Lesson 5

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WVSU Lesson Plan Format

Kaycee Pauley
Grade/Subject: 9th Grade/World History
Lesson Topic: Lesson 5: Scientific Revolution
NCSS Theme 4: Technology, Science, and Society

Instruction Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will identify the contributions that Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler made for
technological advances during the Renaissance
SS.9.H.CL5.3: Summarize the origins and contributions of the scientific revolution.
National Standards:
Era 6: The Emergence of the First Global Age, 1450-1770
Standard 6: Major global trends from 1450-1770
Management Framework:
Overall Time: 45 minutes
Time Frame: 5-10 minutes to introduce lesson / ask students to get out iPads, paper and pencil
20-25 minutes: Students are to complete Scientific WebQuest via engrade PDF file, students are
to use their iPads to access the sources but to write their answers down onto a piece of paper and
turn it in at the end of class or complete for homework
10 minutes: Discuss student findings so far / students predict what technology advances come
from these scientist achievements in todays modern world
Student centered

Inquiry Based instruction
Differentiated Instruction:

Lesson topic and objective written on the board Scientific Revolution: Newton,
Copernicus, Galileo, and KeplerThanks for the technology

Introduce students to the scientific revolution and give brief examples of the scientist and
inventors of the time
Body and Transition:
Students download the webquest via engrade onto their iPads to be able to access the resources
for the webquest. Students are to write down their answers to the questions from the webquest
onto a separate piece of paper.
Students are finish up their webquest either at school or as homework.
Inform students that there is a quiz on Monday from Lesson 1-5. Students are to study their
Cornell Notes and worksheets. Quiz will be approximately 20 questions. Students are told to
bring their handwritten notes only.
Diagnostic / Informal: no diagnostic assessment
Formative / Informal: Observing students while they complete webquest
Summative: Students completing webquest


Smart Board


pencil / paper

Extended Activities:
Lesson finishes early, students are to begin studying for their quiz on Monday
If technology fails, print out questions for webquest and take class to the school library and do
research old school style

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