"Waking Up": From Pastor Chris

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April 2016

sidebysideministry.com & friend us on facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio

From Pastor Chris

Waking Up
I wonder what it is like to wake up the first morning of your birth?
Is there a fuzzy awareness that something has changed?
Is there a beginning discovery that you can move, wiggle, and stretch?

Do you sense your own separateness, and yet miss the dark womb cradle?
I wonder what it is like to wake up the first morning of your sprouting?
Is there a joy in finally reaching the light for which you have longed?
Is there a beginning discovery that you can dance in the breeze?
Do you sense your own being, and growth that goes both deep and tall?
I wonder what it is like to wake up the first morning of your rising?
Is there a sudden eye-opening awareness that something has changed?
Is the darkness of the tomb lit with the brilliant light of new birth?
Do you laugh out loud at deaths shocked stare, and skip through the garden gate?
I wonder what it is like to wake up the first morning of each dawning day?
Will You open my eyes to new discoveries, change me into new light?
Will You move and wiggle and stretch my soul into a dance for Your glory?
Will I sense my own being, inexplicably connected to You, and grow both deep and tall?
Thank You for first mornings, and the gift of waking up!

St. Paul Sanctuary Renovation Update

Mark your calendar: April 10, 2016 following worship
See the beginning thoughts and ideas from a Church Renovator and artist.
Join the excitement, share in the planning!


April 2016

Special Events
All Sons and
Daughters Banquet
Thank you for Louise 18 Years as Secretary
A cake and card reception will be held after St. Paul worship on April 17th. Help us thank Louise for her good
work all these years in the church office. We are thankful she will still be involved in our mission and as our organist! We also want to thank Mallory Kukay for her
year+ of service, and welcome Deb White as she fills the
roles of both Louise and Mallory in the office at St. Paul.
(Deb thanks you ahead for your grace and patience as
she has big shoes to fill!)

The Banquet will be held on Sunday,

May 1st at 5 pm at St. Paul. Women
from St. John and St. Paul and their
guests are welcome. The program
will be The Edison High School Show
Choir. The dinner will be served by
Averys in Marblehead. The menu is
Ham, Smoked Gouda Cheese Potatoes, Peas, Garden Salad, Roll and
Butter, Beverages, Cookies and Cupcakes. Tickets are $10.00 and will be
available soon.



We will celebrate confirmation at St. Paul on

Sunday, May 15th, at 10:30 worship.
Reception to follow.

Wednesday, May 18th,

7:00 pm, at St. Paul
Lutheran, Danbury.

Graduation Reception
Side by Side High School Youth Bowling and Pizza
Sunday, April 17, at Star Bowling Lanes, Sandusky
Meet in St. Paul Parking Lot at 3:15 pm or at Star Lanes at 3:45
pm Friends welcome!
Please bring $5.00. Permission slip required and adult
drivers invited. RSVP to
Pastor Chris by April 12th.

Graduates are invited to be

present for special recognition on May 22nd, at St. John
and St. Paul Sunday worship. Please let the church
offices know about any
graduates from the congregations and their families,
including both high school
and college.


April 2016

Listening Post You are invited to our second Listening Post for congregational input on the marriage policy
for our congregations (facilitator, Cathy Schibler, Assistant to the Bishop) on May 25, 6:30, at St. Paul. Our first
Listening Post was well received with 25 in attendance. The atmosphere was open and safe, and welcoming of all
thoughts. Our current marriage policy reads:
C9.03 Each ordained minister shall, within the congregation, offer instruction, confirm, marry, visit the sick and distressed, and bury the dead
Because the current policy in our constitutions denotes one should be within meaning a member of the congregation for the Pastor to preside, and it does not specify gender, there is some thought the policy may not need to be
changed. (The council is currently required to approve any weddings of non-members, which is something many, including the Pastor, did not realize.) Our third and last Listening Post will be held June 1, 6:30, and will also include a
congregational meeting and vote on policy. You must be present to vote. If a quorum is not present, the vote will be
moved to another date, to be determined.

Bible & Discipleship Studies

1.) Adult Bible Study, St. Paul, Sundays at 9 am. We will be studying Genesis.
2). Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women are invited to participate! )
St. John Women meet on Wednesday, April 13th at 2:00 pm. Pastor Chris will lead the Bible Study
St. Paul Women will meet Thursday, April 21st at 1:00 pm
3.) Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All Ladies are welcome. We are continuing our study of the Gospel of John on April 6. In the fall we are planning to study Honoring our Neighbors Faith.
4.) Mens Bible Study Unusual Questions starting at 8:00 am Saturday April 16th at St John. Breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study
f or all the guys and your friends. We will study how the Gospel of John is different from the other three Gospels.

Pastor Chris will be on vacation April 4-11 Please contact the church office or Rev. Marv Rettig
if you have any Pastoral needs during this time. His home phone is 419-732-8350.

Directory Updates
St John



Botti, Mike and Cassandra

PSC 103 Box 1036, APO AE. 09603

Peticos, Bev


Passed Away

Prokop, Myra


Passed Away

St Paul



Goodyear, Thelma


New Phone: 740-485-1452

Linder, Joyce


C/O Linda Bresky, 5 Austin Dr., Easton CT 00612

Nevin, Steve


Passed Away


April 2016

Side-by-Side Youth Page

Youth Mission Trip

Graduation Plans

June 11-14

If you have a son or daughter graduating from High School or

College, please let us know at the church office so they can
be listed in the next newsletter. All parents, grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and anyone else may contact us to give us their
names, where they are graduating from, and their degree.
Can you tell us what their plans are also?

Camp Friendship

Mark your calendars

Peace Lutheran Church

Gahanna, Ohio
Cost $50 each
More information coming!

Home Run Parenting

Monday, April 18, 6-8 pm at Ida Rupp Library
Sliding into Base & Charting for Success
Come for a family meal, children and family activities, growth and learning for parents. This
session will be led by Kim Perkins, Director of
Heartbeat. Content includes Preparing your
kids for their futures, Allowing for downtime,
and Team Work. To register, please call Heart-

Easter Breakfast: Thank you to

Ruth Scott and Vicki Doski for overseeing the breakfast! A big thank you
to Casie Scott, Nicki Geller, Larisa
Kerik, Hayley Doski, Natalie Lambert
and Heather Lambert for helping.
If we missed anyone, Thank You!

beat at 419-734-9359

Confirmation Class

Side by Side High School Youth

Classes meet Sundays at 9:00 a.m.,

Meet at St. Paul at 3:15 pm on Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wednesdays in April (6, 13, 20, and 27), 6:00-7:00 pm:

Or meet us at Star Lanes in Sandusky. Friends welcome. Bring $5.00. RSVP by text to Pastor Chris by

Side-by-Side Jr. High Youth

April 12th. (419-635-6062) Lets go bowling!

Wednesdays at 7:00-7:30 pm
***Sunday., April 24St. Paul, after worship,

VBS 2016

Students being presented for approval for confirmation

will meet with Council over lunch. Students are asked to
bring their faith stories to share. Confirmation is May
15th. Names being considered for confirmation include:
Abby Cameron, Nicki Geller, Larisa Kerik, Maddie Harris,
Daniel Lambert, Natalie Lambert, Brendon Mullins, and
Matthew Seamon.

Summer Bible Camp will be held the week of

June 27! We will be joining St. John Lutheran
Church in Port Clinton for a fun filled week of
learning! This is the one week of the summer
where there is programming for all ages
from the youngest through high school. Watch
for a letter sometime in late April to let you
know about the particulars for registration.


April 2016

Internship Update
Word was received on March 22nd that internship assignments have been made, and our site was among
those who did not fit in the puzzle. We were assured of our continued good status as an internship site, and
were told that our name has been passed on to two other seminaries for consideration. While there is great
disappointment, we can trust that Gods will is always best, even when we dont understand. If we do not hear
from the other seminaries by the end of May, those who have recently donated to the Internship/Seminary
fund for this purpose, may request a return of their donation through the St. Paul office. This fund was also
established with the idea in mind that we could help provide scholarship money for our own congregations
sons and daughters who may be called to ministry in the future. Pastor Chris would not have been able to pay
for seminary without the fund St. John in Bellevue had established for this purpose. Our internship committee
thanks you for all your excitement and support. We keep the mission of our church to grow up new leaders in
our prayers! We also will watch and wait for Gods prompting for our next adventure.
Blessings, Pastor Chris and the Internship Committee (Linda Otermat, Maryanne Laubner, Anna Jean
Povlick, Deb White, Heather Lambert, Beth and Al Lambert, Marv and Brenda Rettig).

Serving in Christs Name

Noisy Offering on April 10Noisy Offering will be for Joyful Connections, Ottawa Countys supervised visitation program for families in crisis. Contributions help children stay connected to people who mean the most to them, in a safe home-like environment.
Your contribution is an investment in the children and the future of our community. Thank you!
Blessing Cup TeamsA big thank you to all who participated in the Easter visits. Monday, May 23rd, Blessing Cup Team members,
old and new, are invited to a dinner (5:00 pm at St. Paul. Pastor Chris would like to thank the teams, and also offer a time for regrouping and training under a new model that will incorporate more people and fewer visits for each team. Let Marge know if you can
come! The next visits will be in June, with consecration of communion elements on May 29th.
Celebration Chorus - Practice each Wednesday at 7 p.m.. All are welcome!
Community Garden - There is still time to become a garden member. Its free to join! We will be planting many crops to share. And
there is still space to plant crops for your family. If interested contact Emily Glynn @ 314-517-2402 (Glynn.emil@gmail.com) or Betsy
Deer 419-310-4406.
All Council NightCouncil Meeting will be held on the third Thursday, April 21st At St. Paul. Parish Board meets at 5:30 pm, St.
Paul Council meets at 6:15 pm, and St. John Council meets at 7:00 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry for St. Paul and St. John Will meet Wednesday, April 6th at 10:00 am at St. Paul
Prayer ChainPlease contact St. Paul office (419-734-1662), and information will be forwarded to prayer chains. God promises that
our prayers are heard! If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please contact Deb at St. Paul.
Outreach Ministry(Supporting Native African Pastors) For info. go to snapministries.org (Welcome. to Home).
Not Older, Just Better Not Older, Just Better is meeting at Baybell in Bay View on Monday, April 11th at 11:30 a.m. Call Marge
at 419-798-8816 if you have questions or need a ride.
Danbury Food PantryIf you would like to volunteer at the Pantry com to St. Paul at 8 AM on Saturday, April 16th. If you have any
questions call Jan Hirt 419-732-2703 or Rev. Janine Dress 419-265-7298. This month St. Paul is to donate cereal, and St. John is to
donate canned vegetables.

LawnmowersWont it be great to see the green grass, soon?! There is a sign-up sheet on the activities
board in the fellowship hall. See Steve Young if you can be on the lawn mowing team at St. Paul, or call the
church office. Please see the sign-up sheet at St. John if you can help with lawn mowing there. We normally
have enough people so you only mow once every three weeks, everyone is welcome to serve this ministry.
NWO Synod AssemblyMay 19-21 in Bowling Green. St. John delegates are Linda Otermat and Bill Smith. St. Paul is still in need
of a male and female delegate. Please contact Pastor Chris is you may be interested!


April 2016

St. john beacon light

For April, 2016
St. John Council Highlights
Council Highlights:
The officers reports of the secretary, treasurer, and financial secretary were read and
accepted with corrections to the secretarys.
Pastors report was presented.
Curt is getting estimates on a new awning for the side entrance to the church. It is felt a
different design is needed to help with rain freezing on the ramp.
Save the date of May 15th for our annual congregational meeting.

General Operating Fund


We remember those who now celebrate in

eternal life. They will be greatly missed:
Ruth Keller, Myra Prokop, Bev Peticos, Steve
Nevin, Charlene Ontko

$ 4,616.10
$ 4,512.74
$ 103.36
Special dates:





Karen Ruth


Jim and Linda Otermat

Margaret Stellhorn


Ron DeWalt


Dave and Cindy Young


Paul Lee


Glenn Beachy

(Both are celebrating 50 years!!)


Linda Smith


The following is an excerpt from the 1959 Alter Guild
Constitution of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Marblehead, Ottawa County, Ohio
Section 2: The members
The guild shall consist of communicant members
of the church of St. John Ev. Lutheran Church, Marblehead, Ottawa County, Ohio

Section 3: The Object of the Guild

The purpose of the Guild of St. Johns Ev. Lutheran
Church shall be:
a. To care for the sanctuary of the church;
and to prepare it for each service.
b. To furnish suitable vestments for the Altar.
c. To be custodians of the altar linens, and the
furnishings of the sanctuary
d. To foster a better understanding of the liturgical heritages of the Lutheran Church.


April 2016

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

February 2016 budget highlights:
General Funds
Restricted Funds
Highlights of March 17 Council meeting:
-Council will meet with perspective confirmands on April 24th following worship. Council
members will hear the students faith stories.
-Charlie Scott presented the results of his meetings with professionals in regards to the
Sanctuary Renovations. Council agrees that this is an exciting time for St. Paul and that major decisions should be voted on by the congregation.
-A congregational meeting was held on March 6th with the following result: A motion was made by Tim Mackey to approve AT Emmit to replace the outdated electrical panels at a cost of $4,630.00. Karen Carpenter seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
-Hospitality Lunch is scheduled for April 24th.
-Mother/Daughter/Son Banquet will be held May 1st, looking for volunteers to help serve.

Please remember in your prayers:

Barb Agne, Barb Batcha, Cleo Bodi, Karen
Carpenter, Gary Cover, Carole Covey, Rebecca Dress, Betty Dubbert, David Heinzl, Bill Hirt,
Nelf Kimerline, Joyce Linder, Rev. Sarah MacDonald, Alice Peroni, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner, Pat Thursby, Gordon Wahlers, Sally Willis.
We pray for family and friends in the armed
Myra Prokop passed away on February 27th and her
funeral service was held at St. Paul on March 3rd. Myra
was a member of St. John Lutheran Church in Marblehead. May God comfort all who mourn her passing.
Steve Nevin passed away on March 17th and a graveside service was held at St. Paul on March 24th. May
God comfort all who mourn his passing.
Charlene Ontko passed away on March 19th and a
memorial service was held at Neidecker, LeVeck &
Crosser, Peninsula Chapel on March 23rd. Charlene
was the sister of Nancy Kihlken. May God comfort all
who mourn her passing.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

-The regular meeting and Bible Study will be April 21st at 1:00 pm. The
Bible study will be from the Gather magazine. Laurel Berhent will be
hostess. All women are invited.
-WELCA will be hosting a Bingo party at Edgewood Nursing Home on Monday, April 25th at 2:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to come along to assist the
residents and have a good time.
-The Monthly Project Contributions for Apr il ar e: Cer eal for the Food
Pantry, 8x10 70 sheet ruled school tablets for the school kits, and sturdy
combs for the personal care kits.
-The All Daughters Dinner will be held on Sunday, May 1st at 5 pm at
St. Paul. Women from St. John and St. Paul and their guests are welcome,
including sons. The program will be The Edison High School Show Choir.
The dinner will be served by Averys in Marblehead. The menu is Ham

The new Portals of Prayer

beginning with April are in
the rack by the bulletin
board. We have regular and
large print.

Young people receiving Communion

for the first time on March 6th were:
Alyce Widmer, Leighanna Bartzen,
Landon Funk, Joshua Mischler, Jacob Mischler, Brady Geller, Daniel
Harris, Tyler Harris.


April 2016

St. Paul April Special Dates


Wedding Anniversary

1 Alijah Christiansen

2 Barry & Susan Bergman

2 Darlene Mahler, Scott Kerik,

12 Terry & Janette Rowbotham , Zack & Treena Kihlken

Nathan Ahrens

21 Cole & Jennifer Steinbrick

3 Barbara Rayle

24 Dennis & Cindy Coles

5 Tim Goff, Tiffany Seamon

Baptismal Anniversary

7 Tom Manuella, Addison Harris

3 William Covey, Kerstin Thompson

8 Brenda Pepa

7 Linda Dubbert

10 Dennis Berhent

22 Carole Covey, Christopher E.

10 Erik Wadsworth, Tony Wadsworth, Nolan Coles

11 Ryan French

Mahler, Diana Dyke

12 Melissa Widmer, Pastor Chris Young

12 Matthew Seamon

26 Jennifer Wentzel, Kelly Stobie,

13 Nick Upson, Laurel Berhent

13 Alexis Dayton

Bob Strauss

14 Stacey Johannsen

27 Michael Hallier, Donald Nielsen

14 Cindy Coles, Betty Kovach, RayLynn Schenko, Bryann


15 Beth Lambert

28 Donald Stobie

16 Ryan Chapman, Edward Chapman 29 Brenda Pahl

17 Laurel Berhent, Scott Glovinsky 30 Betty Easton
18 Shirley LaCumsky, Sarah Bossetti, Mandy Fontaine
19 Bob Kihlken
20 Benjamin Biers
21 Anna Bradway

15 Dan Bergman
16 Jennifer Ringeisen
17 Joe Mahler
19 Zack Kihlken

28 Bob Glovinsky

21 Meadow Rohrbaugh

29 Joel Lowien

22 Daniel Lambert, Aubrey Harris

26 Guy Tibbels
27 Bernell Lowien, Tiffany Seamon, Nolan Chapman

Couple Check-Up (Enriching Marriage)

In a society where families are being pulled from every direction, there is a great stress on couples,
and it becomes more and more difficult to live in a healthy relationship centered in faith. The church is in a
position to offer opportunities to strengthen and grow relationships in hope that families can remain intact,
and faith in God can lead the way to joy in life.
Goals are to provide opportunity for strengthening personal and family relationship with God; provide opportunity for strengthening couple relationship with each other (Keep healthy relationships healthy,
give hope to relationships that are struggling). Pastor Chris is looking for 3-5 couples that would be interested in being part of a small group enrichment. This would involve taking an on-line survey ($35/couple) and
participating in 6-8 one-hour sessions with the group. Please contact Pastor Chris if you would like more
information. (pastorclyoung@yahoo.com or 419-635-6062)


April 2016

Mutual Ministries
April 3

April 10

April 17

April 24


Nicki Geller

Norma Kihlken

Nicki Geller

Shirley LaCumsky


Chris Freeh

Laurel Berhent

Tammy Davis

Shirley LaCumsky


Nicki Geller

Nicki Geller

Shirley LaCumsky

Candace Geller

Candace Geller

Deb White

Jack Easton

Dave Hirt

Dave Hirt

Betty Kovach

Tammy Davis

Marge Bridgett

Maddie Harris

Abby Walker

Nicki Geller

Daleigh Lerch

Erik Wadsworth

Matt Seamon

Daniel Lambert

Ryleigh Lerch



Congregational Lunch


Roland & Laurel Berhent

Jack & Betty Easton

Steeple Lighting

Jack & Betty Easton

Perpetual Light

Roland & Laurel Berhent

Assisting Minister Crystal Chapman

Ryan Chapman
Altar Guild

Stacey Johannsen
Nancy Kihlken


Nancy Kihlken
Ginny Kihlken

Sunday School News

Sunday School students will be using Legos Building Blocks to learn stories from the Bible. Students will have
the chance to recreate stories using Legos while learning Bible verses and stories! Sunday school classes are
available for pre-school through sixth grade students. Classes begin at 9:00 AM ~ Hope to see you there!

Prayers and Help Needed

2016-2017 Sunday School is looking for teachers, substitutes and a Sunday School Superintendent. I, Chrissy
French, am no longer able to fulfill the position of Sunday School Superintendent due to other obligations.
Please offer prayers that someone (maybe even YOU) will be able to take over this position. I am willing to
help out when I am available, but I can not commit to being at Sunday School every week. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Chrissy French or Pastor Chris.


April 2016


April 2016

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