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CHBE 560/MSCI 560

Spring 2016
Problem Set 3
Topic: Emulsions/Foams
Due: March 8th, 2016
1. Consider a pair of 5 micron diameter emulsion droplets of dodecane in water at 25C.
Assume that the contact area has a radius of 1.5 microns, and the pressure drawing the
drops together is 0.2 N/m2. Estimate the drainage time to coalescence assuming a critical
film thickness of 50 nm.

2. The isotherm at 17C from Adam, The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces for the
surface pressure area behavior of myristic acid monolayers on an acidified aqueous
substrates are well fit in the liquid-expanded and intermediate regions by
-liquid-expanded region: (33.5 < A < 52) 2/molecule
(mN/m) = kT/A = 400/A
-intermediate region: (22 <A<33.5) 2/molecule
(mN/m) = 11.9+0.917(33.5-A)/(A-21.2)
Evaluate the monolayer elasticity in the two regions and comment on the
effectiveness of this surfactant for the stabilization of foam lamellae.
3. The elasticity of a film element, E, was defined by Gibbs as


where As is the surface area of one film surface element.

(a) Calculate E for the film element that is covered by an ideal monolayer with a surface
pressure =
4. Explain why the addition of small amount of octyl alchol to a soap foam breaks it, but
does not prevent it formation if added to the solution before foam formation.

5. Many modern washing machines and dishwashers recommend the use of low-foaming
detergents for optimum efficiency. Suggest, in general terms, molecular structures and/or
characteristics for surfactants that might be expected to combine the requirements for
good detergency with little foam action.

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