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9 MATHEMATICS Probability and Statistics


Student Name:


E (0-29%)

D (30-49%)

C (50-64%)

Understanding &
(8 marks)

Mark given:

The student has not

grasped the
foundational concepts
of probability and

The student
demonstrates a
understanding of
probability and
statistics concepts.
The student completes
calculations with
many mathematical
errors and is lacking
clarity and structure
in their working out.

Effective Use of ICT

(8 marks)

Mark given:

The student has failed

to engage with ICT
during the four
lessons and has not
completed or
uploaded any of the
four data displays.

The student has a

basic understanding
of probability and
statistics concepts,
however is not able to
demonstrate their
understanding in their
calculations. The
student completes
calculations with
mathematical and
structural errors.
The student has used
ICT to complete the
lessons, however has
failed to engage with it
further. The student
has constructed and
uploaded at least one
of the four data
displays in an
acceptable manner.
However, there are
major errors in ICT
use such as lack of
labelling, missing
features or incorrect

B (65-74%)

The student
demonstrates a good
understanding of
probability and
statistics concepts.
The student completes
calculations with a
few mathematical
errors however is still
able to demonstrate
coherent and
systematic working
The student has used The student has
ICT to a sufficient
demonstrated a sound
standard and has
level of knowledge of
constructed and
probability and
uploaded at least two statistics through an
of the four data
effective use of ICT
displays in an
with some minor
acceptable manner.
errors. The student
However, there are
has constructed three
some major errors in
of the four data
ICT use such as lack of displays to a high
labelling, missing
standard (tree
features or incorrect
diagram, histogram,
box-plot, two-way

A (75-100%)
The student
demonstrates an
exceptional and in-
depth understanding
of probability and
statistics concepts.
The student completes
all calculations with
minimal mathematical
error supported by
clear, coherent and
systematic working
The student has
demonstrated a high
level of knowledge of
probability and
statistics through an
effective use of ICT
with minimal error.
The student has
constructed and
uploaded at least
three of the four data
displays to an
exceptional standard
(tree diagram,
histogram, box-plot,
two-way table).

Participation &
(6 marks)

Mark given:

Completion of
Homework Tasks
(8 marks)

Mark given:

Overall Grade
(30 marks)
Comments &

The student has

minimal interest in
participating in
individual and group
tasks. The student has
not fulfilled the roles
assigned to them.

The student
completed little to
none of the assigned
homework tasks.

The student has

demonstrated a
limited involvement in
class work, in both an
individual and group
environment. The
student has had little
interest in their
assigned roles
however has fulfilled
their responsibilities
in at least two of the
The student made an
effort to complete the
homework tasks
however did not
complete all of them
OR made major errors
in various aspects
such as calculations or


The student has made

an effort to involve
themselves in class
work, in both an
individual and group
however has only
fulfilled their
responsibilities in at
least two of the lesson.

The student has

participated in class
work in both an
individual and group
environment with
considerable effort.
The student has
fulfilled their assigned
roles to in a majority
of the four lessons.

The student
completed all of the
homework tasks
however made major
errors in various
aspects such as
calculations or

The student
completed all of the
homework tasks to a
high standard, with
few errors.

The student has

actively participated
in class work in both
an individual and
group environment.
The student has
fulfilled their assigned
roles to an exceptional
standard in each of
the four lessons and
has actively engaged
with the concepts
through questions.
The student
completed all of the
homework tasks to an
exceptional standard,
with few or none
unintentional errors.

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