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F3 tornado leaves destruction in Chucktown

Three dead and $10 million worth of destruction in Chucktown

Three dead, 28 injured and $10 million worth of destruction in Chucktown
following tornado
Chucktown is destroyed today after a F3 tornado ripped through the city yesterday
morning, Shirley Snow from the National Weather Center said. The tornado, which
touched down after10:59 a.m. yesterday, has left three dead, 28 injured and $10 million
worth of destruction in the town.

A deadly disaster
Police have confirmed three people dead as a result of the tornado. The toll
includes one man and one woman, both residents of Chucktown, and one unidentified
person. At least a dozen of the injured victims remain in critical condition at CP Medical
Center, Ivy Lee, the spokeswoman for the Medical Center said.
Edgar Ness, Chucktown Police Sherriff, said no missing people have been
reported, giving some hope for the victims of this disaster.

Unfathomable destruction
It was the scariest thing that happened to me in my life, I wasnt sure we were
coming out of this thing alive, Chucktown resident and tornado survivor, Kathryn
Koffee said. Koffees account of the disaster among others, tell a story of destruction:

Kathryn Koffee a resident of 10th Street in Chucktown is devastated by the

destruction of her home and community, but is relieved that her children went

unharmed, she said.

Jerri Porter, principal of Adams Elementary School, saw the funnel rip strait
through the building, leaving the structure completely destroyed, she said.

William Hoxey, junior philosophy major at the university, went into a laundry
room without any windows and laid down and hoped for the best, after emerging
he saw all of his personal possessions destroyed, Hoxey said.

Chucktown residents are considerably shaken and displaced from the tragedy.
Although some rebuilding of places like Adams Elementary will be a slow process, phone
and power resources should be revitalized within the next two days, according to James
Watt from Chucktown Light and Power. Rebuilding both buildings and hope are in the
immediate plans for the now desolate Chucktown.


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