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Name: __________________________________
Date:_______________________ Period:______
8th Grade Quarter 3

Instructions: To receive full credit for questions, you must show all work. I will minus
points from each question without work shown. Please also neatly circle or box your
final answers. You must follow ALL instructions carefully. If you ask about this instruction
or announce it to others, you will not receive the test points. Draw a flower next to your
name. This is a lesson on reading instructions and it is worth five points that will count
towards your test grade. Thank you for reading and following all instructions.
** Reading instructions is VERY important!!**

True/False (5 points each)

Please print True

or False
(3 points)

CORRECT if FALSE, cross out or change to make true. (2 points)


3x +14 = 8x + 4
x = 2


2x + 4(x 3) = 6x 12



+ 5 = 3 then x = 16


12x + 4 x = 4 then x = 4

2x + 4 (x 5) = 18
x =9

x = NO Solution

Mixed Problem Solving (5 points each)

Show all calculations and circle/box your final answers.
(*HINT: When graphing Inequalities, use appropriate open or closed circles and pay
attention to the direction of your arrow)
6. Solve the inequality and GRAPH on a
7. Solve the inequality and GRAPH on a
number line.
number line.

x 3x < 4

x 4 12

8. Solve for the variable and CHECK your


9. Solve for the variable.

18 6k = 6(1+ 3k)

3x 21+ 5 = 2x 11

10. Solve for the variable and CHECK your


11. Solve for the variable.

4(m + 3) = 32m

12. How are inequalities different from


11 2(2x +1) = 9

13. When do you change the direction of

an inequality sign?

Written Response.
14. Describe the steps used to solve this multiple step equation.
REQUIRED VOCABULARY: Distributive Property, Inverse, integer rule, solution, negative
15. How do you know if an equation has NO solution or ALL (infinite) solutions?
Provide an example for each and explain.
No solution: Variables cancel out and equation does not equal each other.

ALL (Infinite) Solutions: Variables cancel out and/or you end up with equations that
equal each other

Examine the following examples.

Describe the differences between equations with
NO solution and equations with Infinite Solutions.
Additional Examples:

Written Reflection: Describe how your learning has changed from the end of 3rd
Quarter. What have you done to be better prepared for this Make Up Final exam?
What topics do you feel like you could use more help with to better prepare you for
High School?
Please note that these questions are only EXAMPLE questions. Students will also be
required to Solve and GRAPH inequality problems like those listed on following page.

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