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Annotated Bibliography

John Peacock
UWRT 1102

Into the Wild. Dir. Sean Penn. Perf. Emile Hirsch. 2007. Film.

Sean Penn is an accomplished actor and filmmaker. He has won two

Academy Awards as an actor, and as a director he has won numerous awards
and nominations including two Academy Award nominations for Into the
This is a movie source: This is a true story about an intelligent young man
who goes off on this great expedition to Alaska to live of the land and live
into the wild. The young man, Chris McCandless, had a troubled past and a
dysfunctional family which ultimately led him to venture on his great journey
to Alaska. Chris is a free spirited young adult who must become solely
dependent on himself for everything. Throughout his journey Chris
discovered all the troubles and challenges of living of the land and solely
relying on yourself can bring. Ultimately Chris died at the end of his journey
before he could reach it back to civilization.
This movie relates to my topic because Chris became solely dependent on
himself and tried to live in the wild and ultimately it ended up costing him his
life. Chriss self-dependence can be compared and contrasted to college
students self-dependence. Chris broke away from society like college
students break away from living with their parents their whole lives and Chris
provides numerous examples in the movie of how being self-dependent can
be a good and bad thing.
Reflection: This movie focuses on the journey to Alaska that Chris
McCandless took, that eventually ended in his death. Chris completely broke
off from society and lived of the land until he could not solely rely on himself
and the wild anymore. My topic that I will discuss in my essay is about
becoming self-dependent especially as you go off to college for the first time.
This movie is a true story based off the book by Jon Krakauer. All the events
that happen in the movie are portrayed correctly from parts in Krakauers
Into the Wild book. This movie helps me provide a compare/contrast aspect
to my essay on Chris McCandlesss self-dependence and college students
self-dependence. The movie gives a different aspect of my topic of selfdependence and it shows the ups and downs of relying solely on yourself.
Overall, this movie will provide me with a real life example of someone
relying solely on themselves while connecting my topic with my writing

McKay, Brett, and Kate McKay. "How to Become Self-Reliant | The Art of Manliness." The
Art of
Manliness. N.p., 01 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

Brett McKay is an accomplished writer/blogger from Oklahoma. Him and his

wife, Kate McKay, started this website blog dedicated to uncovering the lost
art of being a man. The website that I am using as one of my sources for my
essay was founded by Brett McKay. McKay founded the Art of Manliness in
2008 and has grown it into the largest independent mens interest magazine
on the web.
This is a general internet source: This website goes full into depth about
what self-dependence/self-reliance is and how being self-dependent can be a
good and/or bad thing. This website provides great examples on how being
self-dependent especially as a college student can be troublesome at first.
The website gives the 4 basic steps to self-reliance and becoming more
independent and describes each step in full. The website contains personal
experiences by the author as well as scientific facts that deal with selfdependence and how to become self-reliant.
This website corresponds great with my topic about how to become selfdependent. It provides me with another viewpoint as to how to become selfdependent. It also provides me with information about the 4 main steps in
becoming self-dependent and provides me with information about how to
become self-reliant.
Reflection: This website focuses on developing a self-reliant mentality. This
website gives a lot of good information on becoming a man and the selfreliant steps it takes to achieving manliness. In my essay I plan on writing
about what it takes to become self-dependent and comparing and
contrasting that to Chris McCandless and how he relied completely on
himself. The ideas outlined on this website appear to be largely the authors
personal opinion mixed with credible examples and a lot of supporting
evidence dealing with his topic. Although written specifically for men, this
article on the website can be used by anyone who needs to learn more about
self-dependence and who are trying to be more self-reliant. The website
provides me with a lot of what I already know but helps me better
understand my topic and gives me great examples to work with. This website

can answer a lot of my questions in my proposal and it can give me a great

starting point for my essay.

Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.

Jon Krakauer is an accomplished American writer, primarily known for his

writings about the outdoors. He has won awards like the New York Times 10
Best Books of the Year award and has had one of his books made into a
This is a secondary source: This book is about Chris McCandless and his
journey to the Alaskan wilderness. It portrays a young, recently graduated
man who has family troubles and in an attempt to break away from society,
he hikes to the Alaskan wilderness and lives off the wild while solely
depending on himself for everything. Eventually time caught up to Chris and
being solely dependent on himself proved to be fatal. This book, which is
based on a true story, was made into a movie that was directed by Sean
Like the movie, this book relates to my topic because of Chris McCandless
and what he did and how he did it. The book relates to my topic because
Chris became self-dependent on relied solely on himself for everything. Chris
broke away from society like college students break away from living with
their parents their whole lives. Chriss self-dependence can be compared and
contrasted to college students self-dependence which would relate to my
Reflection: This book focuses on Chris McCandlesss life and describes parts
of his self-dependent journey to the Alaskan wilderness. The author provides
plenty of events and examples that show Chris McCandlesss self-dependent
attitude towards life. This book is a true story and Krakauer was advised by
Chriss family while he was writing this book. Krakauer spoke to many people
that knew Chris, like his mother, father, and sister. This book was written for
anyone who loves inspirational and meaningful text. This book will add a lot
to my essay because of how it corresponds with my topic. I will be able to
compare Chriss self-dependence to college students self-dependence, as

well as contrast them. This book will also help me understand the good and
the bad about being self-dependent.

"6 Ways to Become More Independent, Less Codependent." World of Psychology. Ed.
Tartakovsky. N.p., 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Apr. 2016.

Margarita Tartakovsky is the associate editor for This

website is an award winning mental health website that has been around
since 1995.
This is a secondary source: This website is a mental health website which
provides many helpful tips on a wide variety of sociological topics. This
article focuses on ways to become more independent. It gives six ways to
become more independent and less codependent. The article is written by
someone with a M.S. in clinical psychology. In the article Tartakovsky uses the
steps on ways to become more independent given to her by; Darelene
Lancer, a psychotherapist, and Isha Judd, an author.
This website article provides me with credited steps on how to become more
independent or more self-dependent. This article relates well with my topic
because it provides me with steps on how to become independent and then
describes in detail ways to be successfully independent. It gives me a
psychological viewpoint on my topic of becoming more self-dependent.
Reflection: This article focuses on different ways to become more dependent.
In my essay I would use this information as a reliable, credible source to
describe ways of becoming more independent. The ideas outlined in this
article appear to be largely the opinions of Lancer and Judd. The article

provides a basic overview of the steps on becoming more independent and it

also helps by providing questions to ask yourself and to think about in an
effort to get you to become more independent. This article was written for
anyone struggling with reliability and for people who depend on others too
much. The article is written to help people who are struggling with
themselves and the article provides helpful steps for the people who want to
know how to become more independent. This text was very informative and
it helped me better understand my topic of becoming more self-dependent. I
basically used this article to support what I already had to say about my

Zorn, Joel. "How Do You Become Self-reliant and Prepare Yourself for College
Life?" Quora. N.p., 6
May 2015. Web. 3 Apr. 2016.

Joel Zorn is a blogger who was once a college student. He experienced the
hardships of college including learning how to be more self-dependent.
This is a primary source: This article is a blog post about how to become selfreliant and how to prepare yourself for college life. This blog focuses on two
main issues; money management and time management. The two main
issues are then discussed in further detail and provide strategies to better
yourself as an independent college student. The blog is meant to provide
help and useful techniques to college students who need to become more
self-dependent. The blog also is meant to give examples on what to do and
what not to do in order to be a successfully independent college student.
This blog was written by someone who was a college student and
experienced these things first-hand and had to deal with the ups and downs
of becoming a successfully independent college student.
This blog post relates to my topic because it discusses two main issues
dealing with self-dependence in college. Time management and money
management are vital aspects of college life. Most likely all of us leaned
heavily on our parents especially for money and even with time. However,

when you get to college your parents arent there to wake you up on time or
give you money when you run out. This blog post is a first-hand example of
someone who went to college and in it he describes how money
management and time management can be crucial for college students. My
topic is how to become self-dependent in college and this blog corresponds
well with my topic for these reasons.
Reflection: This blog focuses on two main issues that deal with selfdependence in college. In my essay I can use this blog post to show firsthand examples of how time management and money management can be
vital parts of being a successful independent college student. The blogger
provides examples of what do to and what not to do when faced with issues
dealing with time management and money management. The ideas outlined
in this blog post appear to be largely the bloggers personal experiences, but
can relate to most college student experiences. The blog provides a basic
overview of two of the most important challenges when it comes to being
self-dependent in college. This blog was intended for a college audience but
can serve as a useful site for anyone just starting out on their own and
anyone wanting to learn how to become successfully independent. This text
was really resourceful and helped me better understand the key concepts on
what it takes to become a successful independent college student. I basically
used this source to support what I already had to say about my topic.

Blair, Karen L. "How to Be Independent From Parents as an Adult." Everyday Life.

Globalpost, n.d.
Web. 03 Apr. 2016.

Karen Blair is a writer for Demand Media. Demand Media is an America

content and social media company.
This is a secondary source: This website article is about learning how to be
independent from your parents. In this article it breaks down how to become
an independent adult in four steps. This article is meant to serve as a helpful
site for people struggling with breaking away from their parents. This article
is not trying to tell people to completely break away from their parents,
however, it is giving them ways to become more of their own person. This
article is meant to provide helpful steps in the process of transitioning into
an adult.
This website article relates to my topic because it provides steps on how to
become an adult. Transitioning into an adult and breaking away from your
parents, similar to how college is, can be difficult. This website provides

helpful steps into transitioning into an adult and contains similar steps on
how to become more independent from your parents. Going to college
involves handling situations on your own without your parents and in college
youre basically on your own. This article describes ways to be successful on
your own without the help of your parents and provides steps to become a
successfully independent individual.
Reflection: This article focuses on the main issue of becoming independent
from your parents as an adult. In my essay I would use this article to
describe how in becoming a successfully independent college student you
need to break away from under your parents wing. The author provides a
useful lists of references at the end of the article that could be helpful tips in
becoming successfully independent. The ideas outlined in this article appear
to be largely the authors personal opinion, but can easily relate to most
experts advice for young adults when they are searching for help on how to
be a successfully independent individual. Although written more for young
adults starting a career, this article corresponds well with college kids issues
on trying to become successfully independent and how to break away from
under their parents wings. This text was very useful even though it did not
help me to understand the topic any more than I already did. This article
made me think more about the parents role in a students self-dependence,
however, I basically used it to support what I already had to say about my

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