Rain of Ash From The Eruption of Mount Kelud Has Been Hit by A Number of Territories in Central Java and Yogyakarta

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Rain of ash from the eruption of Mount Kelud has been

hit by a number of territories in Central Java and

Yogyakarta, which is more than 200km of Kelud.
National Disaster Management Agency, BNPB, said ash
spread in some areas, such as Kediri, Malang, Blitar,
Surabaya, Ponorogo, until Pacitan, Solo, Yogya, Boyolali,
Magelang, Purworejo, and Waterford.
Reports say, people in a number of cities in East Java,
Central Java to Madura island, feel the direct exposure
to the ash rain.
Kelud which lies on the border of Kediri, Blitar, East
Java, has erupted about at 22:50 pm, Thursday (13/02)
night, said National Disaster Management Agency,
BNPB, in his official statement.
A reader BBC Indonesia living in Magelang, Central
Java, said ashfall occurred in the area where he lives.
"Rather severe, Magelang still raining ash, heavy," said
Faisal Alib in a message on the Facebook site BBC
Indonesia, Friday (14/02) morning, around 08.30 pm.
Image caption
Ash rain hit the Kediri region to some areas in Central
"Volcanic ash Kelud to the city of Kamal, Madura," said
Muhammad Taufik, in his commentary.
While, a resident in Surabaya, Merynda, said witness
ash rain in the city on Friday morning. "Pretty thick ash
rain," he wrote on the Facebook site pages Indonesia.
BNPB stated, the evacuation of residents affected by
the eruption of Mount Kelud, that those who live in a
radius of 10 km.
Those evacuated were residents of 35 villages in nine
districts in Blitar, Kediri and Malang.
"The number of people exposed to approximately 201
228 people or about 58 341 inhabitants head of the
family," said BNPB data.

According BNPB, people living in a radius of 15 km

many community service cleaning the sand and ash on
the road, even though ash is still ongoing.
Image caption
Residents who live in the affected areas were
evacuated to a safe location.
"Cleaning is done independently so no traffic accidents
as thick gray sand about 3-5 centimeters," said BNPB
official website.
While, according to BNPB on Friday (14/02) morning, a
direct impact of the eruption of Mount Kelud this
happened three villages in the district of Kediri, East
"That affected three villages in the district Kepung,
Village Kebonrejo, Besowo village, and the village of
Kampung new," the official statement BNPB.
According BNPB, the urgent need for the people who
live around the village is a mask, MCK, clean water,
drinking water and makanan.is i

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