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How did you

attract/address your

How we attracted/addressed
our audience.
The way we attracted our
audience was by using the
poster that is on the right. The
image on the poster is of the
forest from where we filmed
our opening title sequence, it
is black and white to try draw
peoples attention to look at it.
The black and white is also
effective as it create the
atmosphere of it being dark
and unknown.
We added the quote that is
used in the opening title

A lot of horror films use black
and white in their poster, this
could be so it is creates the
right effect. The black and
white attracts more peoples
attention and it gives the
impression it is a horror film.
Examples are The Conjuring
and The Cabin in the Woods.
Both of these emphasis that
they are a horror film by the
colours used and the images
on the poster.
However, a lot of horror films
use colour, such as

How films would attract/address

their audience?
Trailers, this is a main way of how people attract an audience to watch
their film. Trailers can appear in the cinema before the film that
someone has gone to watch, on social media and TV.
Posters, they put poster on bus stops, on buses and in towns and cities
centres. Posters are placed in various places to catch peoples
Radio, there are announcements made of the radio to let people when
the new film is coming out and when. Sometimes interviews are held
on the radio with someone who is starring in the film or the person who
has directed it, they usually ask them what the film is about to get
people interested to go and watch it.
Television, they will sometimes show a small part of the film or just to
remind people that it is coming out in cinema.

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