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MST Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Please complete 2 formal lesson observations

Student teachers name: Najat AbdulKareem
Unit/Lesson: Unit 3 Lesson 15

Grade Level: 2
Date: March

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US =

Competency Area


Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and
Understanding of Content)


Implementing and Managing Learning (including

behaviour management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation


Critical Reflection

Strengths of the lesson:

Tended to the students at a personal level
Had a variety of tasks for different groups
Implemented centre-based learning
The teacher was adequately prepared for the lesson. She had very
good knowledge of the topics to be taught

Areas for development:

She has already worked on the area that was commented on in the previous


MST Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Please complete 2 formal lesson observations
Student teachers name: Najat
Level: 2
Vocabulary Practice
March 1, 2016


E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US =


Competency Area


Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and
Understanding of Content)


Implementing and Managing Learning (including

behaviour management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation
Critical Reflection


Strengths of the lesson:

Demonstrates excellenent knowledge of the material
Very organized and adequately prepared
Has the ability to grasp students attention
Used a variety of interesting tools and technqiues to capture the
attention of the students

Areas for development:

Time management
Whole Group Activitues should take lesser amount of time



To be assessed as excellent the student teacher will demonstrate a high
standard of achievement in all competency areas. An excellent student
teacher should differ from the other student teachers by an increased
ability to demonstrate initiative and independence.





To be assessed as good, the student teacher will demonstrate a high

standard of achievement in most competency areas and proficiency in

To be assessed as satisfactory, the student teacher will demonstrate

proficiency in most competencies and meet the minimum requirements
of all.
To be assessed as marginal, the student teacher will meet the
requirements in some competencies, but may need further development
in others. The student teacher must show progress in the areas of lesser

To be assessed as unsatisfactory, the student teacher will not meet the
requirements in the majority of competencies.

MST FINAL ASSESSMENT REPORT B. Ed. Year 2, Semester 3 2a

Name of student: Najat Abdul Karim

Course: Teaching

Year: 2

Practice 2a
Name of preschool / school: American School of Creative Science (Maliha
Mentoring School Teacher: Hafsa Elmi
Absence dates / reasons: Wednesday, 16 March 2016 (Dentists
General Context: Year level with which the student teacher worked, special
characteristics, nature and size of groups, and a brief description of what
the student teacher did (e.g. specific responsibilities, content areas
covered; whole clas/group work)
Grade 2, heterogenous groups with students. Some students were ELL
students who just started learning English whilst others were students that
spoke and read at a 4th grade level. When she didnt have instructional
lessons she tended to the groups, helped prepare materials for the lesson
and in using the teaching tools that were used as well.
Observed Strengths:

She is a very hardworking and dedicated individual. She seizes the

opportunity to ascend the ladder of knowledge and inquiry. Shes
inquisitive, selfless and hardworking. She is very work oriented. She
puts the needs of the students first.Shes constantly thinking of ways
in which she could make the lesson fun and interactive. When the
studenst think of her they associate her with a funbased learning that
theyll always remember.
Areas for Development:
--General Comments:

Not only has she influenced the students but even the teacher that
served her mentor. At times I didnt even know what else I could do to
add at up to her plethora of ideas. She showed great dedication since
day 1. She seized every opportunity to teach. During the past month
she has taken over almost 3 lessons per week. She helped a lot during
group work and in helping students on an individual basis.
She knew the student needs and limitations and found ways to work
through that. She never skipped a lesson or a day out of
inconvenience or boredom.
MST Holistic Grade:
Mentoring School Teacher
Student Teacher*

Date .
*After the report has been

read and discussed please sign.

Please read through the following competencies and grade your mentee
at the end of the placement using the following grades
E= Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, ,M=Marginal, US=Unsatisfactory.
Please grade them according to their performance at the end of the
placement. It is only necessary to give one grade for each section.
Please do not grade each sub-category.
Begin to take on the role of a teacher for an entire teaching session
Taking initiative to extend teaching and learning opportunities in the classroom
Attend professional development training and meetings as available

Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and Understanding of Content)

Use a lesson-planning template to design and plan in consultation with the MST, a minimum of th
or individual complete teaching sessions with an entire class

Design and plan lessons that promote clear behavioural expectations and which establish effect
between distinct phases appropriate to the subject and the specific context e.g. PPP; 5Es to pla

Continue to create and/or use criteria to plan and prepare quality lessons. These should addition
applied to the development of actions that:
consider the varying needs of individuals and small groups of students.
enable the creation of an effective learning environment

Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour management, language and delivery

1. Use a variety of effective teaching/ learning techniques throughout an enti

2. Use instructions and demonstrations/ modeling to introduce classroom task

increasing accuracy
3. Apply established rules and effectively communicate expectations

4. Anticipate and consequently implement strategies to address problem beh

5. Employ appropriate strategies to maintain active student participation
6. Maintain a positive atmosphere that motivates students to learn
7. Implement effective time management strategies

8. Use appropriate body language, eye contact and gestures to maintain an e

classroom presence

Use available resources efficiently to facilitate student learning, including s


Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation

Observe, discuss and assess learners' learning and document evidence of learning.

Provide feedback to learners and document evidence of their active participation in the learning
Be aware of and respond to learners' needs during lessons.

Monitor individual learners' progress and work collaboratively with the learner, mentor and, whe
with parents, to set targets for future learning.
Assess learners' development in accordance with the policy of the practicum setting.
Critical Reflection
Seek and accept professional feedback and respond constructively.
Suggest explanations for their own classroom-based decisions
Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory to practice
Consider how specific aspects of a lesson could be improved
Identify and apply strategies which will support professional development in specified areas

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