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Competency 2: Identification & Remediation

UDL Universal Design for Learning

UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all
individuals equal opportunities to learn.
UDL creates curriculum, instructional methods, goals and
standards, materials and resources that fit all students and are
flexible to mee the needs of the individual student.
The UDL approach assumes that student diversity is the norm and
that barriers to learning arise in learners interactions with
inflexible one size fits all curricula.

RtI Response to Intervention

IEP Individualized Education Plan

The student (who)

Will do what (Behavior)
To what level or degree (Criterion)
Under what conditions (Conditions)
In what length of time (Time Frame)
Who will help (Aids, Faculty/Staff)

AT Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is any iten, piece of equipment, software or
product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the
functional capabilities of individual with disabilities.
(determined by a students IEP)
AT can help students:
with the accuracy and speed of their work
to fit in the classroom

motivate students
help students set goals and achieve them
allow students to be part of regular classroom activities
and lessons
learn and retain information
express themselves and their ideas
become more comfortable in a classroom setting
and much more

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