
record regarding his basic information such as his designation, region of posting
,basic salary, seniority level, DOB, date of joining, date of retirement, qualification

DGLW Employee Posting/Transfer detail

After some certain specified time employees are Posted/Transferred to different

Stations of different Regions this file keep track of Posting/Transfer record of the

On giving these details, some reports and queries are generated by the system.

3.8.1 Reports Generated by the System

(a) List of Vacancy Detail designation wise

(b) List of Vacancy Detail Region wise

(c) List of Vacancy Detail Region and Designation wise

(d) Vacancy Position Report for a particular Region, Station, Designation

(e) Vacancy Position Report for a particular Region

(f) Vacancy Position Report for a particular Designation

3.8.4 Data Structures

The Database DGLW contains the tables that contain the information related to
system and the data needed to run the software. The tables are discussed in detail:

Directorate General of Labour Welfare (DGLW)

1. BalanceLeave :Table contains the information of balance leaves of the


2. Payscale :Table contains information of Employee’s basic salary,


3. Defaults : Table contains default information about Employee

4. EmpAddress : It contains the Address of all Employee

5. Employee : contains all the information about employee regarding his date
of joining, seniority, posting region and all other

6. EmployeeCR : Table contains information about Employee’s CR

7. GnrlCode : Code directory of Designation

8. GnrlDir :Table contains of code directory

9. Leave : Table contains information about leave

10. LeaveApplication : Table contains record of the application

applied for leave

11. Leo : Table contains basic information about

12. Menutable : Table contains the Menu item for dynamic


13. Posting : Table contains information about

Employee’s posting at various Regions

14. Region : Region code directory

15. SectionPosting : Division code directory

16. Station : Station code directory

17. StatusLeave : Table contains information about status of the

leave taken

18. UserTable : Table contains the information of

various users of the Software

19. VacancyPosition : Table contains information about vacancy

position at various Regions

3.9 Application Architecture

Most of the user’s database system today is not present at user premises, but clients
connect to it through a network. We can therefore differentiate between client and
server machine. In our system the information about personnel and post exist in the
central database. But it need to be accessed from DGLW offices all over India so that
employees can view, enter or modifies their personal information through their user-id
and password. This can be done only through web based application architecture, as
shown in the next page.


Client (Employees)

Application Server

Database System

Fig: 3.0 Three –tier Architecture

Tables used:

3.10 Database Architecture

Fig: 3.1 Table: BalanceLeave

Fig: 3.2 Table: Paysclale

Fig: 3.3 Table: Defaults

Fig: 3.4 Table: EmpAddress

Fig: 3.5 Table: Employee

Fig: 3.6 Table: EmployeeCR

Fig: 3.7 Table: GnrlCode

Fig: 3.8 Table: GnrlDir

Fig: 3.9 Table: Leave

Fig: 3.10 Table: LeaveApplication

Fig: 3.11 Table:LEO

Fig: 3.12 Table: MenuTable

Fig: 3.13 Table:Posting

Fig: 3.14 Table: Region

Fig: 3.15 Table: SectionPosting

Fig: 3.16 Table: Station

Fig: 3.17 Table: StatusLeave

Fig: 3.18 Table: UserTable

Fig: 3.19 Table: VacancyPosition

3.11 Input / Output Specification

3.11.1 Screen Layouts

For Screen layouts refer annexure Forms Layouts.

3.11.2 Report Layout

For report layout refer annexure Report Layouts.

3.11.3Navigation (Menu Description)

From the DGLW Portal the user will login by given userID and password in the login
dialogue box. After user validation the system will display the customized home page
and menu options depending upon user roles and access permissions.

3.11.4 Help Facilities

Document has user manual to the user separately. On line User Manual has not been
planned yet.

3.11.5Error Messages

Suitable error messages should be flashed on error arising from Data inputs, which is
easily understood by the user.

3.12 Choice of Tools and Technologies


Technologies and tools are strongly related to the approach of software development.
What the tools can or cannot do significantly impact what principles that can be used,
as well as what objectives that can be fulfilled. While selection of a particular
methodology may imply use of certain tools, the tools themselves often leave
significant room for developers to choose how to use them. The selection has

therefore been based mainly on the objectives of the project, while the methodologies
were selected after the tools were selected, due to the fact that technologies and tools
poses certain restrictions of how development can be done.

3.12.1 ASP

ASP stands for Active Server Pages, and it is Microsoft's implementation of server-
side scripting. In short, this server-site scripting basically means that a script is parsed
and executed by the server. When a user requests a web-page containing ASP, the
web-server will parse code and send the result to the user, so the ASP code will never
reach the user's browser. This is the exact opposite of JavaScript.

You don't need to be a programmer to understand ASP, but you should have some
HTML knowledge, as the actual design of the web page will require it.

To use ASP scripts, you must have installed Microsoft's IIS (Internet Information
Services), which is a web-server included in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Professional. It is also a part of the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, which can be
downloaded from Microsoft's web-site. If IIS is not already installed on your
computer, you can install it using the Add/Remove Programs section within the
Windows Control Panel. The ASP engine is included within IIS, so you won't have to
download it and install it separately. You must have Windows NT 4.0 or later to run
IIS, so if you use Windows 98 you should install PWS (Personal Web Server), which
is the smaller brother of IIS.

You can use ASP code to do a lot of things: dynamically edit, change or add any
content to a web-page, access and query databases, read or write files, connect to
remote computers, create images - the only limit is your imagination. The most
obvious difference from HTML files is that ASP files have the extension ".asp", but
this doesn't mean that you need to separate the ASP code from the HTML code in
different files; you can use one file which will include both HTML and ASP code.
The web-server won't mind at all, it will parse the ASP code and forget about the
HTML code. Depending on your ASP code, the web-server will output some HTML
instead of the ASP code, so the web-browser will only see HTML.

This provides a higher level of security, because nobody will be able to view your
ASP code, and copy it and use it on their own web-page. Furthermore, you don't need

any extra components for your web-browser, because the ASP files are returned in
plain HTML, so they can be viewed in any web-browser.

In case you don't have Windows, you should know that some companies also didn't
like the fact the ASP was only available for Windows platforms, so they decided to
adapt ASP to other operating systems. So they created technologies like Chili ASP
and iASP, which allow you to take advantage of the ASP technology while using
other web-servers, not just IIS. And because other web-servers run on many operating
systems - like Apache web-server - this extends the ASP technology too, so it can run
on other operating systems.

Active Server Pages or ASP, as it is more commonly known, is a technology that

enables you to make dynamic and interactive web pages. ASP uses server-side
scripting to dynamically produce web pages that are not affected by the type of
browser the web site visitor is using. The default scripting language used for writing
ASP is VBScript, although you can use other scripting languages like JScript
(Microsoft's version of JavaScript). ASP pages have the extension .asp instead of
.htm, when a page with the extension .asp is requested by a browser the web server
knows to interpret any ASP contained within the web page before sending the HTML
produced to the browser. This way all the ASP is run on the web server and no ASP
will ever be passed to the web browser. Just simply just simply opening the page in a
web browser cannot run any web pages containing ASP. The page must be requested
through a web server that supports ASP, this is why ASP stands for Active Server
Pages, no server, and no active pages. As ASP was first introduced by Microsoft on
its web server, Internet Information Services (IIS) that runs on Windows 2000/XP
Pro/NT4, it is this web server that ASP pages usually run best on. For those of you
running Windows and wish to play around with ASP on your own system you will
need to install Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS). Lucky IIS or its micro
version Personal Web Server (PWS) comes free with Windows. For Windows users
you can find Internet Information Services (IIS) or Personal Web Server (PWS) in the
following places: -

 Windows 2000/XP Pro - IIS can be found in 'Add/Remove Programs' in the

'Control Panel'.

 Windows 98 - PWS can be found under 'add-ons' on the Windows 98 CD.

 Windows NT4/95 -You can get hold of IIS by downloading the NT4 Option
Pack from Microsoft (don't be fooled by the name as it also runs on Windows

 Windows ME - IIS and PWS are not supported on this operating system.

 Windows XP Home Edition - IIS and PWS are not supported on this

3.12.2 ASP Programming

Active Server Pages (ASP) programming is writing code to facilitate ASP functionality
on websites. Such functionality includes the delivery of dynamic, database-driven
content to website viewers without taxing the server-side system. ASP programming
involves writing ASP files and HTML files. The ASP code is placed within the HTML
pages, enclosed in special tags. When you need to make changes in the ASP
programming code, you need change only the ASP files; the HTML files, which do
nothing but go and get the ASP files' coding, need not be changed.

ASP files have a file extension of .asp, much like HTML files have file extensions of
either .htm or .html. The HTML files that contain the ASP instructions enclose those
instructions within tags that look like this: Notice that unlike HTML, the ASP ending
tag does not include a slash. To send the results of an ASP instruction directly to a
browser, you add an equal’s sign: <%=.

ASP programming involves scripting in Visual Basic Script, Jscript, Perl, Python, or
other languages. Certain modifications are necessary, but the programmer who has
written code in these other languages will find ASP programming to be familiar
indeed. The two languages that work the best for ASP programming are VBScript and

One common use of ASP programming is to gather data from the user and display it
at another time. For example, you can use ASP programming to query the user to type
in his or her name and then display that name on subsequent pages during the user's
visit. Once the name is input, the ASP programming protocols transfer that data to the
requisite database, from which it can be accessed by other HTML pages that contain
the coding guiding such requests. Such data requests and displays can be as complex
as you want to make them.

Written data isn’t the only thing that can be uploaded to your website using ASP
programming. You can design forms that allow users to upload image files to your
site as well. Real estate websites are perfect examples of sites that can take advantage
of this functionality.

ASP programming also comes in handy when your HTML pages and what they
display involve accessing large databases containing tons of data. In this case, you
will really appreciate the benefits of not having to change HTML files when you
update the parameters of your databases. ASP programming makes this process

3.12.3 Parsing ASP Code

In order to correctly parse (process) a selection of ASP code, no matter how long and
complex, you need a HTTP web server.

Generally, ASP pages run under Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS), which
comes as an optional installation from the Windows 2000 and XP Professional CD's.
Windows 98 includes a cut down version of IIS called Personal web server (PWS)

The ASP parsing is enabled via the ASP DLL. This enables any piece of code
encased within the ASP tags (<% and %>) to be parsed as ASP. The rest of the
HTML page will be untouched and processed by the web browser client side.

ASP can be embedded within HTML. The example below shows how you would
create a table and place a simple date function to return the current date and time.

<table cellspacing="2">



The date/time is <% = now() %></td>



The process of embedding ASP within HTML is known as "spaghetti coding".

3.12.4 Connecting to a Database

One of the major features of ASP is database connectivity. ASP can be used to
connect primarily to Microsoft Access or SQL Server database. an ASP script can
contain Structured query language (SQL) statements to insert, delete and update
records within a database (to name just a few) For example:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myValue = 'myValue'

INSERT INTO myTable (value1) VALUES ("myValue")

A database connection is done via a connection string in the ASP source code. There
are two ways this is generally done, one is using a data source name (DSN) and the
other is using a DSN-Less connection string, which instead can use the
Server.MapPath method or physical pathname to locate the database.

An example connection string using a DSN:


dim strConnection, dbase

'Create string with the name of the data source

strConnection = "MyDSN"

Set dbase = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Open database

dbase.Open strConnection, "user", "password"


DSN's are created using the ODBC data source administrator. This can be found in
your system32 folder or within control panel. When you set up a data source name
you are required to input the data source name, plus the database that it connects to
and the path of that database. A user ID and password are also necessary, which is
what will be within the two "", "" parameters in the dbase.Open line.

Example of a dsn-less connection, using Server.MapPath:


' connection string using server.mappath

dim dbasepath

dim provider

dbasepath = Server.MapPath("db\shoutdb.mdb")

provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"


If you wanted to enter a physical path, the Server.MapPath method could be removed
and in its place, something like "C:\somefolder\somedatabase.mdb". In order to create
a path to the database, Server.MapPath maps the path back to web server root that the
pages are running on, via the directory you have specified.

It's advantageous to keep a connectionstring in an external file and include it using the
<! -- #include file="file.asp" --> method.



4.1 Objectives of Testing:

This section introduces the concept of testing and how important is, for the successful
implementation of the project. Different phases of testing are described along with the
level of testing incorporated in this particular project.

Testing is vital to the success of any system. Testing is done at different stages within
the phase. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all phases of the system
are correct, the goals will be achieved successfully. Inadequate testing at all leads to
errors that may come up after a long time when correction would be extremely
difficult. Another objective of testing is its utility as a user-oriented vehicle before
implementation. The testing of the system was done on both artificial and live data.

Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and

evaluating the results (e.g., “if the user is in interface A of the application while using
hardware B and does C, then D should not happen”). The controlled conditions should
include both normal and abnormal conditions.

Typically, the project team includes a mix of testers and developers who work closely
together, with the overall QA processes being monitored by the project managers.

4.2 Types of Testing

4.2.1 Black Box Testing

Also known as functional testing, this is a software testing technique whereby the
tester does not know the internal working of the item being tested. Black-box test
design treats the system as a “black-box”, so it does not explicitly use knowledge of
the internal structure. Black-box test design is usually described as focusing on testing
functional requirements. Synonyms for black-box includes: behavioral, functional,
opaque-box and closed-box.

4.2.2 White Box Testing

White box test design allows one to peek inside the “box”, and it focuses specifically
on using internal knowledge of the software to guide the selection of test data.
Synonyms for white-box include: structural, glass-box and clear-box.

4.2.3 Condition Testing

An improvement over White-box testing, the process of condition testing ensures that
a controlling expression has been adequately exercised whist the software is under test
by constructing a constraint set for every expression and then ensuring that every
member on the constraint set is included in the values whish are presented to the

4.2.4 Data Life-Cycle Testing

It is based upon the consideration that in the software code, a variable is at some stage
created, and subsequently may have its value changed or used in a controlling
expression several times before being destroyed. If only locally declared Boolean
used in control conditions are considered then an examination of the sources code will
indicate the place in the source code where the variable is created, places where it is
given a value is used as a part of a control expression and the place where it is

This approach to testing requires all possible feasible lifecycles of the variable to be
covered whilst the module is under test.

4.2.5 Unit Testing

The purpose of this phase is to test the individual units of the developing software
component. This phase is recursive and is to be repeated, as many as there are, levels
of testing. In the DGLW project, each individual form has been tested using
techniques of testing namely: Client side testing using JavaScript.

Each individual form has been validated so that user enters only valid data at every

4.2.6 Functional Testing:

This is done for each module / sub module of the system. Functional testing serve as a
means of validating whether the functionality of the system Confers the original user
requirement i.e. does the module do what it was supposed to do? Separate schedules
were made for functional testing. It involves preparation of the test data, writing of
test cases, testing for conformance to test cases and preparation of bugs listing for

4.2.7 System Testing:

System testing is done when the entire system has been fully integrated. The purpose
of the system testing is to test how the different modules interact with each other and
whether the entire system provides the functionality that was expected.

System testing consists of the following steps:

a) Program Testing

b) String Testing

c) System Testing

d) System Documentation

e) User Acceptance Testing

4.3 Various Levels Of Testing

Before implementation the system is tested at two levels:

Level 1

Level 2

4.3.1 Level 1 Testing (Alpha Testing)

At this level a test data is prepared for testing. Project leaders test the system on this
test data keeping the following points into consideration:

● Proper error handling

● Exit Pints in code

● Exception handling

● Input / Output format

● Glass box testing

● Black box testing

If the system is through with testing phase at LEVEL 1 then it is passed on to


4.3.2 Level 2 Testing (Beta Testing)

Here the testing is done on the live database. If errors are detected then it is sent back
to LEVEL 1 for modification otherwise it is passed on to LEVEL 3.

This is the level at which the system actually becomes live and implemented for the
use of END USERS.

We have also checked the proposed system for:

Recovery & Security

A forced system failure is induced to test a backup recovery procedure for file
integrity. Inaccurate data are entered to see how the system responds in terms of error
detection and protection. Related to file integrity is a test to demonstrate that data and
programs are secure from unauthorized access.

Usability Documentation & Procedure:

The usability test verifies the user-friendly nature of the system. This relates to normal
operating and error-handling procedures.

4.4 Quality Assurance

Proper documentation is must for mainframe of any software. Apart from In-line
documentation while coding. Help coding, help files corresponding to each program
were prepared so as to tackle the person-dependency of the existing system.

4.5 System Implementation

During the implementation stage the system is physically created. Necessary

programs are coded, debugged and documented. A new hardware is selected, ordered
and installed.

4.6 System Specification

Every computer system consists of three major elements.

1. The Hardware

2. Application Software such as visual studio.

3. Operating system

For successful operation of the package following must be kept in mind:

Too many packages should not be used, as very few systems may have all those
packages installed due to memory problem. Thus, the compatibility of the system
developed will get reduced.

4.6.1 Hardware Requirements

Intel Pentium processor at 500 MHz or faster, minimum of 364 MB available disk
space for installation (including IBM SDK), minimum of 256 MB memory,512 MB
recommended, CD-ROM drive.

4.6.2 Software Requirements

The application software is hosted on the MOLDB (Ministry of Labour &

Employment Database server) web server located at NIC Computer Cell, Ministry of
Labour, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. The application software is
developed in ASP, JavaScript, and HTML. The central database is based on MS SQL
Server 2000. The system can be accessed over the Internet connecting all the Internet
of Ministry of Labour & Employment nodes. Clients equipped with web-browsers can
access the system from any of the Intranet Nodes.

4.7 Installation

The Application installation scripts have to be generated from the current server
where the application source code is saved and installed in the main server from
where the application is to be run. This was done using a special code, which
generates all SQL-Statements to insert preliminary data (like menu entries, code in
code directories etc) at server and the operational modules of the application made
available to the end users successfully.

4.8 Implementation

The system is still under construction few reports are yet to me made after that this
system will be implanted at client side. Users will be given a training to use the
package and special workshops are conducted by the NIC for the purpose. And
according to their feedback the changes are implanted in the software.



This section discuses the result of the work done in this project And also mentions the
future scope for improvement.


Today we are at the cross roads of innovation. The right direction to take will only
evolve with time, but effort has to be taken seriously by everyone involved in
education; the school/University, administration, faulty, students and parents.

By designing the “Directorate General of Labour Welfare” through ASP server side
technology, we are able to provide the basic functionality related to the submission
activities with great ease. The use of ASP technology has made it easier to design and
develop the n-tired architecture of this application. We were using the Microsoft
Software Development Platform for the development of this project, which had given
a complete, tight and integrated approach for the process of design and development
of this project.

Hence we may conclude that the application system being developed helps a great
deal in modifying the computerized DGLW.

Future Scope of Improvement

The “Employee Management System for DGLW” is a big and ambitious project. I am
thankful for being provided this great opportunity to work on it. As already
mentioned, this project has gone through extensive research work. On the basis of the
research work, we have successfully designed and implemented Employee
Management System. This system is based upon 3-tier client server architecture. The
tools used for development were as follows.

Front-end-----ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, DHTML

Back-end----MS SQL Server 2004

Query Language----PL/SQL

Annexure A Sample forms

Fig: 5.1 This is login form

Fig: 5.2 After login this form will be shown from where we will have to choose
from the menu.

Fig: 5.3 After login this form will be shown from where we will have to choose
from the menu.

Fig: 5.4 On clicking on Employee form these designation will be listed and on
choosing a particular designation all the employees at that designation on the region
through which a person has entered will be listed

Fig: 5.5 On choosing a designation a employee record at the designation will be
listed like this also mentioning the total number of person at that designtion

Fig: 5.6 On clicking the “New Information” on the top and bottom of the “State
Wise Employee Information” “Employee form” will be loaded

Fig: 5.7 While on clicking on the information in the Station Wise Employee
Information list then the “Employee form” will be loaded taking all the information
from the Table “Employee”

Fig: 5.8 On clicking on the Posting Button this list of Postings at various
station will appear if it already have, also on clicking on the “New Information” link
on the left side of for posting to the New Region can be assigned to the employee
through whose record we have entered

Fig: 5.9 This will make one select the particular Region for the Posting

Fig: 5.10 On selecting the Region the above form will be loaded, now the
station, designation, and duration of the position will be chosen through this form

Fig: 5.11 Now when the new posting has been assigned to the person that data
will be inserted and form will be closed

Fig: 5.12 The record inserted above is listed here in the posting information form

Fig: 5.13 On clicking on the Transfer Button in the Employee form this page
will be loaded giving information about his previous station and allowing the user to
assign him new Region and Station and the date for the Transfer

Fig: 5.14 After inserting the Region for the Transfer this form will be loaded
listing Employee’s previous Region, Station and Region selected through previous
form, then through this form Station for the Employee for the Transfer will be

Fig: 5.15 On clicking the Leave Button on Employee form this form will be
loaded listing all the leaves taken by Employee their type and duration

Fig: 5.16 On clicking on New Information on the left of the Leave Information
form this form will be loaded where leave record can be entered

Fig: 5.17 On clicking on the Vacancy Position form this form will be loaded
listing particular station for the Region through which user has login

Fig: 5.18 Now allowing user to select the particular station

Fig: 5.19 On selection the Station all the designation on that station will be listed
from the table Vacancy Position

Fig: 5.19 Each designation has a link containing information about the
Employee at that designation

Fig: 5.20 On clicking the particular designation this form will be loaded bringing
all the information regarding Vacancy Position about the Employee at designation

Fig: 5.21 On clicking on the New Button this form will be loaded

Fig: 5.22

Fig: 5.23 On clicking the “New Information” link this page will be loaded with
Region and Station fixed

Fig: 5.24 New form allow user to insert a new information on the particular
Region and station

Fig: 5.25 On inserting the above information this form will be loaded like this
i.e., the designation inserted will be printed now and editing on the other field can be

Fig: 5.26 This is a login form, if user is not from regional area but is from
Administration he will have User ID and Password other than that of user from
Regional areas

Fig: 5.27 After this login this page will be loaded here the user will have both
Region and Station to select, user can access any region and station

Fig: 5.28 Now again after entering the Region and Station this form will be

Fig: 5.29 User can access other Region and Station as well

Fig: 5.30 After selecting the Region and Station this page will be loaded listing
all the designation at that station

Fig: 5.31 On clicking the EmloyeeCR form from the menu this form will be
loaded listing all the station of the Region through which User has login

Fig: 5.32 On selecting the Station this page will be loaded bringing name and
designation of all the Employees at the station

Fig: 5.33 On clicking the Employee’s Name this page will be loaded listing
information about his CR year and whether it is received or not

Fig: 5.34 On clicking the “New Information” on the left this form will be loaded
with the Employee’s name

Fig: 5.35 On clicking the Employee’s name in the list above this form will be
loaded with the information about Employee’s CR year this info can be edited and

Fig: 5.35 On clicking on the Leave on the Menu this form will be loaded letting
to choose the designation, for the designation entered here the leave information will
be listed

Fig: 5.36 On selecting designation through previous form this form will be
loaded listing Balance leaves of the employee

Annexure B: Reports

Fig: 5.37 On clicking on the List Region Repots in the menu this page will be
loaded, select the region through this list

Fig: 5.37 For the Region entered above report listing all the data in table
“VacancyPosition” will listed regarding sanctioned strength for various designation at
various Region and Station

Fig: 5.38 On selecting list Designation from the Menu this page will be loaded,
select the Designation through this list

Fig: 5.39 All the information as entered in the table Vacancy Position for the
selected designation will be listed

Fig: 5.40 On selecting list vacancy Region from the menu this page will be

Fig: 5.41 Then for the selected Region, list of all the vacancy position for the
various designation at the various station of the selected Region will be listed

Fig: 5.42 On selecting vacancy Region from the menu this page will be loaded

Fig: 5.43 This page will list vacancy position for the various designation at each
Region and Station

Fig: 5.44 On selecting list VacancyRegionDesign this page will be loaded

Fig: 5.45 This page asks the user to select the Region from the list

Fig: 5.46 For the selected Region, Designation record at the region will be listed

Fig: 5.47 On choosing particular Designation all the information regarding
vacancy position for that designation at selected Region will be listed

Annexure C- Sample code:


<--#include File="../Library/FunctionLibrary.asp"-->
Dim rsFrm, TableName, RedirectURL, frmMode
Dim cID, cName, cSex, cDOB, cDesignation, cPerFileNo, cCategory, cDtGovt,
cDtService, cPlacePosting
Dim cQualification, cQualDesc, cDtLeaving, cTypeLeaving, cRemarks, cRegion,
cStation, cSeniority
Dim cBasicPay, cPostType, cDtPost, cUPSCDt, cUPSCNo1, UPSCNo2,
cEntryMode, cPresentStatus, cPost, cDtPostHeld, cHomeTown
Dim cIncrMonth, cIncrYear
TableName = "Employee"

RedirectURL = "frmRegionDesig.asp"

select case cstr(Request.Form("SubmitAction"))

case "Posting"
case "Transfer"
case "Leave"
case "New"
GetValuesFrom "Default"

Response.Write "New Form"
case "Insert"
GetValuesFrom "Form"
Case "Save"
GetValuesFrom "Form"
case "Delete"
GetValuesFrom "Form"
case "Search"
GetValuesFrom "Form"
case "Refresh"
GetValuesFrom "Form"
case "Close"
case else
select case cstr(Request.QueryString("frmAction"))
case "Find"
cID = Request("ID")
case else
GetValuesFrom "Default"
Response.Write "New Form"
end select
end select

sub frmInsert()

if (Not checkdate(cDOB)) then

Response.Write "<Center><B><Font color=Red>Wrong Date of


strSql = "Insert into Employee (Name, "

if (len(trim(cSeniority))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " Seniority, "
end if

strSql = strSql & " Region, "

if (len(trim(cStation))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "Station, "
end if

strSql=strSql & " Sex, DOB, Designation, "

if (isNumeric(cBasicPay)) then
strSql= strSql & " BasicPay, "
end if

strSql= strSql & " PerFileNo, Category, "

if (len(trim(cDtGovt))>0) then
strSql= strSql & "DtGovt,"
end if

if (len(trim(cDtService))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " DtService,"

end if

if (len(trim(cDtPost))>0) then
strSql= strSql & " DtPost,"
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrYear))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " IncrYear, "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrMonth))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " IncrMonth, "
end if

strSql=strSql & " Qualification, QualificationDesc,"

if (len(trim(cDtLeaving))>0) then
strSql=strSql & " DtLeaving, "
end if

strSql = strSql & " TypeLeaving, Remarks, Post, PostType,"

if (len(trim(cDtPostHeld))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " DtPostHeld,"
end if

if (len(trim(cUPSCDt))>0) then
strSql = strSql & " UPSCDt,"
end if

strSql= strSql & " UPSCNo1, UPSCNo2, EntryMode, HomeTown, PresentStatus)


strSql = strSql & "'" & cName & "', "

if (len(trim(cSeniority))>0) then
strSql = strSql & cSeniority & ", "
end if

strSql = strSql & cRegion & ", "

if (len(trim(cStation))>0) then
strSql = strSql & cStation & ", "
end if
strSql = strSql & "'" & cSex & "', "

if (len(trim(cDOB))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDOB) & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "'" & cDesignation & "', "

if (IsNumeric(cBasicPay)) then
strSql = strSql & "" & cBasicPay & ", "
end if

strSql = strSql & "'" & cPerFileNo & "', "

strSql = strSql & "'" & cCategory & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtGovt))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtGovt) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cDtService))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtService) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cDtPost))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtPost) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrYear))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & cIncrYear & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrMonth))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & cIncrMonth & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "'" & cQualification & "', "

strSql = strSql & "'" & cQualDesc & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtLeaving))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtLeaving) & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "'" & cTypeLeaving & "', "

strSql = strSql & "'" & cRemarks & "', "
strSql = strSql & "'" & cPost & "', "
strSql = strSql & "'" & cPostType & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtPostHeld))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtPostHeld) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cUPSCDt))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "'" & DateMMDDYYYY(cUPSCDt) & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "'" & cUPSCNo1 & "', "

strSql = strSql & "'" & cUPSCNo2 & "', "
strSql = strSql & "'" & cEntryMode & "', "
strSql = strSql & "'" & cHomeTown & "', "
strSql = strSql & "'" & cPresentStatus & "'"
strSql = strSql & ")"

set rsFrm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Response.Write strSql strSql, EmployeeConn

Response.Redirect "Region=" & cRegion & "&Designation=" & cDesignation

end if
end sub

sub frmUpdate()
strSql ="Update Employee set "
strSql = strSql & "Name = '" & cName & "', "
if (len(trim(cSeniority))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "Seniority =" & cSeniority & ", "
end if

strSql = strSql & "Region =" & cRegion & ", "
strsql = strSql & "Station =" & cStation & ", "
strSql = strSql & "Sex = '" & cSex & "', "

if (len(trim(cDOB))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DOB = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDOB) & "', "
end if
strSql = strSql & "Designation = '" & cDesignation & "', "

if (isNumeric(cBasicPay)) then
strSql = strSql & "BasicPay = " & cBasicPay & ", "
end if

strSql = strSql & "PerFileNo = '" & cPerFileNo & "', "
strSql = strSql & "Category = '" & cCategory & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtGovt))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DtGovt = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtGovt) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cDtService))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DtService = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtService) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cDtPost))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DtPost = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtPost) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrAmount))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "IncrYear = '" & cIncrYear & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrMonth))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "IncrMonth = '" & cIncrMonth & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cIncrYear))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "IncrYear = '" & cIncrYear & "', "
strSql=strSql & "IncrYear='', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "PostType = '" & cPostType & "', "

strSql = strSql & "Qualification = '" & cQualification & "', "
strSql = strSql & "QualDesc = '" & cQualDesc & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtLeaving))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DtLeaving = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtLeaving) & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "TypeLeaving = '" & cTypeLeaving & "', "
strSql = strSql & "Remarks = '" & cRemarks & "', "
strSql = strSql & "Post = '" & cPost & "', "

if (len(trim(cDtPostHeld))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "DtPostHeld = '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cDtPostHeld) & "', "
end if

if (len(trim(cUPSCDt))>0) then
strSql = strSql & "UPSCDt= '" & DateMMDDYYYY(cUPSCDt) & "', "
end if

strSql = strSql & "UPSCNo1= '" & cUPSCNo1 & "', "
strSql = strSql & "UPSCNo2= '" & cUPSCNo2 & "', "
strSql = strSql & "EntryMode= '" & cEntryMode & "', "
strSql = strSql & "HomeTown= '" & cHomeTown & "', "
strSql = strSql & "PresentStatus= '" & cPresentStatus & "'"
strSql = strSql & " where Id = " & cID
set rsFrm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Response.Write strSql strSql, EmployeeConn
Response.Redirect "frmEmployee.asp?frmAction=Find&ID=" & cID & "&Region="
& cRegion
end sub

sub frmDelete()
strSql = "Delete from Employee where ID =" & cID
set rsFrm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, EmployeeConn
'Response.Redirect "frmEmployee.asp?frmAction=New" & "&Region=" & cRegion
Response.Redirect "Region=" & cRegion & "&Designation=" & cDesignation
end sub

sub frmClose()
Response.Redirect RedirectURL & "?userName=" & session("gUserId")
end sub

sub frmTransfer()
Response.Redirect "frmRegion.asp?ID=" & cID & "&Region=" & cRegion &
"&Station=" & cStation & "&Designation=" & cDesignation
end sub

sub frmPosting()
Response.Redirect "../List/lstPosting.asp?ID=" & cID & "&Region=" & cRegion &
"&Station=" & cStation
end sub

sub frmLeave()
Response.Redirect "../List/lstLeave.asp?ID=" & cID & "&Region=" & cRegion &
"&Station=" & cStation
end sub

sub frmFind()
set rsFrm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSql = "Select * from Employee where ID=" & cID
rsFrm.Open strsql, EmployeeConn
GetValuesFrom "Table"
end sub

sub GetValuesFrom(ByVal Src)

select case cstr(Src)
case "Form"
cId = Request.Form("ID")
cName = Request.Form("Name")
cSex = Request.Form("Sex")
cDOB = Request.Form("DOB")
cDesignation = Request.Form("Designation")
cPayScale = Request.Form("BasicPay")
cPerFileNo = Trim(Request.Form("PerFileNo"))
cCategory = Request.Form("Category")
cDtGovt = Request.Form("DtGovt")

cDtService = Request.Form("DtService")
cDtSection = Request.Form("DtPost")
cPost = Request.Form("Post")
cPostType = Request.Form("PostType")
cPlacePosting = Request.Form("PlacePosting")
cQualification = Request.Form("Qualification")
cQualDesc = Request.Form("QualDesc")
cHomeTown = Request.Form("HomeTown")
cDtLeaving = Request.Form("DtLeaving")
cTypeLeaving = Request.Form("TypeLeaving")
cRemarks = Request.Form("Remarks")
cRegion = Request.Form("Region")
cStation= Request.Form("Station")
cSeniority = Request.Form("Seniority")
cIncrMonth = Request.Form("IncrMonth")
case "Table"
cId = rsFrm("Id")
cName = rsFrm("Name")
cSex = rsFrm("Sex")
cDOB = rsFrm("DOB")
cDesignation = rsFrm("Designation")
cBasicPay = rsFrm("BasicPay")
cPerFileNo = Trim(rsFrm("PerFileNo"))
cCategory = rsFrm("Category")
cDtGovt = rsFrm("DtGovt")
cDtService = rsFrm("DtService")

cDtSection = rsFrm("DtPost")
cPost = rsFrm("Post")
cPostType = rsFrm("PostType")
cQualification = rsFrm("Qualification")
cQualificationDesc = rsFrm("QualificationDesc")
cHomeTown = rsFrm("HomeTown")
cDtLeaving = rsFrm("DtLeaving")
cTypeLeaving = rsFrm("TypeLeaving")
cRemarks = rsFrm("Remarks")
cRegion = rsFrm("Region")
cStation= rsFrm("Station")
cSeniority = rsFrm("Seniority")
cIncrYear= rsFrm("IncrYear")
case else
cName = ""
cSex = ""
cDOB = ""
cDesignation = ""
cPayScale = ""
cPerFileNo = ""
cCategory = ""
cDtGovt = ""
cDtService = ""
cDtSection = ""
cPlacePosting = ""
cPostType = ""

cQualification = ""
cQualDesc = ""
cHomeTown = ""
cDtLeaving = ""
cTypeLeaving = ""
cRemarks = ""
end select
end sub

<Title>Employee Details</Title>
<!--#include File="../Library/JavaLibrary.asp"-->
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function checkDOB()
if (document.frmName.DOB.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DOB.value)) {

function checkDtService()
if (document.frmName.DtService.value == "") {

alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DtService.value)) {
function checkDtGovt()
if (document.frmName.DtGovt.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DtGovt.value)) {
function checkDtPost()
if (document.frmName.DtPost.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DtPost.value)) {
function checkDtPostHeld()

if (document.frmName.DtPostHeld.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DtPostHeld.value)) {
function checkUPSCDt()
if (document.frmName.UPSCDt.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.UPSCDt.value)) {
function checkDtLeaving()
if (document.frmName.DtLeaving.value == "") {
alert("Blank Date!, Date format is 'DD/MM/YYYY'");
else {
if(!DateValid(document.frmName.DtLeaving.value)) {

function checkBP()
if (document.frmName.BasicPay.value == "") {
alert("Blank Basic Pay!");
else {
if(!is_int(document.frmName.BasicPay)) {
alert("'" + document.frmName.BasicPay.value + "' is not a valid Basic

<!-- <TR valign=top><TD align=Center colspan=6><Font face=sans-serif

color=Blue><B>Present Information</B></Font></TD></TR>-->
<TR bgcolor=LightSkyBlue valign=top>
<TD align=left width=11% ><font face="Arial"
<TD width=25% ><PRE><INPUT Name=Name Value="<%=cName%>" Size=20
MaxLength=30 ><B>/</B><INPUT Name=Seniority Value="<%=cSeniority%>"
Size=3 MaxLength=5></PRE>
<INPUT Name=ID Value="<%=cId%>" Type=Hidden Size=5 MaxLength=30 >
<INPUT Name=Region Type=Hidden Value="<%=cRegion%>" Size=5
MaxLength=5 >
<TD align=left width=3% ><font face="Arial" size="2">Sex</font></TD>
<TD width=10% ><select name="Sex">
<option value="">
<option value="M">Male</option>
<option value="F">Female</option>

<TD align=left width=5% ><Font color=red>*</Font><font face="Arial"
<TD width=30%><INPUT Name=DOB Value="" Size=10 MaxLength=10
<TR bgcolor=Bisque valign=top><TD align=left width=5%><font face="Arial"
<TD width=20%><INPUT Name=Designation Type=Hidden Value="<
%=Trim(cDesignation)%>" Size=5 MaxLength=5><B><Font
<TD align=left width=5%><font face="Arial" size="2">Basic</font></TD>
<TD width=10%><INPUT Name=BasicPay Value="<%=cBasicPay%>" Size=10
MaxLength=5 onBlur="checkBP()"></TD>
<TD align=left width=3%><font face="Arial" size="2">File No.</font></TD><TD
<INPUT Name=PerFileNo Value="<%=cPerFileNo%>" Size=13 MaxLength=25
<TR bgcolor=Bisque valign=top><TD align=left><font face="Arial"
<TD><select name="Category">
<option value="">
<option value="G">General</option>
<option value="SC">Schedule Cast </option>
<option value="ST">Schedule Tribe </option>
<option value="OBC">OBC </option>
<TD><font face="Arial" size="2">Station</font></TD>
<TD colspan=3><select name="Station"></Select></TD>
<TR bgcolor=Bisque valign=top><TD align=Left ><Font color=red>*</Font><font
face="Arial" size="2">Dt.of Posting(Prsnt. Desg.)</font></TD>
<TD><INPUT Name=DtService Value="" Size=10 MaxLength=10
<TD align=left><font face="Arial" size="2">Dt. of Entry(Govt.)</font></TD>
<TD><INPUT Name=DtGovt Value="" Size=10 MaxLength=10
<TD align=Left ><font face="Arial" size="2">Dt.Present Station </font></TD>

<TD><INPUT Name=DtPost Value="" Size=10 MaxLength=10
onBlur="checkDtPost()" ></TD>
<TR bgcolor=Bisque valign=top><TD align=Left ><font face="Arial"
size="2">Increment Month</font></TD>
<TD ><select name="IncrMonth"></select></TD>
<TD align=left><font face="Arial" size="2"> Incr.added upto Year </font></TD>
<TD ColSpan=3><INPUT Name=IncrYear Value="<%=cIncrYear%>" Size=5
<TR valign=top><TD align=Center colspan=6><Font face=sans-serif
color=Blue><B>Permanent / Temporary Employee Info.</B></Font></TD></TR>
<TR bgcolor=Bisque valign=top>
<TD><font face="Arial" size="2">Post Name</font></TD>
<TD><!--<select name="Post"></select>--><INPUT Name=Post Value="<%=cPost
%>" Size=22 MaxLength=30></TD>
<TD><font face="Arial" size="2">Perm./Temp.</font></TD>
<TD><select name="PostType"></select></TD>
<TD><font face="Arial" size="2">Dt. of Confirmation</font></TD>
<TD><INPUT Name=DtPostHeld Value="" Size=15 MaxLength=10
<!--<TR valign=top><TD align=Center colspan=6><Font face=sans-serif
color=Blue><B>Qualification Information</B></Font></TD></TR>-->
<TR bgcolor=Lavender><TD align=Left><font face="Arial"
size="2">Qualification</font></TD><TD colspan=2>
<select name="Qualification">
<option value="">
<option value="10">10th</option>
<option value="12">12th </option>
<option value="Gt">Graduate </option>
<option value="PG">Post Graduate </option>
<TD align=Right><font face="Arial" size="2">Description</font></TD><TD
colspan=2><INPUT Name=QualDesc Value='<%=cQualDesc%>' Size=23
maxlength=50 ></TD>

<%if (cDesignation="LEO") then %>
<!--<TR valign=top><TD align=Center colspan=6><Font face=sans-serif
color=Blue><B>U.P.S.C. Information (In case of L.E.O.)</B></Font></TD></TR>--
<TR bgcolor=Gold valign=top><TD align=Left><font face="Arial"
size="2">U.P.S.C. Date</font></TD>
<TD><INPUT Name=UPSCDt Value='<%=RetDate(cUPSCDt)%>' Size=10
maxlength=10 onBlur="checkUPSCDt()"></TD>
<TD align=Right><font face="Arial" size="2">U.P.S.C.
No.</font></TD><TD><INPUT Name=UPSCNo1 Value='<%=cUPSCNo1%>'
Size=12 maxlength=20 ></TD>
<TD colspan=2><INPUT Name=UPSCNo2 Value='<%=cUPSCNo2%>' Size=12
maxlength=20 ></TD>
<TR bgcolor=Gold valign=top><TD align=Left><font face="Arial" size="2">Entry
Mode</font></TD><TD colspan=2>
<select name="EntryMode"><%fillEntryMode(trim(cEntryMode))%></select>
<TD align=Right><font face="Arial" size="2">Present Status</font></TD><TD
<select name="PresentStatus"><%fillPresentStatus(trim(cPresentStatus))%></select>
<%end if %>
<!--<TR valign=top><TD Colspan=6 align=center><Font face=sans-serif
color=Blue><B>Miscellaneous Information</B></Font></TD></TR>-->
<TR bgcolor=Lavender valign=top><TD align=Left><font face="Arial"
size="2">Home Town </font></TD><TD colspan=2><INPUT Name=HomeTown
Value='<%=cHomeTown%>' Size=15 maxlength=20 ></TD>
<TD align=Left><font face="Arial" size="2">Dt. of Leaving</font></TD><TD
colspan=2><INPUT Name=DtLeaving Value="" Size=15 MaxLength=10
<TR bgcolor=Lavender valign=top><TD align=Left><font face="Arial"
size="2">Reason of Leaving</font></TD><TD colspan=5><select
<TR bgcolor=Lavender valign=top><TD><font face="Arial"
size="2">Remarks</font></TD><TD colspan=5><INPUT Name=Remarks Value='<
%=cRemarks%>' Size=80></TD></TR>

<Center><I><Font color=red><Sup>*</Sup></Font>&nbsp;<Font
color=Blue>These fields are mandatory</Font></I></Center>
<P><INPUT name=SubmitAction type=hidden value="new"></P>
<%' Response.Write frmMode
Response.Write "<Center>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnNew type=button value=New>"
if frmMode="New" then
response.write "<INPUT name=btnInsert type=submit value=Insert>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnSave type=button value=Save>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnDelete type=button value=Delete>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnRefresh type=button value=Refresh>"
Response.Write "<Table border=1 bordercolor=Blue><TR
response.write "<INPUT name=btnPosting type=button value='Postings'>"
Response.Write "</TD><TD>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnTransfer type=button value='Transfer'>"
Response.Write "</TD><TD>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnLeave type=button value='Leave'>"
Response.Write "</TD></TR></Table><BR>"
end if
' response.write "<INPUT name=btnSearch type=button value=Search>"
response.write "<INPUT name=btnClose type=button value=Close>"
Response.Write "</Center>"
<!--#include File="../Library/LibraryFrm.asp"-->
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
sub btnTransfer_OnClick()

end sub

sub btnPosting_OnClick()
end sub

sub btnLeave_OnClick()
end sub
sub btnInsert_OnClick()
end sub

Annexure D - List of Common Validations

1. No field in a form should be left blank.

2. The name of a person cannot be numeric value. It has to be in alphabets

3. Data has to be entered in a valid format.

4. Data of birth has to be a date previous than the current date.

5. Time has to be entered in valid format.

6. In any form, only one option can be selected from the given number of options

7. Email address should be entered in a valid format.

Annexure E - Definition/Glossary

Data describe the numbers, text, graphics, image, and voice stored in this form that
can be used by a computer.

Record – A set of related data items treated as a unit.

File – Set of record is termed as storage of files, and records in computer.

LAN Based Application – an application which run on internet or intranet.

Project Life Cycle (PLC) – Describe a way to make a successful project.

Configuration status reporting (CSR) – an activity that help software Developer to

understanding what changes have been made and why.

Validation – Test to ensure that the software confirms to its requirement.

Prototyping – Creating a mock – up of an application.

Annexure F – Bibliography

S. No. Title Author/Publisher

1 NIC standard templates NIC, New Delhi

2 Ministry of labour website NIC, New Delhi

3 “Software Engineering A Roger S.Pressman

Practitioner’s approach”

4 “Active Server Pages” ASP in 21 days

Active Server Pages 3.0 Scott Mitchell and James


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