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Good Choice Relay

Date: 3-14-2016

Teacher: Tori Mackman

School: IM Circle Elementary

Class: KIN 355

Equipment Used: (80) Polly Spots or premade
Grade Level: 2-5
circles. Written Prompts and 4 cones
Time: 10:20
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): 1, 2, 3, 4
Specific Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to clarify
healthy life choices, pertaining nutrition and exercise. They should be able to
answer questions, What scenarios were healthy choices and allowed you to keep
going? And what were unhealthy choices? Students should also understand that
everything is okay with moderation.
Concomitant Objective: Be physically active and work well with there classmates.
Procedures Followed
Transition: When I say go, come and put your toes
on the green line
Count off by fours.
1s and 3s please take two steps forward
Transition: Warm Up: Show/do 5 of each of the
__1.5___ following exercises because they will need to know
how to do them in the game.

Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Sit Ups
High Knees
Toe Touches

Set Induction: Now that you have learned how to do all

of these exercises, we are going to play a game that
uses all of them. But that is only if you make the choices
that lead you there.
Learnable Piece: You and your team are going to work
__30___ together to get to the other side of the path, based on
the scenarios that you land on, it will decide how long it
is going to take you. Your goal is to figure out the kinds
of activities that make your team restart or force them to
do an exercise, and how that relates to your daily life.
Presentation of New Material/Directions: Your goal is
___30__ for your whole team to make it to the other side of the
path. When it is your turn to go you will jump or step to
one of the marked spots. You flip it over and do what the
opposite side says. If you are told to go back to the
beginning, go to the end of the line and send another
team member to start. Once you get to the other side, it

is important to cheer on your team and help everyone



Transition: Send the groups off to their already

assigned cones. Ones go, now twos, threes and fours

Have 20 steps on each groups path to the end.

Spread out in a way that they have choices on which
way to go. Make a path similar to the example above
for all the lines.


Possible Modifications: Have the groups be a single

color so it is harder to remember which steps send a
group member back. If a child is unable to read, let
them pick a group member to go along side with them.
Lesson Review:
Ask the class: Which type of choices sent you all the
way to the beginning? Unhealthy choices.
Which ones made you do an exercise but allowed you
to keep going? Ones that could be considered
unhealthy if you didnt keep them in moderation.
What type of choices allowed you to just keep going?
Healthy choices!

4 Cones and
Pre-Cut step

You ate six candy bars after school. Return to start and do 10
jumping jacks with your team.
Took your dog for a walk after school. Continue.
Youve had 5 servings of vegetables today. Continue on.
You ate two bowls of ice cream today; do 5 push-ups and then
You went for a bike ride with your friends after school.
You drank 6 glasses on water today. Keep going.
Youve had 5 cans of soda today. Return to the beginning and do
10 sit ups with your team.
You stopped at the doughnut shop on your way to school and
had half a dozen doughnuts. Return to your team, and run a lap
before continuing.
You had fruit salad in your lunch. Continue on
You worked hard at soccer practice. Keep moving.
You sat around and had a movie marathon. Do 20 high knees
then continue.
You and a friend shared popcorn at the movies. Do 3 jumping
jacks then keep going.
You rollerbladed to your friends house. Move ahead.

You pushed grandma in her walker at the mall. Keep moving.

You ate one complete box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies, in
one sitting. Return to start, and do 15 jumping jacks.
Your afternoon snack was an apple and peanut butter. Keep
You mowed the lawn. Keep on going.
You were short on time and went to McDonalds for lunch. Do
10 toe touches.
Played basketball at the park with your friends. Jog ahead.
You did your homework all night. Run around your poly spot 5
times, then continue.

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