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By Morgan Newsam and Elena

Key code:
transition =
Link to another scene=
Continues to next scene=
Birds eye view=
Worms eye view =
Pan up=
Low angle shot=

5 Seconds


3 Seconds

3 Seconds


Blank screen, with a transition of the title

coming up in white, and a certain font
(creepy bold looking). The text will continue
over to the next scene but the black
background will fade out.

Fade into her turning on the bath tap, close

up shot. Halfway through the shot the title
fades out. This tap scene continues over to
the next shot to show and drill in the idea of
the water showing importance of the water.

Fade into her turning on the bath tap, close

up shot. Halfway through the shot the title
fades out. The tap continues run over the
next few scenes. The sound will be placed
in after to exaggerate the sound further.

Mid shot of back of character taking off her

top. This scene will continue the theme of
not revealing her face until later on in the
scene to keep the audience on edge of who
the main character is.

Mid shot of character taking off her trousers.

We will show parts and peeks of the main
character to get a feel of what is happening
in the scene. These peeks also keep the
audience guessing.

Close up of character undoing her bra at the

back. This shot will show her finally getting
ready to step into the bath. This will outline
her figure to show her body and her

3 Seconds

3 Seconds


3 Seconds

3 Seconds

Close up of character grabbing a towel out

of the cupboard. We will capture her hand in
the scene, to show that it is her still involved
in the scene.

Over shoulder shot of character pouring in

red bubble bath. The red bubble bath will
signify anger and blood creating the vibes of
fear and terror in the character.

Close up of view of her getting into the bath

of her feet. All of these elements are
creating a gradual build up to the main
essence of the scene.

Birds eye view of character in the bath with

tap still running. We will be able to see her
hair and frame but not her face, continuing
the scene of the unknown and what her
involvement is.

Close up of tap running, then characters

hand turn it off but leave it dripping. We will
see her hand turn off the tap while she is in
the bath, seeing the water drip and
exaggerating the sound of the drips.

Pan up characters right leg. Stopping before

any of the main figure and frame is shown.
This will show the intercut movements of the
body even at it stillest moments.


3-4 seconds


3-4 Seconds

3 seconds

3 Seconds

Link to arm due to her sitting position, up to

her shoulder. The same movement will be
mimicked by the character when they are in
the woods.

Pan up to her chest, to her nose. This wont

reveal the what the character is looking at
but reveal more of the character.

Extreme Close up of nose and mouth. We

are zooming into the character more,
showing the breathing change in the
character as she becomes more distressed.

Pan around bathroom to show mirrors and

scenery-mirrors create effect. This will
continue over a few scenes to show the
character and the scenery , including the
bottle of pills laying in the background.

Pan around bathroom to show mirrors and

scenery-mirrors create effect.

Pan around bathroom to show mirrors and

scenery-mirrors create effect.

3 seconds

3 seconds

3 seconds

3 seconds

6 Seconds

4 Seconds

Zoom into a mirror using a low angle and

mid shot. Capturing the character sitting the
bath but through the shot of reflection and
showing the bathroom as well.

Long shot of the woods. The character will

be able to bee seen in the distance on the
floor to show the change in her mind and

Pan around the woods. She will continued to

be seen in the distance as we pan the
woods to creating the setting and show the

See character from panning and we zoom

into her face. Laying still and beings to
move slightly.

Close up of characters face, she then looks

into the camera. She opens her eyes and
looks dead at the camera, from this we cut
back to the bath and reveal the characters
face again, these shots mimic each other.

Close up of characters face in the bath.

Fear will be in her face and eyes and show
that she is becoming more and more scared
of her thoughts.

4 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

Mid shot of character lifting her arm in the

bath. Sinking deeper into the bath as she is
gaining the feeling of losing herself and
being drowned by these thoughts.

Mid shot of character in the woods lifting her

arm. Mimicking motions that she will also do
whilst in the bath.

Close up of character dropping her arm in

the woods. Camera on the floor so we see
the hand fall.

Close up in the bath of her hand hitting the

water. Showing the movement of the water
and rippling from the motions of her hand.

Close up of her feet in the water twitching.

Showing movement as she becomes more
manic and scared of what is happening in
her head.

Go back to the woods where her hand will

be on the floor from last wood shot, then
zoom out to a mid or long shot to show her
getting up from the floor.

3 seconds

4-5 seconds

3 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds



Zoom out to a long shot of main character in

the middle of a circle of four people. They
will be wearing masks to represent there

Close up of one of the masks with the text of

what they represent. The wood scene will in
the background.

Close up of the next mask. The wood scene

will in the background.



Close up of the next mask. The wood scene

will in the background.

Close up of final mask. The wood scene will

in the background.

Camera in the middle of the circle panning

in a circle of characters taking off their
masks and throwing them to the floor.
Showing the sins at different parts taking
there masks off.




2 seconds

Camera on the floor of shot of all five sets of

feet and masks on the floor. The masks will
be shown at there natural falling position.


2 seconds

Mid-shot of character in the bath sinking

under. Her face blank in expression and hair
floating in the water.




close up of one of the ring members. The

text used on the masks shall be applied with
text that I will paint on and allow to drip to
add a sense of drama and darkness to the
scene. It will also allow the audience to know
their purpose and role.


Close up of second member. At this point

they will be without there masks, revealing
there true identity. They all will be wearing
black to match create the look of being a
collective gang.

Close up of third member.

Close up of fourth member.




3 seconds

1 second


Zoom out of last ring members face to show

the circle again. Showing that she is

Close up of character clenching fists. They

will be by her side in anger as she cant
escape but wants to.

Mid shot at bath level, so it looks like no-one

is in it then her arms come out holding onto
the handles.

Extreme close up of hand gripping onto the

handle. Showing her grip which is strong,
adding to her fear factor and fright.

Back to woods as main characters point of

view, panning around the circle again as the
dialogue begins. They will be chanting their
lines which are paragraphs from various
poems. They will also eventually be
chanting over each other.

Extreme Close up of one of the ring

members. Showing theme breathing and the
power they have over her, they will have a
slight sinister look to there face.

1 second

3 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds



Extreme Close up of the next ring member.

They will be without masks showing there

Extreme Close up of the third member. .

They will be without masks showing there

Extreme Close up of the final member. .

They will be without masks showing there

Close up of main characters face, with ghost

effect. Creating the idea of it actually being
in her head rather than reality.

Long shot of main character trying to run out

of the circle but she cant escape.

Mid shot of main character moving head

around under the water trying to escape.
Moving and wriggling trying to escape and
break free.

1 seconds

2 seconds

1 second

1 second

2 seconds

Mid shot of main characters feet trying to

get out of the circle. Her stumbling, trying to
make a plan to escape, trying to find a way

Close up of main characters hands trying to

push her way pushing one of the
members. Displaying panic on her face.

Mid shot of main characters point of view,

trying to push her way out, we then see her
fall to floor, turning into worms eye view of
the sky.

Close up of characters face coming out of

the water gasping for air. Showing her
struggling for breath and using the bath to
help her break these feelings.

Zooms out to mid/longshot of character

sitting up in the bath grasping onto the

Main characters point of view looking

around the bathroom panning. This will
show she feels enclosed and crammed in
one place. She cant escape from her mind
and tell what is reality anymore.

2 seconds

2 seconds

3 seconds

4 seconds


Fading out

Close up of characters face in the bath.

She will have fear and panic in her
face as she is starting to become really
scared of the sins as they are the fact
she cant escape and is trapped in her
own thought in her mind.

Pan down to the medication. This will

be at the end of the bath in the corner
and will be seen in glimpses of the
scenes from the start, they will be her
medication that will make her better
but will she take them?

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