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Eboni Porter

English 4
Pros and Cons

Topic: Being a business owner

1. I could make much more money than working for someone else.
2. Im my own boss, and I make all the decisions crucial to my own success.
3. Hire other people to help I would be providing jobs to local people in the community
4. No one can fire me.
5. Put my own ideas into practice, and see what works and what doesnt.
6. Control every aspect of the business.
7. Learn about every aspect of a business and gain knowledge in a variety of disciplines.
8. Work directly with my customers (dancers.)
9. Take personal satisfaction of creating and running a successful business on my own.
10. Work in a field or area that I really enjoy.

1. I may have to take a large financial risk.
2. Much time could be eaten by the details of running a business, not those things you enjoy.
3. My income may not be steady and there may be times when very little is coming in at

I may have to undertake unpleasant tasks, like firing someone or refusing to hire a friend.

5. I may need to learn new disciplines, like filing and bookkeeping, inventory control,
production planning, advertising and promotion, market research and general

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