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Scheme of Work

6.SP Dates: 11th January 12th Febuary

7.Topic(s): Introduction to commercial banks ,

1.School Placement Year: 2

2.Subject: Business Studies

Making Payments
8.No. of Students: 20
9.No. of Lessons: 8

3.Year/Class Group: 1st years

4.No. of Weeks: 4
5.Length of Lessons: 1 hour 10 min
10. Students Prior knowledge and Ability:

From the chapters that students have covered with their teacher they will have knowledge of money as
they will have covered that in the previous chapter. From their home life students may have knowledge of
banks as some of them may have bank accounts or may have acquired some knowledge from their
parents. I also anticipate that students will have a basic knowledge of a cheque and understand that it is
used to pay for things but will not know of the in depth knowledge of it.

11. Description of Lessons

Give a brief outline/description of each lesson in the scheme of work, outlining the Key Concept(s), the
learning outcomes, teaching methodologies and assessment methods for every lesson in the scheme of

Lesson 1

Key Concept(s)
Into to commercial banks


Learning Outcome(s)
Students should have a brief
knowledge of commercial

Types of bank accounts

Students should be able to

list the different types of
bank accounts

Current accounts

Students should be able to

describe and list advantages
of a current account and
complete an application form

Key Concept(s)

Learning Outcome(s)



Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lodging and withdrawing

money to and from a
current/ savings account.

Students should be able to

explain lodgements and
withdrawals and complete
relevant slips.

ATM Cards

Students should be able to

state what an ATM card is
and its many uses

Using an ATM

Students should be able to

describe the various stages
of using an ATM

24- Hour Banking

Students should be able to

give a brief explanation of 24
hour banking and the
services it offers

Night Safe

Students should be able to

explain what a night safe is
and the procedure for using

Key Concept(s)

Learning Outcome(s)

A Cheque

Students should be able to

define what a cheque is.

Parties to a Cheque

Students should be able to

list the parties to a cheque

Explanation of Cheque
and Counterfoil

Students should be able to

explain the parts to a cheque
and the counterfoil

Endorsing a Cheque

Students should be able to

explain what it means to
endorse a cheque
Learning Outcome(s)


Chapter 9

Lesson 4

Key Concept(s)
Crossing a cheque

Students should be able to

explain what crossing a
cheque means

Types of cheques

Students should be able to

explain the three types of

Debit card and


Students should be able to

define debit card and list
some advantages


Lesson 5


Students should be able to

explain the letters ATM and
list some advantages

Key Concept(s)

Learning Outcome(s)

Credit Card

Students should be able to

explain the term credit card

Smart Card

Students should be able to

describe what a smart card

Direct Debit
Students should be able to
explain the term direct debit
and what it is used for
Standing Order
Students should be able to
explain the term standing
order and how it differs from
a direct debit
Lesson 6

Credit Transfer

Students should be able to

define the term credit
transfer and what it is used

Bank Draft
Students should be able to
explain what a bank draft is
and why one would use one.
Students should be able to
explain what paypath is and
list advantages of its use to
the different parties
Foreign Exchange
Students should be able to
give a brief explanation of
foreign exchange
Travellers Cheque
Students should be able to
explain what a travellers
cheque is.


Lesson 7

Revision class
Recap on chapter 8 in
first class
Recap on chapter 9 in
second class

Lesson 8

Class test of chapter 8

and 9

Students should be able to

explain all terms studied in
chapt 8

Students should e able to

explain all terms covered in
chapter 9

Students should be able to
answer all questions on the
test which will cover chapter
8 and 9 which they have just

12. Resources:
The main resource used for the class will be Eurobusiness, third edition (Taylor, J. (2011). Eurobusiness.
Dublin: Folens.) Computer, PowerPoint, whiteboard, whiteboard markers, worksheets, copybooks, traffic

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