!Ilaytotellmd$Rw: Fuofficr

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fuofficr !

llaking it easier.

Sometimes it's hard for me to write the "showing" part because I can't

actually "se" it myself. When this happens, I make a list of everything I want to show before

actuallywrite out ttre sentences. Shat I do is think about the "tell" par{, clme my eyes, make a
picture of what I see, and then make a list on the "sholt'' side. I use this Ust to udte it dl up.

The Lake looked reaLLy


^ice that

water fr.oofh a,.d clear

Nirt riri^1 "p
firh i"rpi",3




$vr boet
A yo"p o d"ckr
lf waf cold

The water a?{



enoujh that we
co,[d fee ?Lnott atl fhe .^ray to the bofforn. Thi^ -irgr o( ,',itt rore
"p aL[ Ayovad vf Al ovr bozt lLided f[o.^rly ?tor.1. 0ccatior.aLLV, a firh
.^ror[d j"r? but ue'd aevor actualLy lee it. trre'd tvt,' ovt headf at

the to"nd o{ the



TLarr aad clear

j"rt in tine to tee lhe circLer o( LiltLe

wAtef e$feadincj ovtwlrd ".there the Ftfh had core do-^. CLaler to
fhore, 2 yovf o{ d"ckt c"t a v-rhape i^ the yiet ueter af they
f'^txrr ?[oa1. lt ,rlef cold b"t ihe f"n ,.tll cor.,i^1
"? ar.d I kn,^r that
in a {ew ,'.i'.tet if -o"[d ftart to 1et uatF.

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Si.t ;S..

For npre l{ormaion. or


tadrig rnaaids, ,la. co*..t

Ieaching Thd Mafs Srge,

lff . E-d


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