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College of Saint Mary

Lesson Plan Format with Lesson Reflection

Title: Percent Conversion Critical Thinking Day
Your name:
Mayra Roman

Age or Grade Level:

7th Grade

Time frame for
Disciplines/Subjects: Lesson:
Math 7
1 Day


Nebraska State Standards; Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines, Nebraska Fine Arts
Standards and ISTE Standards (as appropriate for the lesson):

MA S 07.1.1a : Show equivalence among fractions, decimals, and percents

1. The students will demonstrate application of percents by changing percents into fractions
and decimals and by describing the steps they take to do this.
2. The students will demonstrate evaluation of percent conversion by explaining and
correcting the mistakes they made on their percents quiz.
3. The students will demonstrate evaluation of percent conversion by correctly completing a
percents challenge worksheet using a cooperative structure.
Assessment: Aligned with above objectives.
1. Percent Mastery Check 1 (Quiz) Correcting mistakes
2. Re-Teaching Worksheet
3. Challenge Worksheet

warm-up sheet, textbook, homework and in class worksheets, smart board file, foldable

Anticipatory Set:
At the beginning of the lesson we will go over the NeSA warm up and what we will be doing in
The teacher will involve as many students as possible by using different means of teaching
throughout the lesson. There will be a small lecture, group work, and individual work.
At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will inform the students of the goal/objective of the
lesson, and at the end of class period the teacher will explain to them how they met or still need to
work on meeting the objective.

Input/Modeling/Guided Practice/Check for Understanding:

Teacher will do:

1. Review the warm up with the students.
2. Explain the objective for the day and the
agenda for the day.
3. The teacher will split the students
depending on whether they need reteaching based on their quiz score and the
students that should complete the
challenge worksheet.
4. The teacher will monitor the class and
conference with the students that are reteaching. The teacher will work with the
student to figure out what the root of their
mistakes was.
5. During the last five minutes the teacher
will wrap up the class period and explain
that students need to complete the reteaching as homework, and that the
challenge worksheet is worth a reward.

Students will do:

1. Students will come in and complete the
warm up.
2. While reviewing the warm up students
should listen, participate, and ask questions.
3. Next, students should listen to the teachers
4. Students working on the re-teaching
worksheet need to be able to explain the
mistakes they made on their quiz before
making corrections. The students should use
their resources to answer questions on the
worksheet before they ask for help.
5. Students working on the challenge
worksheet must also use their resources
before asking for help. These students are
provided a challenge because they did so
well on the quiz the first. These students can
work with a partner of their choice as long
as they are on task.
6. The last five minutes of class students
should pack up and listen to the last set of

The closure for this lesson is a self-reflection. Students will be asked a set of questions to reflect
on. Some of the questions will include: What is something you learned today? Do you feel like you
were productive today? Think of what went well today and something that didnt go well and how
you could fix that?
Higher Ability Learners: The teacher will prepare higher-level problems for the students who
are quick learners. Or, the teacher will have these students help the other students who are
still struggling.

Lower Ability Learners: The teacher will work individually with these students in order to
provide them more help, or the teacher will have the students that are ahead help those that
need extra help.
Students on IEP: The teacher will make sure to give students on an IEP the accommodation
or modifications they are allowed. This could be extra time to complete assignments or tests,
or by providing them with a calculator.
Cooperating Teacher

Online teacher websites

McDougal Littell: Math Course 2 (textbook)

Review all of the previous sections of your lesson plan and
complete item in the following section prior to teaching your lesson.
Content Knowledge:
This lesson addresses the standard that requires students to understand and be able to apply
equivalences among percents, fractions, and decimals. In this lesson the students will
evaluate their mistakes and questions that need higher level of thinking.
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
Gradual Release of Responsibility: This strategy helps to shift the responsibility of student
learning from the teacher to the students.
Collaborative Activity: The students will collaborate together throughout this lesson and help
each other learn the material. This will help the students be better independent learners.
Classroom Workshop: Just like collaborative activities this strategy gives the students the
ability to be more independent and in control of their learning.

Something that worked very well during this lesson was the decision of splitting students up
according to what they were working on. This worked better because then the teachers in the
room were able to work closely with the students that were working on re-teaching. This also
allowed for the other students that were working on the challenge to work together and help each
other with the difficult questions. Allowing students together was an issue at times because
students would get off task, however we changed that by telling them the worksheet would be
homework if it wasnt completed. I believe the worksheets I created worked out great because they
had the right type of questions needed for the students to be challenged or understand the
mistakes they made on their quiz.

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