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Name: Maha Zwayen

Course: EED 211
Date: 10/04/2015
Activity: Reading a book and naming the objects in it.
1-Age of child/ or group of children
The activity was done with 1 and 2 years old children. The elder one of children is aged two
years old and two months while the younger one is aged one-year-old and five months. There
were seven children who participated in this activity as a group while the teacher read them
the book of The Wheels on the Bus, but she allowed each one of them to participate
individually in the activity through exploring the sensory items in the book and naming the
objects too. The activity was implemented in the classroom in the circle time area. Each one
of the children who joined this activity has unique personality, but all of them enjoyed the
activity as the teacher chose a colourful book that has simple, easy and short context and
added colourful cards that represent the objects in the book separately to help the children
naming the objects in the book.
2- Objective/s of the activity (AZ language standards):
Arizonas Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines: Language Development and
Communication; indicators of developing listening and understanding: Shows interest in
listening to sounds, responds to verbal communication of others and begins to understand
gestures, words, questions or routines. Moreover, indicators of developing communication
and speaking: uses consistent sounds, gestures or words to communicate and imitates sounds,
gestures or words. This activity helps children to develop their receptive language through
understanding spoken words and to develop their expressive language too through using
words to express meaning.

3- Describe or identify specific materials used/ needed

The book of The Wheels on the Bus, pictures of the objects in the book, and in order to
make cards to attach the pictures to them the teacher needed construction paper, clear contact
paper and a scissor.
4- Internet resource address
5- Describe the activity implementation with the following headings
Steps- The teacher implemented her activity in the circle time area where she presented the
book of The Wheels on the Bus to the children. She started reading the book to the children
and asking the children at the end of each page to press one of the buttons on the book that
represents one of the objects in this book. The teacher was already prepared cards with
pictures that represent the objects in this book, so after the teacher was done with reading the
book, she showed the cards to the children and started naming the pictures on them and
asking the children to name these pictures after her. The teacher did this part of the activity
with the children as a group, but the children did not give enough attention to the pictures, so
she started passing the pictures around, showing them to the children, naming them and
asking the children to name these pictures back after her.
Timeframe- The activity took about 10 minutes to be done including reading the book of
The Wheels on the Bus and naming the pictures that represent the objects in it with the
Single or group- The activity started with group of children that consists of 7 of them. As the
teacher read the book of The Wheels on the Bus to all of the children and asked them to
participate in exploring the sensory items that exist on the book. However, she worked

individually with the children during naming the pictures on the cards that represent the
objects in the book because she could not keep their attention as a group during naming these
Inside or outside- The activity was done inside the classroom, on the circle time area where
there is enough space to have all the children as a group.
6- Evaluate the activity with the following headings:
List the strengths- First of all, the teacher chose a book that has simple, short and easy
context for the children to understand. Moreover, the book reflects a nursery rhyme that the
teacher took into account that maybe some of the children heard it before, so it will be easy
for them to follow the words of it. In addition, the teacher chose a book that has sensory items
which children can explore because the children who aged one and two years old are using
their senses to learn, so they found the book very interesting. Besides that, the teacher chose
easy words from the book to be represented by the cards for children to name which all of the
children were able to say them or even say the first sounds of these words. For example, one
of the children who is aged one year old and ten months was able to say the word Bus
while another child who is aged one year old and seven months was able to say Bu, Bu for
the word Bus.
Limitation- The teacher started naming the cards for the children as a group which caused
them to lose their interest in continuing that because some of them were able to name the
whole words while others were able only to name one or two sounds of them. For example,
one of the children who is aged one year old and nine months was able to say the word
Horn with all its sounds, while another child was able only to say the sounds Ho of the
word Horn. Another thing that the teacher thinks it might lead the children to lose their

interest in reading the cards is that the teacher did not attach the cards to other sensory items
which children can explore like the sounds that were attached to the book.
Variations- The teacher planned to work with each child in the classroom individually to
know their level of language development which includes naming the words and saying the
sounds, so she will choose words that children would be able to say as a group to keep them
interested in activities like this one.
Modifications- The teacher planned to attach the cards that reflect pictures in which she
wants the children to name to other sensory items like sounds or real objects that represent
these pictures like a toy of a bus that represents the picture of a bus. Moreover, the teacher
plans to hang these pictures that she wants the children to name around the classroom, so she
will keep repeating them to the children till they can fully say their names.
7- Outcome of the activity
Describe how your objectives were metFirst of all, this activity helped the children to promote their receptive language especially as
the teacher associated reading the book of The Wheel on the Bus with hands movements
and sounds of objects that are on the book to help the children to fully understand what they
are hearing. Moreover, she used cards with pictures of the objects in the book and name these
pictures first by herself, so the children would hear the words clearly and can repeat them
easily after her. Secondly, the children learned how to use their words and sounds to convey
meaning when the teacher was showing them pictures of the objects in the book and asking
them to name these pictures after her. In addition, the children were imitating the sounds that
the teacher was making when she was reading some parts of the book like The babies on the
bus go Waa, Waa, Waa and the children were making the sounds of Waa, Waa, Waa with

Personal learning
The teacher was surprised with the young childrens ability to listen and speak. She did not
expect that young children who are aged one-year-old and five months were able to say even
first two or three sounds of words or say some easy words like Baby which made her see
the importance of focusing more on the language part of the young childrens lesson plan and
teach children how to talk more effectively through asking questions and make conversations.
Moreover, this activity emphasized the teachers belief that young children learn best by
using their senses as the children were so happy when they were pressing the buttons that
reflect the sounds of the objects in the book. The teacher also realized that she should always
makes assessments to see if some children need more support to develop their language and
communication skills and if yes then she needs to have more of one to one correspondence
with these children to teach them how to say different sounds and words.

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