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Location recce


Mentmore Forest

Possible problems-

Risk assessment-

The weather could cause problems with

shooting so may not be able to film it some

Cast and crew may fall over because there

are a lot of tree stumps and uneven floors
so we will have to make sure we look where
we walk.

People will be walking their dogs and this

could affect shooting.
Need to make sure no one steals the
camera as we are filming in a public place
with strangers around.
Natural noises from birds and people as
well as planes which I cant do anything

As said before, the equipment may be

stolen so we need to make sure that we are
careful and dont leave the equipment

The house-

Possible problems-

Risk assessment-

The noise coming from the busy road

Need to be careful with the cars and
next to the house will affect us filming
whilst I am filming I will have to look
because we cant hear the cast very well. where I am going.
As well as the noise, there will be a few
cars coming up and down Moore
Crescent so I will have to be careful
The weather will affect filming and
lighting because we cant film the scenes
outside when its really rainy or gloomy.
People may pass by the house whilst
filming which will affect the filming.

There could be tripping hazards on the

path/driveway so the cast and myself
will have to watch where we are going.

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