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Life After Death

Nyjahwahn Walker
Dr. Kolek
Living, Dying, Grieving

Life After Death

Life after death is a very unknown topic some people believe in it some people not to
much. There are many cases of people having experiences with life after death by having
near death experiences giving information about it that could make life after death a very
serious and believable topic. I am sure at some point in everyones life they wonder what
will happen to them after they die and what will it be like after death. There are many
people who have had near death experiences and explain them with the world and they
are really hard stories to not believe sometimes and they can really give you a good idea
of what life after death could be like if it is a real thing.

An Oklahoma woman named Crystal McVea shared her near death experience to
the Daily News of New York. McVea says she never believed in life after death until she
was unresponsive in a hospital room and unconscious for 9 minutes. When McVeas eyes
closed, she said, I closed my eyes on the world and opened my eyes in heaven
(Kuruvilla, 2013). When McVea was asked what she saw during her being unconscious
she explains it as all of the usual things that people think about heaven, the light, pearly
white gates and angels but the most significant moment for her was meeting God. McVea
says she could see, taste, smell, and hear god and some of the things that she did in
heaven more than her five senses that she had on earth(Kuruvilla, 2013). Another thing
that McVea said was I felt free from the lies I had lived and the untruth that god didnt
love me (Kuruvilla, 2013). She had talked to god and had spent time with him and the

Life After Death

last words she said that god said to her were Tell them what you can remember that is
exactly what she did and that moment changed her whole view on heaven, god, and life.

Another case of a life after death experience that is very interesting comes from a
neurosurgeon teaching at Harvard Medical School named Dr. Eben Alexander. He says,
I did not believe in the phenomenon of near-death experiences (Alexander, 2012). Eben
Alexander is a very intelligent man and says that even though he considered himself a
faithful Christian but was more in the name than actual belief of the religion. In the fall of
2008, Eben Alexander spent 7 days in a coma after his brain had shut down after a
bacteria named E-Coli started to eat away at his brain. In the beginning of his experience
he was in a place of big puffy white clouds he said he did see birds and angels like in
other causes of near death experiences but he thinks those details would not help people
believe his experience(Alexander, 2012).

Dr. Alexander also says for most of the journey another individual was with him
it was a woman and Dr. Alexander says he remembers every single detail about her. He
explained her saying she had high cheek bones and deep blue eyes with a lovely face
(Alexander, 2012). This women spoke to him without actually speaking and she sent him
a message that he explains as went through me like a wind and, instantly I knew it was
true (Alexander, 2012). The messages were you are loved and cherished, dearly
cherished, you have nothing to fear and there is nothing you can do wrong

Life After Death

(Alexander, 2012) those messages from the women made him feel comfortable in heaven
and made him not worry about anything. He also explained how after his coma when he
went to church for the first time he had a completely different image on heaven and his
religion. The stain glass was the colors he saw during his near death experience in
heaven. His experiences were a little different than some other experiences coming from
different people but they are very similar with interactions with different people in

One more very interesting case of afterlife comes from a man named Brian Miller.
Brian Miller suffered from a massive heart attack and was pronounced dead. By surprise
45 minutes later. While he was clinically dead, he explains all of the same things that
most other people see during their near death experiences. The things that he witnessed
were the light that leads to a heavenly path but at the end of the path he met up with his
mother in law who had recently died he also ran into another family member along the
way, but he recalls is mother in law grabbing him and saying Its not your time (Web
Staff, 2014). He was very surprised about there being an afterlife and he said, There is
an afterlife and people need to believe it (Web Staff, 2014).
These experiences have to mean something and these people that went through
these experiences are very passionate about them. I personally believe there is life after
death from all of the research that I have done. It is very hard to believe but there are
some very valid points about what these people are seeing and I dont think they are all

Life After Death

making up the same thing. I honestly believe that there is a heaven and a god and all of
the other things that come with it.

Religions didnt just start out of nowhere there has to be reasoning for believing
in a religion while your alive so that your spirit will be taken care of in your afterlife from
all of these peoples stories it shows that everything that religions practice and believe
most likely arent a joke and it will eventually mean something in your afterlife.

The one story that always makes me believe that there is a heaven and a god is a
book I read two years ago called heaven is for real. Heaven is for real is a book that
explains a near death experience of a kid named Colton Burpo. Colton at the time was 4
years old and he had died and said he went to heaven. All of Coltons insights about
heaven were so clear that a 4 year old wouldnt be able to make it up. Colton saw god,
angels, even talked to his sister that had died before she was even born Colton would
never know about an unborn sister at the age of four everything that he said just seemed
to real.
Colton was never told about religion even though his dad was a pastor they
thought that he was too young for Colton to explain things like this is just insane. Colton
recalls watching his surgery from outside of his body while he was floating to heaven
explaining things that went on during his surgery. Also when asked what Jesus looked
like without every seeing a picture of Jesus Colton explained him as well as the bible did.
Heaven really could be real and Colton makes some very great and interesting points
about heaven.

Life After Death

Heaven is described in many of the same ways by most of the people that have
had near death experiences. These experiences should be more known and taught to
people to give an idea of what can happen to you in your afterlife. There are many stories
out there to learn from and they could change someones entire opinion on death. Maybe
death isnt a dark and lonely place, it could be a happy place where you could possibly
meet up with old family members and friends like some of these people did.

Life after death is a topic that you will never really know for sure about until it
actually happens, but thinking positively from these individuals perspective during their
near death experiences it sounds like it perceived by any individual that hasnt had a near
death experience and it is very believable and makes perfect sense.

Life After Death

Work Cited

Kuruvilla, C. (2013, April 3). Oklahoma woman shares her near-death

experience . Retrieved from 6
Alexander, D. E. (2012, November 12). Proof of heaven: A doctors experience
with the afterlife. Retrieved from
Web Staff, C. (2014, February 18). Man dead for 45 minutes says he awoke after
seeing afterlife. Retrieved from

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