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Name: Lexi Surko

??? WHO AM I ???

self-discovery using internet personality tests
STEP #1: Myers-Briggs
1. Take the Myers-Briggs personality test to discover what your four-letter
combination is. Write it here: ISTJ
(Here is a link to an online version:

2. YOU WILL GO TO A DIFFERENT WEBSITE TO ANALYZE YOUR RESULTS: At , go to Portraits (picture of Shakespeare) and click on
your four-letter personality type. What is the title of your personality type: The

Duty Fulfiller
3. Read and summarize your personality traits.

ISTJs are very loyal, faithful, and dependable, extremely dependable on

following through with things which they have promised, not
comfortable with breaking laws or going against the rules, will work for
long periods of time and put tremendous amounts of energy and effort
into doing any task, likely to be uncomfortable expressing affection and
emotion to others, faithful and loyal, and they are very hard workers
4. Do you agree with this description? Why or why not?

I agree partially with this description. I think I am dependable,

hardworking, and uncomfortable with expressing my feelings, but I
disagree with the description that Im not comfortable with breaking
the rules because I do sometimes, and that I have I respect for facts,
which I do but not to the degree the description said. I also enjoy ideas
and theories and learning new things
5. What are the strengths AND weaknesses of this personality type?

Some strengths of this personality type are that they are dependable,
loyal, hardworking, and faithful. However some weaknesses are that
they may become overly obsessed with structure, and insist on doing
everything "by the book".
6. Go to Personality and Careers (picture of arrows) and click on your type. List
the possible career paths for this personality type. Put a * by any youve
considered pursuing.

Business Executive, Administrator, Manager, *Accountant, Financial

Officer, Police Officer, Detective, Judge, Attorney, *Medical Doctor,
Dentist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Military Leader
7. Go to Personality and Relationships (the heart), scroll down, and click on your
type at the bottom. Describe your strengths and weaknesses in relationships.

Strengths include Honor their commitments, take their relationship

roles very seriously, Able to tolerate conflict situations without
emotional upheaval, good listeners. Some weaknesses include the
tendency to believe that they're always right, tendency to get

involved in "win-lose" conversations, not naturally in-tune with what

others are feeling, not likely to give enough praise or affirmation to
their loved ones
8. Go to Personal Growth (the tree), scroll down to the bottom, and click on your
type. What traits should you recognize and nourish for greater success? (If the
website doesnt provide this info., then speculate, based on what youve read,
what you need to do to develop personally.)

With their respect for rules and order, they value honesty and
integrity and seek to live with these ideals, and they're not afraid of
hard work, and will put forth a great deal of effort towards
something that they are interested in. This persistence will help the
ISTJ to achieve any identified goal
STEP #2: The Big Five: Go to: Click on the Big Five
Personality Test link. Click on the Learn more about the Big Five link.
9. Answer the following questions:
a. What conclusion did Costa & McCrae and Norman & Goldberg reach?

They came to the conclusion that most human personality

traits can be boiled down to five broad dimensions of
personality, regardless of language or culture
b. What does the site mean when it says the feedback will be generalizations
and it may not specifically apply to you?
It means that the feedback is a generalization and that the information is
based on the average person not specifically around you so therefore the
information may not apply to you
10. Go back, and complete the Big Five Personality test
11. Plot your results:
Close-minded |--x------------------|
Open to new experience
Disorganized |------------------x--|
Disagreeable |----x----------------|
Calm / Relaxed
Nervous / High-Strung
18. Describe the traits of people who are high scorers of:
Openness: High scorers tend to be original, creative,


complex people
High scorers tend to be reliable, well organized, selfdisciplined, careful people

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving,

talkative people

High scorers tend to be good-natured, sympathetic,

forgiving, courteous people


High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure,


19. Explain what you are and include the percentile:

Openness: I prefer traditional and familiar experiences, 4 percentile
Conscientious: Im very well organized and can be relied upon, 86 percentile
Extraversion: I probably enjoy spending quiet time alone, 7 percentile
Agreeableness: I find it easy to criticize others, 17 percentile
Neurotic: Im a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things, 90
20. Do you agree with the description of you? Why or why not (Explain in detail)?
I agree with the description of conscientious because Im OCD making me well
organized and have been told that Im very reliable. Also I do enjoy spending
some time alone but I also enjoy going out and hanging out with my friends more
so than staying home alone. However, I disagree with the description that Im
generally anxious. I do get nervous but I believe not to the degree/percentile the
test says I do. Also I dont always find it easy to criticize people, I do judge people
but I dont find it easy to do.


personality tests to try:

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