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Township of Georgian Bluffs and Township of Chatsworth

Special BioGRID Joint Board Agenda

April 14, 2016, 9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting April 1, 2016
Motion: (move and second)
That the Joint Board Minutes of April 1, 2016 be adopted as presented, including
any revisions to be made.
4. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
Jody Johnson & Scott Stoll from Aird & Berlis re: SusGlobal negotiations
5. In-Camera Session
Motion: (move and second)
That the Georgian Bluffs-Chatsworth BioGRID Joint Board proceeds into a
closed session to discuss matters pertaining to advice that is subject to
solicitor/client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose
and that the following people remain in attendance: Holly Morrison, Will Moore,
Rick Winters, Grace Naylor, Bob DeJong, Brian Anderson, Jody Johnson and
Scott Stoll from Aird & Berlis
6. Correspondence
7. Reports and Recommendations:
8. Public Question Period:
9. Unfinished Business:
10. New Business:
1) Next Meeting Date
11. Adjournment:
Recommended (Move)

BioGRID Joint Board

April 14, 2016
Page 2
The Georgian Bluffs-Chatsworth BioGRID Joint Board meeting adjourns at
______ on a motion moved by ___________.

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