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Self Learning Professional Video Course

By Sothida Mannan, Jyotishya Mahamahopadhayaya

Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)

Learn to read Karma, Karmic burdens and curses in horoscopes and change them by giving correct gems
Apply Grahabalabal method of gem prescription revealed from 219 year old astrology family of Dr. Dutta
Give correct gems and gem combinations in horoscopes with full confidence to change fate and events
Learn to give gems for Rahu-Ketu after knowing special rules of gem prescription for any horoscope
Learn to recognize astrological-grade gemstones, gem quality, defects and faults through videos
Give professional guidance to everyone on Ratna Shodhan, Jagaran and Dharan before wearing gemstones
30 professional real-life cases studies teaching you how to give gem remedies and gem solutions
20 Chapters and 6 HD quality DVDs disclosing the trade-secrets of gem prescription principles

Premium Knowledge Study Book of 189 pages with 10 hours of Video Tutoring
Complete Video Course Price Rs. 12999/- only

Call: +91 977 7285 175

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