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Uchtdorf/ /Mormon Insights/page 1

[Title] Is the Gospel Helping You to Be Happy?

Commented [CM1]: To also consider: Does the Gospel Make

You Happy?

[Kicker] The goal of the gospel is to bring you happiness. If its not, you might be thinking the
gospel simply isnt working for you. Consider these suggestions.

[Highlights of the source article]

Every single person in the world is in search of happiness. Every single thing a person
does is to achieve greater happiness. Sometimes its for immediate gratificationlike the simple
joy of eating ice cream. Sometimes its for a larger goalperhaps earning a degree, losing

Commented [CM2]: Is there a reason to use this over

everyone. If you want to leave it, feel free, but it is an option.
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Commented [CM3]: an effort was redundant because of to
Deleted: an effort

weight, or raising righteous children. Heavenly Father designed us to crave happiness and,
because He loves us, gave us the means and direction to achieve the most satisfying form of

Commented [CM4]: Do you want to keep the paired nouns?

You could take one out and say the same thing, but I understand if
you want to keep both.

happiness, which is only attainable through keeping His commandments and applying the
In his talk, It Works Wonderfully! President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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[] addresses those of us who may

not be finding the intended joy the gospel brings and gives suggestions for what to do if its not
working for us. President Uchtdorfs suggestions are to simplify and to start where you are. He
explains 1) that often we let the extra-curriculars of church life supersede the essentials, and 2)
that we dont need to reach a threshold of righteousness before the Atonement can come into
play. If we focus on our personal journey back to our Heavenly Father, we will begin to feel the
inexplicable joy that comes from overcoming weaknesses (Ether 12:27
[]), the real love of God as we begin to
understand His desires for us, and the peace the Spirit will undoubtedly bring.
We will really begin to understand the Atonement as we personalize it and apply it
directly to our wounds. President Uchtdorf compares this kind of spiritual journey to his

Commented [CM5]: Extracurricular is technically an adjective

and cant be plural. Possible substitutes include: activities, culture
(my personal favorite)
Deleted: there is
Deleted: no
Deleted: to be achieved
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Uchtdorf/ /Mormon Insights/page 2

experience going to a doctor. He originally didnt like what the doctor told him and tried to find

Deleted: the

his own solutions to his health problems. Similarly, even though the gospel of Jesus Christlike
the doctors counselwill lead us to happiness, we may not like or believe the direction and try
to search out our own way. President Uchtdorf pleads, as does our Heavenly Father, that we give

Commented [CM6]: I think if we switched President Uchtdorf

and Heavenly Father it might become more powerful.

the gospel another chance.

Deleted: Read more (this is an optional expandable paragraph of

fewer than 100 words)

[Link to the source article] Read or watch President Uchtdorfs address to better feel
the joy the gospel brings.

Deleted: the full article

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Deleted: here:

Source: []

[Byline] , Mormon Insights
Find more insights Take a look at Elder Ballards address Stay in the Boat and Hold On
Or why would anybody want to Mormon in the first place? Find out more from President
Uchtdorf in Come Join with Us []
[Info for the Web Team]
[Tags:] Atonement, President Uchtdorf, General Conference, happiness, simplify,
expectations, Mormon, , Dieter F. Uchtdorf, gospel, happy, start
[SEO keywords:] happiness

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