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Literary Argument: Thesis Statements

Please rank the following thesis statements using rankings: strong, needs
revisions, or not a thesis. In addition, include a rationale for the ranking you
placed on the thesis statement. Heres a reminder of the essentials of a thesis:
Tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject
matter under discussion.
Is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to
expect from the rest of the paper.
Directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an
interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself.
Makes a claim that others might dispute
Must include some sort of literary element
Guiding Question: To what is extent is Amirs characterization shaped by life in the
U.S.? How does he balance childhood experiences/traditions from Kabul?



Amir and Babas move to the United

States helps Amirs character
development because he strengthens
the relationship with his father.

Gives a clear
example for Amirs

Needs stronger
explanation of
development-highlight key features

Culture in the United States is

different than culture in Afghanistan.

Considers the
culture in the two
key settings in
Amirs life

Lacks a literary
Too obvious
No connection to Amir

The author, Khaled Hosseini, situates

Amir in the United States to argue
that (Amirs experiences in Kabul
created) Afghani values are stronger
than American values.

Connects to Amir,
which begins to
answer the

Its lacking the

connection to Kabul
and Amirs

Though the United States symbolizes

hope, Amirs upbringing in Kabul has
a greater impact on his

Helps to answer
the initial guiding

Validate the changes

in the United States

Amirs character is developed when

he moves to the United States,
especially when he graduates high

Offers a clear
explanation of the
rest of the paper

Takes a clear

Include setting of
The prongs may be
too specific

school, meets Soraya, and pursues

his dreams.

Brings an

Outlining your Literary Argument

Consider the principles of a strong thesis and apply them to creating your own. In
addition use yesterdays activity to outline a literary argument in response to the
guiding question: To what is extent is Amirs characterization shaped by life in the
U.S.? How does he balance childhood experiences/traditions from Kabul?


First Claim:


Second Claim:


Third Claim


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