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make up v: 1. to assemble and join parts to form a complete unit (e.g.

, to make up a string of
drill pipe). 2. to screw together two threaded pieces. Compare break out. 3. To mix or prepare
(e.g., to make up a tank of mud). 4. to compensate for (e.g., to make up for lost time).
makeup adj: added to a system (e.g., makeup water used in mixing mud).
make up a joint v: to screw a length of pipe into another length of pipe.
makeup cathead n: a device that is attached to the shaft of the draw works and used as a power
source for screwing together joints of pipe. It is usually located on the driller's side of the
drawworks. Also called spinning cathead. See cathead.
make-up gas n: 1. gas that is taken in succeeding years and has been paid for previously under a
take-or-pay clause in a gas purchase contract The contract will normally specify the number of
years after payment in which the purchaser can take delivery of make-up gas without paying a
second time. 2. gas injected into a reservoir to maintain a constant reservoir pressure and thereby
prevent retrograde condensation. 3. in gas processing, the gas that makes up for plant losses.
During processing there is a reduction in gas volume because of fuel and shrinkage. Some
agreements between gas transmission companies and plant owners require plant losses to be
made up or to be paid for.
makeup tongs n pi: tongs used for screwing one length of pipe into another for making up
a joint. Compare breakout tongs. See also tongs.
makeup water n: the water used as a base in water-based drilling muds. It may be fresh,
brackish, or salty

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