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Dakota Edwards
Mr. Bigelow
English 10
April 9, 2014

Fathers Significance
Most protagonists in novels have a symbol they look up to for guidance and courage. In
Elie Wiesels book Night he isnt alone through the trial and tribulation like most young men his
age during his stay in Auschwitz. Family is a focus in which Night takes a great grasp on and will
not cease to give up on. His father plays a major role in excelling the story to greater heights ever
imagined; Elie and his father have a bond that creates a dynamic duo figure with one another
through their experiences during the holocaust.
From the beginning when Wiesel was once a young man, he developed continence with
religion that he was born into from his mother and fathers decision. It only took but one time to
question his faith in religion early in the book with Why do I pray?(4). It then leads to Wiesel
to put his father to the test by determining whether or not he has the clearance from his father to
study a new religion The Kabbalah. In rejection from his father to proceed Wiesel still goes on
ahead to explore more into the Kabbalistic works. You see, just like any other regular child that
really has the desire to reach a goal just to go out of their way to get what they want they do not
listen to their parents wise decisions for their own safety and their childs.
Once Wiesel and his family are displaced in the ghettos scavenging for whatever supplies
they could find for survival they fall upon the Germans to separate end their lives. Even though
they still remain in this state of affairs, friends and family still looked at life as simple and

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lighthearted A sunny spring day, people strolled seemingly carefree through the crowded
streets.(12). After getting out of the cattle car to be forced to run to the next cattle car, the
Wiesels stayed to together as a family doing everything in their will power to keep up with one
another and not get left behind My father was crying, It was the first time I saw him cry. I had
never thought it possible. As for my mother, she was walking, her face a mask, without a word,
deep in thought. (19).
Next the family arrives to Birkenau where they are separated Men to the left! Women to
the right!(29). Wiesel and his father sick together like to peas in a pod There was no time to
think, and I already felt my fathers hand press against mine: we were alone.(29). Wiesels mind
immediately turns to reality in his text where he has the epiphany and writes I didnt know that
this was the moment in time and the place where I was leaving my mother and Tzipora
Near the end of the novel when Wiesel and his father are in it deep with the holocaust
they build a relationship to care for one another making sure that both of them would make it
through alive, that no matter what obstacle that were to step in each others way they know just
from the condition presented to them they could count on each other for assistance. Wiesel and
his father are resting in a shed in the blistering cold when slept meat eternally. They watch over
each making sure that neither falling into this eternal trance Dont let yourself be overcome by
sleep, Eliezer. Its dangerous to fall asleep in snow. One falls asleep forever. Come on my son,
come Get up.(88).

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In conclusion, Wiesel did survive the holocaust because of his belief and determination in
living on for his family that could not be with him today, but will always remain in his heart in
spirit. His family was his guidance of light in the darkest times, in night.

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