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Truth and Consequence

The Philippines today is not going so well. We are slowly sinking and
suffering. After that speech of Mr. Lozada, I finally knew that we were
being lied to for a while now. Because of him, all of us were awakened
and we realized that we deserve the whole truth.
Based on what I heard from Mr. Lozada, using counting machines to
count votes will be faster and there will be less human intervention. As
he explained to us, there are some consequences and controversies that
might happen during the counting.
Aside from that, he also said that collecting the votes of the students
from universities is not that successful because based on what he said,
in order for your vote to count; you must be living inside that certain
He also pointed out the unfinished plans of the government for the
Philippines. Mr. Lozada showed us a scanned picture of the list of the
plans. After explaining everything, he emphasized that if those plans
were fulfilled, the Philippines will not suffer this much. It is because of
the vulnerability of the Filipinos to money.
After that, he explained to us the 2004 ZTE controversy where our
current president Gloria Arroyo is accused of cheating on the votes. He
told us that Fernando Poe Jr., the actor, should have won.
In his presentation, he showed us a video about the delivery of the
counting machines outside metro manila. We saw how they carry it,
and bring it to the municipal.
As we watch and listen to him, we find it very tragic. It is all because of
the Filipinos. Its hard to accept but we keep on complaining. We keep
complaining but dont do anything about it. From that moment, I felt
Mr. Lozadas faith in truth. For me, he was like Dr. Rizal, waking up
the Filipinos to seek and fight for the truth we really deserve.

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