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My personal advice, configure the simulation and reset it. Then do only the necessary stepS.


PVS Simulation - XD Creation Wizard (3 machines, assign to a OU and to a specific

Machine Catalog)


PVS Simulation - Streamed Creation Wizard ( Create 4 machines, assign to a specific

device collection)


PVS Simulation - Vdisk management (First merge updates and then assign to a specific
machines), Use "Merged Updates - All updates from last base" and set merge version to
"Production". Don| forget delete previous versions, unless base. Check that all VMs on
Device Collection has Production.


StoreFront Sim - Add a specific DC to a store and use that DC as STA using 8080 port
Also dont forget specfied 8080 pofi on STA URL
(, also set "Enable Remote Access"
selecting "No VPN Tunnel"


StoreFront Sim - There are 2 domains CCH and Xirtic. First add an additional DC
(l used the existing store and add Xirtic Controller) to a Store and manage authentication
methods (User Name and Password and Pass-through from Netscaler Gateway). Add
Xirtic domain to "Configure Trusted Domains.
Also you have to change "Display Name" using Xirtic.


Citrix Studio Sim - Update machine catalog template vDisk + update Delivery Group, Also

you have to publish Firefox using "Create Application'.


Update the Windows2012 Servers machine catalog


Finance vDisk, Merge all updates to the vDisk. Ensure members of the Finance user
group have access to Microsoft Offce 2013 as stated in the scenario. Complete the tasks
that are necessary to meet the requirements outlined in the scenario.


StoreFront server 8080 port


Provisioning Services Console. Almost all choice questions and 6 sims are came from
lead2pass 171q dumps.


Create three target devices.


Configure StoreFront to integrate Xirtic's environment into the CCH environment.

Configure user access to meet the requirements outlined in the scenario.


StoreFront Add DC as STA - Simulation

(a) Modify the store named Apps and Desktops to provide users with access to
desktop OS machines and server OS hosted applications using hostnames
only. Do NOT assume the FQDN.
* Stores - Apps and Desktops - Manage Delivery Controllers - Edit Delivery
Controllers: Add - Contollerl, XenDesktop, Add - Controllerl
Authentication - Add/Remove Methods - Pass-through NetScaler Gateway
* Stores - Apps and Desktops - Enable Remote Access: No VPN Tunnel, Add
NetScaler Gateway, set Default Appliance?

(b) Ensure communication with the Delivery Controllers take place over port

* Stores - Apps and Desktops - Manage Delivery Controllers - Edit Delivery

Controllers: HTTPS and 8080
* Server Group - Change Base URL: Renarne to HTTPS and add 8080 after

(c) Set up Controller-1

as the Secure Ticket Authority

* Netscaler Gateway - Change Store? - Secure Ticket Authority

HTTPS ://Controller-1 :8080


Add a specific DC to a store and use that DC as STA using 8080 port
Also don't forget specified 8080 port on STA URL:
( :8080/..../ctxsta.dll)
als set "Enable Remote Access" selecting "No VPN Tunnel".
Citrix Studio - Update server OS and distribute application - Simulation

(a) Update the Windows2Al2 Servers machine catalog to meet the requirements
outlined in the scenario.

" Machine Groups - Update Machines - Next - Select Snapshot or VM Rollout Strategy

* Delivery Group - Windows 2012 Hosted Desktops and Applications - Add

Applications - Next - Checkbox Mozilla Firefox - Next - Finish


StoreFront Add XenDesktop infrastructure to existing Store - Simulation

(a) Confrgure StoreFront to integrate XirtiCs environment into the CCH


* Stores (in CCH) - Choose Existing Store - Manage Delivery Controllers Add - Display Name: Xirtic, Add Server Name: XRT01, Transport Type: HTTP,

(b) Configure user access to meet the requirements outlined in the scenario.
* Authentication - Add/Remove Authentication Methods - User Name and
Password, Domain Pass-through
* Authentication - Configure Trusted Domains - Trusted domains only - Add
domain, Default Domain: ??


Provisioning Services Console - Windows

Computer for HR


Create a device collection names HR

* Device Collections: Right Click - Create Deyice Collection - Name: HR

(b) Create four target devices named Win801, WinB02, Win803, and Win804, and
add the target devices to the HR device collection

CCHSite: Right Click - Streamed VM Setup Wizard - Citrix XenServer Hypervisor:, Username: root, Password: Passwordl - Select VM
Template:Windows 8? - Shared vDisk: CCH_Win8, Select Device Collection:
HR - Number of VMs: 4 - Create new AD Computer Accounts - OU: HR,
Account Naming Scheme: WinS##

(c) Ensure the target devices are configured to meet the requrements outlined


the scenario
(d) . User Groups - Confirm HR User Group are assigned the vDisk


Provisioning Services Console - Merge vDisk

(a) Merge all updates to the vDisk

* vDisk Update Management - vDisk: Right Click - Versions - Merge

Merge Updates, Merge Version Access: Production

* Delete Previous Versions except Base.

(b) Ensure members of the Finance user group have access to Microsoft Office
2013 as stated in the scenario
* Device Collection - Check allVMs are Production Type


Complete the tasks that are necessary to meet the requirements outlines in

the scenario.
* User Groups - Confirm Finance User Group are assigned the vDisk

Provisioning Services Console

App Servers Server 2012

(a) Create three target devices named AppServerO4, AppServer05, and

AppServer06, respectively.

. CCHSite: Right Click - XenDesKop Setup Wizard - Controller


Controller-1 - vDisk: ServerOS2012 - Use an existing catalog: Server 2012

- Number of virtual machines to create: 3 - Active Directory: Create
Accounts - OU: Server OS Machines, Accounting naming scheme:


(b) Ensure the target devices are configured according to the requirements
outlined in the scenario.

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