Skills List

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Procedures/Skills (Other/Clinical/SILC) (Critical in Bold)

NURS 479 - Assessment: Focused Assessment-Intermediate (Clin)

NURS 479 - Assessment: Vital Signs (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Ambulation With Assistive Devices (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Gait Belt (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Positioning (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Range of Motion (active,passive) (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Transfers (bed,stretcher,chair) (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Turning Immobile Patient (Clin)
NURS 479 - Body Mechanics: Wheelchair (Clin)
NURS 479 - Hygiene/Infection: Bathing (Clin)
NURS 479 - Hygiene/Infection: Isolation (mask,gown,gloves) (Clin)
NURS 479 - Hygiene/Infection: Standard Precautions (Clin)
NURS 479 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Field (Clin)
NURS 479 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Gloving (Clin)
NURS 479 - Monitoring: Basic EKG Interpretation (Clin)
NURS 479 - Monitoring: Calculation of I&O (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Allergies (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Anti-embolism (TED,SCD) (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Call Light (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Environmental Assessment (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Fall Risk (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: ID Band (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Restraints (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Suicide (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Violence (Clin)
NURS 479 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Skin Breakdown (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Gastrointestinal Tube (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Inhalation Therapy (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Intramuscular (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: IV Infusion Pump (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: IV Piggy Back (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: IV Push (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Opthalmic (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Oral (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Safety/Six Rights (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Subcutaneous (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Suppository (vaginal or rectal) (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Medication Admin: Topical (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Respiratory: Incentive Spirometry (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Respiratory: Oxygen Delivery (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Respiratory: Peak Flow Meter (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: Blood (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: FSBS (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: Sputum (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Wounds: Drains (Hemovac,Jackson-Pratt,T-tube) (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: Documentation (include electronic) (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: Intra/Interprofessional (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: Nursing Process (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: SBAR (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: Shift Report (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication: Therapeutic Communication (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Communication:Shift Report (receiving report only) (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Assessment-Site,Line,Fluid (Clin)

NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Asst/Maint of NG/OG,G-tube,J-tube (Clin)

NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Central Line Assessment (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Central Line Catheter Care (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Central Venous Line Flush (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Insertion of Foley (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Fluid Administration (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Removal (Peripheral IV only) (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Peripheral IV Insertion (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Removal of NG/OG,G-tube,J-tube (Clin)
NURS 479 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes:Heparin/Saline Lock Conversion/Flush (Clin)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Pain (Clin)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Vital Signs (Clin)
NURS 471 - Body Mechanics: Ambulation With Assistive Devices (Clin)
NURS 471 - Body Mechanics: Wheelchair (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Documentation (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Intra/Interprofessional (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Nursing Process (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Therapeutic (Clin)
NURS 471 - Hygiene/Infection: Hand Washing (Clin)
NURS 471 - Hygiene/Infection: Standard Precautions (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Environmental Assessment (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: ID Band (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Restraints (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Suicide (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Violence (Clin)
NURS 470 - Assessment: Focused Assessment (Clin)
NURS 470 - Assessment: Focused Assessment-Advanced,ICU (Clin)
NURS 470 - Assessment: Pain (SILC)
NURS 470 - Assessment: Post Operative Assesssment (SILC)
NURS 470 - Assessment: Vital Signs (Clin)
NURS 470 - Body Mechanics: Positioning (Clin)
NURS 470 - Body Mechanics: Transfers (bed,stretcher,chair) (Clin)
NURS 470 - Body Mechanics: Turning Immobile Patient (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Hand Washing (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Isolation (mask,gown,gloves) (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Oral Care (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Standard Precautions (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Field (Clin)
NURS 470 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Gloving (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Drip Calculation/Regulation (SILC)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Inhalation Therapy (Oth)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Intramuscular (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: IV Infusion Pump (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: IV Piggy Back (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: IV Push (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Opthalmic (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Oral (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: PCA (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Safety/Six Rights (Clin)
NURS 470 - Medication Admin: Subcutaneous (Clin)
NURS 470 - Monitoring: Basic EKG Interpretation (Clin)
NURS 470 - Monitoring: Calculation of I&O (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Allergies (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Anti-embolism (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Environmental Assessment (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Fall Risk (Clin)

NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: ID Band (Clin)

NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Restraints (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Side Rails (Clin)
NURS 470 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Skin Breakdown (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Central Line Assessment-Site,Line,Fluid (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: Documentation (Include Electronic) (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: Intra/Interprofessional (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: Nursing Process (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: SBAR (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: Shift Report (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Communication: Therapeutic Communication (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Arterial Line (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Assessment-Site,Line,Fluid (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Central Line Catheter Care (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Central Venous Line Flush (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Chest Tubes Assessment/Maintenance (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Insertion of NG/OG,G-tube,J-tube (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Drip Calibration/Regulation (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Fluid Administration (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Peripheral IV Insertion (Oth)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: PICC Line Flush (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Ventriculostomy (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes:Heparin/Saline Lock Conversion/Flush (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Respiratory: Incentive Spirometry (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Respiratory: Oxygen Delivery (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Respiratory: Suctioning (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Respiratory: Ventilation (Ambu,Bag,Ventilator) (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: Arterial Line Blood Draw-VAMP (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: Blood (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: Catheter Urinalysis (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Specimen Collection: FSBS (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Application of Ostomy (Oth)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Central Line Dressing Change (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Drains (Hemoval,Jackson-Pratt,T-tube) (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Dressing Change,Clean,Dry (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Management of Ostomy Bag (Oth)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Packing (Clin)
NURS 470 (Continued) - Wounds: Sterile Dressing Change (Clin)
NURS 368 - Assessment: Maternal Assessment (Clin)
NURS 368 - Assessment: Newborn Assessment (Clin)
NURS 368 - Assessment: Pain (Clin)
NURS 368 - Assessment: Vital Signs (Clin)
NURS 368 - Hygiene/Infection: Foley Catheter Care (SILC)
NURS 368 - Hygiene/Infection: Hand Wasing (Clin)
NURS 368 - Hygiene/Infection: Peri Care (SILC)
NURS 368 - Hygiene/Infection: Sitz Bath (SILC)
NURS 368 - Lines & Tubes: Insertion of Foley (SILC)
NURS 368 - Lines & Tubes: Peripheral IV Insertion (SILC)
NURS 368 - Lines & Tubes: Removal of Foley Catheter (SILC)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Intramuscular (Clin)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Opthalmic (SILC)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Oral (Clin)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Safety/Six rights (Clin)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Subcutaneous (SILC)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Suppository (SILC)
NURS 368 - Medication Admin: Topical (SILC)

NURS 368 - Monitoring: Electronic Fetal Monitoring (Clin)

NURS 368 - Specimen Collection: Heel Sick (SILC)
NURS 368 - Wounds: Suture/Staple Removal (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Beginning Focused Assessment (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Focused Assessment (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Pain (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Pediatric Assessment (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Post Operative Assessment (Clin)
NURS 366 - Assessment: Vital Signs (Clin)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Bathing (Clin)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Hand Washing (Clin)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Isolation (mask,gown,gloves) (Clin)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Oral Care (SILC)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Standard Precautions (Clin)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Field (SILC)
NURS 366 - Hygiene/Infection: Sterile Gloving (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Enema Administration (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Gastrointestinal Tube (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Inhalation therapy (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Intradermal (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Intramuscular (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: IV Infusion Pump (Clin)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: IV Piggy Back (Clin)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Opthalmic (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Oral (Clin)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Otic (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Safety/Six Rights (Clin)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Subcutaneous (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Suppository (vaginal or rectal) (SILC)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Syringe Pump (Clin)
NURS 366 - Medication Admin: Topical (Clin)
NURS 366 - Monitoring: Basic EKG Interpretation (SILC)
NURS 366 - Monitoring: Calculation of I&O (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Allergies 2nd Time (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Anti-embolism (TED,SCD) (SILC)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Call Light (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Environmental Assessment (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Fall Risk (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: ID Band (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Side rails (Clin)
NURS 366 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Skin Breakdown (Clin)
NURS 366 - Specimen Collection: Catheter Urinalysis (SILC)
NURS 366 - Specimen Collection: Clean Catch (SILC)
NURS 366 - Wounds: Dressing Change,Clean,Dry (SILC)
NURS 366 - Wounds: Packing (SILC)
NURS 366 - Wounds: Sterile Dressing Change (SILC)
NURS 366 - Wounds: Transparent/Duoderm/Hydrocoloid (SILC)
NURS 366 - Wounds: Wet to Damp/Dry (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Communication: Documentation (Include Electronic) (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Communication: Intra/Interprofessional (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Communication: Shift Report (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Communication: Nursing Process (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Assessment-Site,Line,Fluid (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Asst/Maint of NG/OG,G-tube,J-tube (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Insertion of NG/OF,G-tube,J-tube (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Drip Calibration/Regulation (Clin)

NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Fluid Administration (Clin)

NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: IV Removal (Peripheral IVs Only) (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Peripheral IV insertion (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes: Removal of NG/OG,G-tube,J-tube (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Lines & Tubes:Heparin/Saline Lock Conversion/Flush (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Respiratory: Incentive Spiromentry (SILC)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Respiratory: Oxygen Delivery (Clin)
NURS 366 (Continued) - Respiratory: Pulmonary Toliet (TCDB,IS,P&PD) (SILC)

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