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Bowling Park Primarys

New Cross Street,

West Bowling, Bradford, BD5 8BT

01274 770270


Usher Street,
East Bowling, Bradford, BD4 7DS

01274 723255

Date: 15th April 2016

For more information check out our blog - http://


A huge thank you to everyone who
donated to my Candle Lighters
campaign in memory of Hafsah. We
raised a grand total of 4,805.19!
With Gift Aid, this brings the final
amount to above 5,300. This will make
such a huge difference to the charity,
and to the families they support.
Your kind donations motivated me to
run the Paris Marathon in under 4hrs
(3hrs 54mins 47secs to be precise!). It
was hard-work and very warm, but I
was really pleased with my time.
Crossing the finish line felt like a big
achievement and I was over-whelmed
to see Hafsahs lovely family cheering
me on all the way to the end.


We are very excited to announce that
we will shortly be installing a brand
new climbing structure on our field at
NCS. The structure, which is being
funded by the Big Lottery Fund and
Awards for All, will be a great resource
that children throughout school can
Our Yr5 children had a fabulous time in
Whitby this week! They visited the Abbey,
ate fish and chips on the beach, hunted for
crabs and even paddled in the sea (despite
the chilly weather!). One of the highlights
of the trip was their boat ride out to sea!

Children will have access to the

climbing structure during playtimes and
other lessons. All children will be
supervised by a member of staff and
there is safety matting fitted
We are certain that it will be a fun, safe
and interesting way to keep fit;
increasing balance, strength and
problem solving. We cant wait for it to
be completed!

It was a wonderful way to remember

Hafsah, as a girl who never gave up
and who always went the extra mile.
We also raised money for Candle
Lighters on the last day of term.
Children came to school in their sports
gear, and everyone ran on the spot for
5minutes. Thank you for your

Have a lovely weekend. Get your

umbrellas at the readythe forecast is
Stuart Herrington,
A date for your diarywe will be
closed for a bank holiday on Monday
2nd May.
School will re-open on Tuesday 3rd May.


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