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I have always been an average student in my class. This hurt my feelings and then I resolved that I
shall study very hard and become a rank holder. I wanted to be placed among the first three at the
end of each examination.
Since, I have a strong will power so I worked hard all day long. I paid great attention to all that the
teachers taught in the class and also spent a lot of fruitful time in studying in the library. At home too
I would sit down at my study table for hours before going to play with my friends.
I was confident of my position in the examinations. I managed to score high marks and to my delight
the class teacher announced my grade in the class. While she went on reading out each student's
marks I sat with bated breath. I waited expectantly for my name and she saw my anxiety. She put an
end to my impatience and informed us that I had topped in my class with the highest marks in all the
subjects. That day was indeed the beginning of a change in my life.
A gold medal was awarded to me at the school annual day for my performance. In fact I got two
medals-one for securing the highest marks and the other for a very commendable effort considering
the fact that I have always been an average student. As a walked up to the dais where the chief guest
at the annual day was handing over the prizes and medals my heart swelled with pride. I glanced at
my parents who were sitting among the audience and it filled me with warmth see them smiling with
delight at my achievement.
That memorable day has remained in my memory ever since that day and I now realize that one can
achieve almost anything if he has the will and determination.
Although this incident occurred a year ago, I have not forgotten it and it shall continue to give me
strength wherever I strive to achieve some feat that I otherwise may consider impossible.

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