Inclusion North Supporting Then V FF

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Inclusion North supporting the NVFF

How are we doing?

Whats Working?

Linking with people doing work in specific areas e.g. health

Connections between members
Fab support from the office
Very welcoming
All discussions
Really interesting, informative meetings
Great opportunity to learn about national initiatives
Organisation of event really good
Inclusion North staff really helpful
Meetings feel more organised than previously. Makes huge improvement to
general feel of the meeting.
Reps from the Nat. LD Forum involved is great, looking forward to meeting

Whats not working?


Timekeeping - need to keep closer to planned agenda

Needs updated contacts list and who is doing what
I cant hear very well in big room. So would it be possible to have a roving
microphone at meetings please

What we could do better?


Be clearer about outcomes for each session on the agenda - where do we hope
the presentation/discussion will lead? Do we need working groups - could have a
session where people work on different areas during an NVFF meeting. Build on
peoples knowledge and interests.
Some people working in silo where information sharing could help in diff. areas..
Plain sandwiches
Social media presence??
Agenda felt v. packed - but I can see why - so much going on. But if felt difficult to
capture all actions with a forum action plan we all sign up to.

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