Lessonplan Six

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Najat Abdulkariem
Date: 9/3/2016

Time: 10 minWhole

Grade Level:
Two. EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 4
Subject: language Art.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
1. Introduce the spelling words ( for the spelling test).
2. Read and write the spelling words.
Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)
Prepare the powerpoint slides, check the resource, and
Powerpoint (introduces the new vocabulary
review the lesson plan.
Mini boards.
Key vocabulary/ Target Language:
ActivInspire program.
cannot, pancake ,maybe, baseball, playground, someone,
myself, classroom, sunshine, outside, upon, nothing.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Ask about the date, the day of today, and take the attendance).
Start with a short story that inform the students about what we will going to talk about.
To introduce the new spelling words.

Time: 30 minSmall

Guided Experience (a group working with the teacher):

After the story. Start introducing the words through the PowerPoint slides.
PowerPoint slides.
Mini board.
Continuing to introduce the words.
Read and write the words.
Purpose achieved through:
Through the PowerPoint slides. The students will recognize the words and the definition for
each word. Each word will be supported with pictures and synonym. While introducing the
words the students will act the words, and write it in their Mini board.


Start with the powerpoint, and then ask the students to read the words.
After they read the words, they will act the words.
Then they will try to write the words without copying from the PowerPoint.
it will help both students and teacher?


Motivate them to learn because it combines fun and learning.

Activate to use the prior knowledge.


Assess the students

Check their pronunciation.

Support and scaffold students.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Activity one: guessing the words ( in pairs).



Get the students to write and spell the words.
Purpose achieved through:
In this activity the students will spell, guess, and write the word. ( engage, explain, and
The student who have the ball will choose one of the words.
He/she will try to spell the words on the air to his/her partner.
The students will guess the word and then will write it .
How it will help both students and teacher?


Engaging the students to work.

Able to assess their knowledge.


Support the students.

Take them to a higher level.
Evaluate their understanding.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Activity two: worksheet ( matching words).


5 minWhole

Get the students to read and write the spelling words.

Purpose achieved through:
In this activity the students will read and write the spelling words.
The students will read the synonym words.
Identify the spelling words.
Write and then read the words.
Guided Activity:

ActivInspire program.


Get the students to read and write the words.
Check the students work together. Evaluate their understanding through the activities.

Reflection WWW/EBI

What went well.

1. Give each student a feedback of their work (honestly).
2. Keep the students focus all the time.
3. The students liked the activities that I gave it to them.
4. A lot of practice in the spelling.
5. Facilitate the words.
Even better if.
1. I do a lot of activities with the ActivInspire program.
2. Have more spelling worksheet.
Next Steps in learning and teaching
1. Supporting students in spelling the words.
2. Focus on students with low level.

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