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Basic Character of Designer

1. Creative
2. Individual
3. Expressive
4. Universal
A designer must have creative personality to
express their ideas to make creation of arts.
Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative
ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes:
thinking, then producing. In their daily life, their skill
of creativity are needed. They can improve it in many
ways. For example: They can read design magazine,
attend exhibition, or aware about detail things
around them. If you have ideas, but dont act on
them, you are imaginative but not creative.
Combination of creativity and expressive.
To express all of their ideas, a designer must
works by their self. If they work together, it isnt
effective. They just express a half of their ideas, so it
became unsatisfied art. Although sometimes they
must cooperate with the other people to do some
projects. They must know which situation they should
work alone or work together.
Besides that, a designers creation isnt made
only for their self but also for the other peoples
business. They must create their creations which is
interesting, unique and understandable. So, the
creation theyve made can easily accepted and attract
other peoples attention.

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