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Instructor: Mr.

Room: Room 38

Feb June
St. Thomas

Social Studies 10 - Perspectives on Globalization: A Course Outline

Course Overview
Above all, Social Studies is a course about life. It is a course in which we study humanity
and the way humanity interacts with itself and with the world. High School Social Studies
is a set of 3 special courses in that it is here that you are truly afforded the time to learn
about yourself and the world you live in.
Grade 10 Social Studies is all about globalization we will look at the impacts of
globalization on the local, national, and international level (of course we first need to
understand what globalization is!). We will also look to see how globalization impacts
lands, cultures, economies, human rights, and quality of life, which is a longwinded way
of saying that the concept globalization impacts all aspects of your life, and will
continue to do so as you become an adult this is why its important that you become
knowledgeable about it. You will see that globalization has both good and bad things
associated with it, and that it impacts groups of people in various ways. Ultimately, the
aim of this course is for you to make sense of the world, and your place in it.
Course Outcomes and Timeline (tentative)
Key Issue: Globalization causes both good and bad in the world. With this in
mind, how much should you embrace the ever present effects of globalization?
Related Issue 1 Globalization and Identity: How much should I allow globalization
to shape who I am (how much choice do I really have)?
- Globalization and Identity (Chapters 1 to 5)- February 1 to March 2
o Related Issue 1 Final Exam- March 2
Related Issue 2 Historical Globalization: Globalization has evolved over the course
of thousands of years. How should we respond to ways in which globalization has
affected the lives of people in the past?
- Historical Globalization (Chapters 6 to 9)- March 3 to March 30
o Related Issue 2 Final Exam- March 30
Related Issue 3 Economic Globalization: How can we use Globalization to make
the world a better place? Is it possible that globalization can make the world a better
place for all, or just for some?
- Economic Globalization (Chapters 10 to 14)- March 31 to May 2
o Related Issue 3 Final Exam- May 2
Related Issue 4 Response to Globalization: What does it really mean to be a
citizen, and with this knowledge, how can/should I respond to Globalization?
- Response to Globalization (Chapters 15 to 19)- May 3 June 10

o Related Issue 4 Final Exam- June 10

*June 13-17 = Review for Final Exam A and Final Exam B (Date: TBA)
Class Based Mark:
Daily Work/Minor Assignments
Chapter Tests
Unit Finals
Final Exam:
Final Exam: Part A (Written)
Final Exam: Part B (MC)


Course Materials
Textbooks: Perspectives on Ideology
Binder and notepaper
Pens, pencils, pencil crayons, glue and scissors
Other materials as assigned
*There is a large emphasis on the use of technology in all of my courses. I
will provide you with tablets and laptops as the need arises, but feel free
to bring your own technology if you prefer.
Current Events
Current events will be brought up every class, as incorporating current events into the
exploration of Globalization helps to make this social studies course relevant and
meaningful. It is important that you pay attention to local, national and international
news. I strongly recommend that you make an effort to keep up to date with news from
around the world, in order to better contribute to class discussions and to be more
prepared for some of the minor assignments that you will be required to complete.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to be honest about the work they submit for this course. Copying
another persons work will not be accepted and will result in a grade of INCOMPLETE on
that assignment and you will be required to do an alternate assignment. For projects and
essays, students are expected to properly cite and acknowledge all sources used for
research (including photos). Students are encouraged to approach me for help if they
have doubts about whether they are properly acknowledging research sources. Willful
and blatant act of plagiarism will result in a grade of INCOMPLETE on that assignment
and you will be required to do an alternate assignment.
Student Support
If you need help with anything you are working on, or to better understand concepts
dealt with in class, come see me before or after class (during the transition break). You
can also come talk to me after school.

Regarding test support

o Talk to me about test anxiety so I can make sure you are properly supported
during test time.
o Come see me as soon as possible to discuss ways in which you need
additional help/support. If you are unsure of how to properly study or prepare
for tests, come talk to me about it and we will create a successful plan.
Class Website
My classroom is not confined to four walls. This means that you will be able access,
complete, and hand-in much of your coursework online, with the help of pre-approved
web2.0 tools.
The following is a website that you will frequent throughout the year which will to help
you succeed. (password: vb7dd8)
This is the main classroom website. It is here that you will be able to find any documents
that you may be missing, and it is here that I will post what was done in class each day
(along with all documents and files that were used in that class). I will also be posting
homework assignments and due dates on this website. This website also contains links to
all the web2.0 tools you can use to complete assignments and projects.
- You will use this website mainly when:
o You were sick and want to catch up on what you missed.
o You lost a particular document and you want a replacement.
o You want to check what homework is due, and when it is due.
o You want to access a plethora of web2.0 tools in order to work on any given
Learning activities and assignments are constructed to develop a students knowledge
and/or skills. For this reason, students will not be permitted to simply opt out of doing
their work. All assignments must be completed and handed in.

Projects & Assignments

o Must be handed in on time (exception: written notification from a
parent/doctor with reasonable need for accommodation).*
o Hand late assignments into the IN folder for your class.
o If you have missed a class, check the class website or the when you were
away folder in the classroom to get everything you missed.

*Missing Assignments 1st step: I will talk to you about getting assignment in,
and provide tutoring time. 2nd step: I will call your parents. 3rd step: You will
have a disciplinary meeting with the principle. 4th step: Possible suspension
from school.
If you are absent (excused or not) you are still expected to know the material covered
during the class you missed. Documents, worksheets, and notes are placed into the
while you were away folder in the classroom, and will also be posted online:

If you are absent, you are responsible for catching up on whatever work you have
missed. Hand in your assignments on the day you return to school, or email them to
You are expected to write all assessments on the date planned unless you have written
notification from a parent/doctor.
- Rewrite Eligibility:
o Signing of a rewrite contract.
o The rewrite will occur during the time specified by the teacher.

Student Behavior Expectations

- No getting out of your seat during lecture.
o Students who continue to do this will have their desk moved to the front
corner of the classroom for the remainder of the class, by the garbage can,
which is where most of you tend to go when you get out of your seats.
- No eating food during lecture (this will alleviate the necessity to get out of your
o Students who continue to do this will have their food confiscated until the
end of the class, though if it looks particularly delicious I cannot guarantee
you will be given back the same amount that was taken!
- Proper posture during lecture. This means no feet on desk, and no feet on chair
ahead of you.
o If you continually fail to comply, you will write 100 lines of I will maintain
proper posture in the classroom at all times; it is improper to do otherwise.
This will be due at the beginning of next class and if it is not done you will
write the lines during your next lunch hour (unless its a hot lunch).
- No cell phones visible in class unless you have asked me first.
o The first time you break this rule, your phone will be taken for the remainder
of the class. If you continue to use your phone without permission I will
confiscate it at the beginning of class for 5 consecutive days.
Contact Information
If, at any time, a student or parent wished to contact me I am available at the school
from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm each school day. I can also be reached at the following school
Phone (at school): 835-2245
Fax (at school): 835-4700

The best way to learn from and enjoy the time you spend with this course is to
get involved with the assignments and immersed in the content. Trust me, you
can have a lot of fun here, as long as you invest the time. Best wishes!

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