PCT Minutes 4 13 16

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A California Distinguished High School

Industrial Technology PCT Agenda

Date: 4/13/16
1. Be on time
2. Have an agenda
3. Have a timekeeper and recorder
4. Be mentally present and participate
5. Respect and listen to others opinions
6. Come prepared
7. Silence and ignore your cell phones
8. Have a designated devils advocate
Agenda Items:
1. Dare to Soar
a. Decisions
i. 40 units required to qualify
ii. Units can be from any of our 3 (or 4) programs
iii. Retain cords as our courses are not as rigorous as AP
iv. Look at developing a course major in the future
v. Maybe start making coins for CTE program completers
vi. Are there other awards besides cords that might be better for
Dare to Soar?
vii. What color are our cords?
2. Four-year plans
a. Decisions
i. Do a unit on career development (use SkillsUSA curriculum)
prior to introducing four-year plans.
2 0 6 5 T E M E S C A L AV E . , N O R C O, C A 9 2 8 6 0
PHONE: (951) 736-3241

FA X : ( 9 5 1 ) 7 3 6 - 3 2 8 2


A California Distinguished High School

ii. Do four-year plans with students the week that progress

reports are due (Q1 and Q3).
iii. Students do a new plan each time we see them and for each
teacher, even if they have done one that semester.
iv. Rick will update the four-year plan document.
b. Retention analysis four year plans will be part of the retention
analysis discussion.
c. Look at purchasing surface tablets for Oliveras.
3. UC Approval Rick will check into course approval progress.
4. Rick will find out when curriculum committee meets.

Action Items for next meeting:

1. Ed will check with Kyle to schedule a meeting for his manufacturing
course development.
2. Discuss SkillsUSA program development at next meeting (which will be
determined by when Ed is meeting with Kyle).

2 0 6 5 T E M E S C A L AV E . , N O R C O, C A 9 2 8 6 0
PHONE: (951) 736-3241

FA X : ( 9 5 1 ) 7 3 6 - 3 2 8 2

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